
Locked Out

Tyler and I walked on in comfortable silence. I was ahead of him walking with my head down and he was a few steps behind me. We had about five minutes before we reached to our houses.

Walking in silence, I couldn't help my mind from wandering. Currently, I was trying to figure out Logan. Today in science class, he slipped me a piece of paper. On it, he was once again asking for another chance, complemented with a sad face. I had tossed it in the bin on my way out of the class without giving him a second glance.

However, since I've received the note, I've been trying to figure him out. He was seeing Trisha behind my back for three months. If he cared about me at all, he would have ended it sometime between those months. So why was he so intent on getting me back now?

Logan was not an easy person to understand. He has never let me in much or spoke about his feelings. I really wanted to know why he cheated on me in the first place. Did I do something wrong? Was I a bad girlfriend?

I was brought from my thoughts by Tyler's voice. "What are you thinking about so intently?" He asked. He was now walking beside me. I was so deep in thought, that I didn't notice that he was walking beside me again.

"I was thinking about Logan." I answered honestly.

"Why are you thinking about him?" He question, pulling his brows in confusion.

"I was just wondering what I had done to make him do what he did." I confided.

"Ohh," he was quiet for a while and then he asked. "What did he do anyways?"

I looked down and kicked a small pebble that was in my path. "He was cheating on me for three months. I walked in on him and some girl making out at school." I shook my head.

"Woah, he cheated on you? Given the fact that he wants you back so bad, I thought he had done something small." He reasoned. I just nodded my head and he added. "I guess you are doing the right thing then."

"Yeah," is all I said. I looked up and saw that my house was a few feet away. I was so distracted by our conversation that I didn't realize we had reach home. Tyler did not say anything more and I was glad for that, because I really didn't want to talk about Logan anymore. We continued the few distance that was left in silence.


I bid goodbye to Tyler and walked over to my house, while he continued the journey over to his.

While I walked to the door, I began to dig my hand in my back pack for my keys. When I finally reached the door, I was still searching through my bag.

Where the hell is my keys?

I searched every compartment and still didn't find it. I let out a frustrated sigh as I came to the conclusion that I had left it this morning. What was I going to do? My dad was still at work and Sarah was still at work and I had no idea when they were coming home. In desperation, I begin to search my bag again to make sure. Without any luck, I leaned my head on the door and closed my eyes.

"Having some trouble over there, Princess?" I heard Tyler ask from next door. I open my eyes and look over at him, leaning on his front door. His arms were crossed and he had a teasing smile on his lips.

"If you are making fun of me, Tyler, I just want you to know that it's not funny." I shot at him. He just started laughing. He had the nerve. "You know, I'm glad you find this funny."

Still chuckling, he uncrossed his arms and leaned from the door. "You can come and stay over here." He suggested.

I gave him a 'are you serious?' look, but I doubt he saw it from where he stood. "Why would I do that?" I asked.

"Because, it's better than sitting in front of your house all evening." He replied.

I looked over at him and I knew he was right. A knowing smirk appeared on his face as he saw my expression. He knew that he won and he was enjoying it. Damn him!

Sighing heavily, I took up my bag from off the porch where I had put it. "Fine." I said, as I began to walk to his house.

When I got to his house, he was still smiling in all his annoying glory. "I know you couldn't resist me." He said.

I glared at him. "Would you shut up and open the damn door?" I commanded.

He held up his hands in surrender, before turning around and opening the door. When we entered, he head upstairs to his room and I followed. When we entered his room, Tyler's phone made a sound, indicating he got a message and he retrieved it from his pocket.

While Tyler was texting on his phone, I rest my bag on the floor by the door and walk over to his window. I noticed that a tree was close by his window and there was a sturdy limb that stretched towards mine. It wasn't exactly close or directly in front of it, but it was close enough.

My mind started to race as crazy thoughts entered. Maybe if I climb onto the tree and crawl onto the limb, I could stretch my way into my room. My window was unlock, so I could ease up the window and slip through.

Without turning around to face Tyler, I asked. "Do you think I could climb onto this tree and make my way over to my room?"

"Not if you want to break your neck." He responded.

"I wouldn't fall," I argued, indicating the distance and the tree with my hands. "It's pretty simple. I would just climb unto that limb and..." I trail off as I realize that it would be impossible. It was a very dangerous task.

I sighed heavily and turned around to look at Tyler. His attention was on me and he watched me with an amused expression. His hands was prop behind his head and he look so comfortable and carefree lying there. His hair was tousled and spiked up in every direction from running his hands through it. I have to admit, even with his hair like that, he still manage to look hot.

My eyes trailed down and I noticed that he had removed his shirt. I couldn't take my eyes from his shirtless body and that disturbed me a lot. Trying to force my eyes away, I noticed a small tattoo on his chest. I've never seen him shirtless and up close before, so I didn't know he had a tattoo.

I was pulled from my thoughts by the sound of Tyler's voice. "I know I'm hot and have a gorgeous body, but you will have to stop looking at me at some point." He teased.

I felt a blush creeping up my cheeks at his words. "Get over yourself, Tyler." I said, playing it off. "I was only looking at your tattoo." At least it was not far from the truth.

He smirked knowingly at me. "I'm sure you were."

Ignoring his comment, I walked towards him to get a closer look at his tattoo. I don't know why, but I was intrigued. When I was near him, I saw that the tattoo was a symbol. I've never seen a symbol like that before and I was curious. "What does it mean?" I asked.

He looked at the tattoo and then looked back at me. "It means strength." He then smile mischievously. "You can touch it if you want. You know you want to."

I rolled my eyes and snorted. "I'm not touching your-" The rest of my words were cut off as Tyler grabbed my hands and pulled me towards him. Taken off guard, I lost my balance and fell on top of him. "Tyler!" I screamed, shock by what he had done. He wrapped his arms around me, pinning me down so I couldn't move. "Tyler, let me go this instant!"

Tyler's chest rumbled as he laughed. I was very aware that I was lying on his naked chest. Tyler's eyes twinkle with laughter. He was clearly enjoying himself. "Tyler, if you don't-" My warning was cut short as I heard the handle to Tyler's room door turning.

I snapped my head around in surprise, my eyes widening in shock. Oh God, this was going to be embarrassing! There was nothing I could do, but wait for whoever it was to enter the room.

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