
Chance Encounter

"What is this crap you are listening to?" I asked the following morning in the passenger seat of Tyler's car. I was watching him as he bops his head to a rap song, while concentrating on the road. I don't get it. What was so amazing about this song? I couldn't even hear what the singer was singing about.

Boy, his taste in music is weird!

Without turning his eyes from the road, he responded. "You don't know what you are talking about. This is a great song."

"Well, my ears are bleeding." I couldn't take it anymore, I lean towards the radio and turn the knob, hoping to find a radio station with a decent song. Suddenly, One Direction's 'Live While We're Young' blast from the radio. "Now, this is more like it." I said, resting my head on the headrest behind me.

"Seriously? One Direction?" He queried, lifting his eyebrows at me for a second, before looking back to the road.

I turn to look at him. "Yeah. They're pretty amazing. You don't have good taste." He shook his head, so I added, insistently. "They are so much better than the crap you were listening to!"

He laughed. "Uh huh." I stuck my tongue out at him. He laughed again and added. "Real mature."

I ignored his comment and began to sing the lyrics of the song. Surprisingly, he didn't change back the station and we continued our journey to school in comfortable silence. I smiled with satisfaction as I sang the words of the song all the way to school.


A few minutes later, we pulled into the school's parking lot. As soon as I stepped from the car, I saw Seth's car pulled into the lot beside Tyler's. He got out from his car and walked over to where we stood; his eyebrows raised in surprise.

"Were you just listening to One Direction?" He asked Tyler as he greeted him, doing the guy's handshake. "I thought you didn't like them?"

Before Tyler could answer, I spoke up. "I changed the station because he has no taste in music."

Seth turns to face me, his eyebrows lifting in surprise. He then look back to Tyler. "You allowed her to touch your radio?" His voice was filled with surprise. "You never let anyone touch your radio."

Tyler shrugged his shoulders. "She was adamant. I knew if I changed it, she was going to change it back anyway." Seth continued to look at Tyler and I looked at Seth, wondering what he was on about. "What's the big deal, man?" Tyler added, as Seth's staring became intense.

Seth's surprised look turn into a smirk. "It's no big deal. No big deal at all."

I was just about to say something, when I heard Victoria calling my name from the school's entrance. I turned around and she waved. I waved back and turned around to the boys in front of me. "You guys can carry on being weird, I've gotta go." Without waiting for a response, I turned away and head in Victoria's direction.


I was in second period, history class, getting my books ready for class, when someone sat beside me. I turned to see who it was and I felt my blood boiling with anger. I gave Logan a dirty eye. "What are you doing beside me?" I asked with hostility. "This is called stalking and it's becoming really annoying." My face became red with my anger. Why don't he just leave me alone? Why did we have to share the same class anyway?

"We used to sit together." He declared as if the past three months didn't happen.

"That was before you played me like a puppet on a string." I said as I gathered my books and bag to get up and change seats. I didn't want to sit beside him. Every time I looked at him, I'm reminded of what a fool I was.

However, as I rise from my seat, my eyes scan the classroom at the same time. To my dismay, I saw that all the other seats were already taken. Every student was in class. The only person left to enter the classroom was Mrs. Robothom. I sat back down with a huff.

Why was the universe working against me? Why was every seat in the classroom filled aside from the one beside me? Oh God, please let this class be over and done with.

Don't worry, Emily, you can do this. All you have to do is ignore him for the entire class.

It won't be easy with him nagging me every few minutes.

True, but you are strong. Just don't let him get to you.

"I need to talk to you." Logan said, taking me from my thoughts. Or should I say, the conversation with myself.

I shook my head, adamantly. "I don't think so."

"Please. Just fifteen minutes of your time. It won't take long. Meet me on the field after school." He begged. "After you hear me out, I won't bother you again."

That sounded grand. But if you knew Logan like I did, you would know that he could never promise to leave me alone. He was as annoying as a fly at a meat shop.

I didn't say anything, so he continued, "You're the one that's always saying that everyone should get a chance to explain themselves. Just please hear me out for fifteen minutes."

I thought about it for a few seconds. I mean, there was no way I was planning on forgiving him, but I could at least hear what he has to say. Right? One thing is for sure, I didn't feel hurt anymore by what he did. All I feel now is anger.

Making a decision, I turned around to face him again. "Fine. All I'm going to do is listen. Nothing more."

At least if I listen to what he has to say, I can tell him for the final time that there is no way in hell we are getting back together and hopefully, he can finally leave me alone.

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