
Kinktober: Star Trek Lower Decks Femslash One-Shots

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Every day of October kinky one-shots for Star Trek: Lower Decks Femslash

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Chapter 1Day 1: Voyeurism/Sex Pollen (Mariner/T’lyn)

Day 1: Voyeurism/Sex Pollen (Mariner/T'lyn)

Beckett Mariner could feel the thick, humid air of the alien planet clinging to her skin as she and T'Lyn made their way through the dense jungle. Sweat dripped down her neck, and her uniform clung uncomfortably to her body, but the mission required them to continue. The sun was setting in the distance, casting an eerie orange glow through the towering trees and over the strange, bioluminescent flora. Everything about this place felt off, but Mariner had learned long ago that strange planets always came with unexpected surprises.

"Ugh," Mariner groaned, wiping the sweat from her brow. "This planet is the worst. Why did Starfleet think it was a good idea to send us here to collect samples? We've got drones for this kind of thing."

T'Lyn, ever composed despite the rising temperature, walked with precise, efficient movements, her Vulcan discipline keeping her posture rigid. "Starfleet has determined that the local flora holds medicinal properties that cannot be accurately studied without direct observation," she said in her usual monotone voice, not a bead of sweat on her. "Our task is to ensure the samples are collected and returned for analysis."

"Yeah, yeah, I know," Mariner muttered. "But seriously, it's like this place is alive or something. I feel like we're being watched."

As if in response to her words, the dense foliage around them rustled, revealing the faint glimmer of curious eyes peeking through the underbrush. Mariner squinted, catching glimpses of small, delicate creatures—alien natives, their round, glowing eyes fixated on the two Starfleet officers with unblinking intensity. She shuddered slightly.

"Great. Now we've got an audience," she muttered.

T'Lyn, however, seemed unbothered. "The native species appears to be non-hostile. They may simply be observing us out of curiosity. Continue with the mission."

"Yeah, okay, T'Lyn, but if they start clapping or something, I'm out of here." Mariner chuckled, but as they moved deeper into the jungle, she couldn't shake the strange sensation creeping over her—her skin felt warm, too warm, and not just from the climate. There was something more, something... primal.

T'Lyn paused, her gaze falling on a peculiar flower nestled between two large tree roots. It was massive, its petals radiating a strange, ethereal glow. "This plant matches the description provided by Starfleet," she said, kneeling to examine it closely. "It is likely the source of the pheromones that were detected in the atmosphere."

Mariner, still feeling an unfamiliar heat creeping up her neck, eyed the plant warily. "Pheromones, huh? That explains the weird vibes I've been getting."

T'Lyn didn't respond immediately, her fingers brushing against the petals of the flower. Suddenly, the plant released a fine, shimmering mist into the air, the particles swirling around them like dust caught in a breeze.

Mariner coughed, waving her hand in front of her face. "What the hell—?"

Before she could finish her sentence, the strange heat she'd been feeling intensified. Her heart started to race, and a tingling sensation spread across her skin, making her acutely aware of T'Lyn's presence next to her. She glanced over at the Vulcan, who was still crouched next to the flower, her normally impassive face now showing the faintest trace of tension.

"T'Lyn, you feel that?" Mariner asked, her voice sounding breathless even to her own ears.

T'Lyn stood slowly, her movements stiff, as if she were fighting something. "Yes," she said, her voice strained. "The pollen appears to have... affected my physiology."

Mariner could see the conflict in T'Lyn's eyes. The Vulcan was trying to maintain control, but whatever was in the air—whatever that plant had released—was clearly messing with her normally steely composure. Mariner's own body felt like it was on fire, every nerve tingling with an overwhelming, unfamiliar desire.

"Okay, this is... not good," Mariner said, her gaze involuntarily drifting to T'Lyn's face, then lower, taking in the lines of her body. "That stuff—it's making us... want things. Like, seriously want things."

T'Lyn's jaw clenched, her hands curling into fists at her sides. "It is a common reaction to potent pheromones in certain species," she said, though her voice was shaky, betraying her struggle. "I will attempt to suppress it."

Mariner snorted, her own breath coming faster. "Suppress it? Are you kidding me? I can barely think straight, and you're over there acting like this is just a bad headache." She stepped closer to T'Lyn, her body moving almost on instinct, drawn to the Vulcan in a way she couldn't control.

T'Lyn stiffened as Mariner approached, her eyes narrowing. "You are not yourself, Lieutenant. I suggest maintaining distance."

Mariner wanted to listen—really, she did—but the pull was too strong. The heat between them, the pheromones swirling in the air, and the way T'Lyn's stoic demeanor was cracking—it was all too much. She took another step forward, her eyes locking with T'Lyn's. "I don't think distance is an option right now."

T'Lyn's breathing quickened, and Mariner could see the faint flush creeping up her neck, her body betraying the Vulcan's rigid control. "Human... mating rituals," T'Lyn muttered, her voice thick with disdain. "I have always found them illogical. Kissing, in particular, is... unsanitary."

Mariner raised an eyebrow, a grin tugging at her lips despite the situation. "Yeah, well, guess what? You're about to find out just how illogical it can get."

Before T'Lyn could respond, Mariner closed the gap between them, her hands reaching up to cup the Vulcan's face as she pressed her lips to hers. The kiss was rough, uncoordinated—driven by pure need rather than finesse. Mariner could feel the resistance in T'Lyn's rigid posture, but the Vulcan didn't pull away. Instead, her lips parted slightly, as if she were unsure how to respond.

Mariner deepened the kiss, her body pressing against T'Lyn's, and slowly, almost imperceptibly, T'Lyn began to soften. Her hands, which had been clenched at her sides, lifted hesitantly, resting on Mariner's waist as she returned the kiss, her movements awkward, inexperienced.

The heat between them was unbearable, and Mariner could feel her control slipping as her hands roamed lower, tugging at the hem of T'Lyn's uniform. "Come on, T'Lyn," she murmured against her lips. "Don't fight it."

T'Lyn's breath hitched, and she pulled back slightly, her eyes dark with a mix of confusion and desire. "This is... not logical," she said, though her voice lacked conviction. Her body betrayed her words, trembling under Mariner's touch.

Mariner chuckled, her hands slipping under T'Lyn's uniform to touch the bare skin of her hips. "Logic went out the window the minute that flower exploded in our faces," she said, her voice husky. "Just... let go."

T'Lyn hesitated for only a moment before her resistance crumbled. She surged forward, pressing her lips to Mariner's once more, this time with a force that surprised both of them. Her hands gripped Mariner's shoulders, pulling her closer as their bodies collided, the tension between them snapping like a rubber band pulled too tight.

Mariner moaned into the kiss, her body responding to every touch, every movement. The alien pollen, the pheromones—it all blurred together, amplifying their need until nothing else mattered. Her hands worked quickly, stripping away T'Lyn's uniform, exposing more of the Vulcan's pale, flawless skin.

T'Lyn gasped as the cool air hit her bare skin, her normally stoic expression replaced with one of raw vulnerability. "I... do not understand these sensations," she admitted, her voice trembling as Mariner's hands roamed over her body.

Mariner smiled, pressing a kiss to T'Lyn's neck as her hands continued their exploration, fingers lightly grazing the Vulcan's hairless mound. T'Lyn's body stiffened slightly at the intimate touch, a sharp inhale betraying her inexperience with this kind of contact.

"It's called desire," Mariner whispered against her skin, her lips brushing T'Lyn's ear as she spoke. "And right now, we're both full of it."

Mariner smiled to herself, feeling the slick warmth between T'Lyn's thighs as her fingers slid through the Vulcan's wetness. The sensation was undeniable, and T'Lyn's body, despite her logical protests, was clearly reacting to the alien pollen coursing through her. Mariner's touch was slow, teasing, as she grazed the wet folds, drawing soft, involuntary gasps from T'Lyn with each pass of her fingers.

"Your body seems to want this a lot more than your mind is willing to admit," Mariner murmured against T'Lyn's ear, her voice low and sultry. Her fingers continued their exploration, gently parting T'Lyn's folds and pressing against the slick heat with just enough pressure to make the Vulcan shudder.

T'Lyn's breath hitched, her hands clenching at her sides, her body stiff as she struggled to reconcile the overwhelming sensations with her rigid Vulcan control. "This... is not logical," she muttered, her voice shaky despite her best efforts to maintain composure. "Vulcan physiology does not... react in such a manner."

Mariner chuckled softly, her lips brushing T'Lyn's neck as she pressed her fingers more firmly against her clit. "Logic doesn't have much of a say here," she whispered, her voice full of playful affection. "Especially when your body is reacting like this."

She circled T'Lyn's clit slowly, applying just enough pressure to make the Vulcan's body tremble beneath her touch. T'Lyn's breath came in short, uneven bursts, her usually calm demeanor completely unraveling as her body responded instinctively to the pleasure building inside her.

T'Lyn's eyes fluttered shut, her face contorting slightly as she tried to process the overwhelming sensation. "This part of the anatomy," she gasped, her voice strained, "designed purely for... pleasure... it seems...."

"Don't think so much about it," Mariner said, her voice soft but firm as she leaned closer, pressing a gentle kiss to T'Lyn's neck. "Just feel it."

T'Lyn's breath came in shallow gasps, her body trembling under Mariner's skilled touch. Every nerve seemed to be on fire, the strange combination of pleasure and confusion making her mind reel. Despite her instinct to resist, the relentless pressure against her clit had her teetering on the edge, her body betraying her logical mind.

Mariner could feel the tension building in T'Lyn's body, the way her muscles tightened, the way her breath came faster and more ragged with each passing second. She pressed her fingers harder, quickening her pace as she pushed the Vulcan closer to release.

T'Lyn's eyes flew open, her hands gripping Mariner's shoulders tightly as her body convulsed with pleasure, her head falling back against the tree as stars danced behind her eyes. The sensation was sharp, overwhelming, and entirely unfamiliar to her—pleasure without purpose, desire without logic.

"This is... not..." T'Lyn's voice broke off as another wave of pleasure washed over her, her body trembling uncontrollably as Mariner continued to work her clit with expert precision. "I do not... comprehend..."

Mariner chuckled softly, her breath warm against T'Lyn's ear as she whispered, "You don't have to comprehend it, T'Lyn. Just let it happen."

T'Lyn's body stiffened as the final wave of pleasure hit her, sharp and all-consuming. She let out a low, guttural sound, her usually composed exterior completely shattered as she came, her body shaking with the force of it. Her grip on Mariner's shoulders tightened, her nails digging into her skin as the intensity of the moment overwhelmed her.

For a long moment, they stood like that—T'Lyn trembling against Mariner, her breath coming in ragged gasps, her body still buzzing with the aftershocks of her orgasm. Mariner held her through it, her fingers slowing but never stopping, drawing out the pleasure for as long as possible.

When the intensity finally began to ebb, T'Lyn's hands slid down Mariner's arms and into the other woman's uniform pants. She trembled slightly as she attempted to mimic what had just been done to her. 

Mariner smiled, her breath catching slightly as T'Lyn's fingers brushed against her clit, though the touch was far too awkward to be effective. "You're trying," she said softly, her hand covering T'Lyn's, guiding her fingers with gentle pressure. "But you don't need to think about it so much. Just feel your way through it."

T'Lyn's brows furrowed in concentration as she followed Mariner's lead, her movements becoming slightly more fluid under Mariner's guidance. But there was still an awkwardness to her touch, a stiffness that betrayed her inexperience with human intimacy.

"I... am not proficient at this," T'Lyn muttered, her voice thick with frustration as she struggled to replicate the pleasure Mariner had given her.

Mariner chuckled softly, her breath warm against T'Lyn's ear. "Don't worry about being perfect. We've got some help, remember?" She tilted her head toward the glowing alien plants, which still released faint wisps of the shimmering pollen into the air. "That sex pollen we walked through is doing most of the work for us."

T'Lyn's fingers faltered slightly, her gaze flickering to the surrounding flora. "I had deduced that the pollen is affecting our physiological responses, heightening our... arousal," she admitted, her voice strained as she tried to maintain control. "It is undeniably effective."

Mariner grinned, her hips pressing against T'Lyn's hand as she guided the Vulcan's awkward but earnest touch. "Exactly. So you don't have to stress about getting it right," she said, her voice breathless. "Just go with it. Let the pollen do the heavy lifting."

T'Lyn's brow furrowed, but she nodded slightly, her hand moving with more confidence now. Her fingers pressed harder against Mariner's clit, still stiff and mechanical but more deliberate as she focused on eliciting the same response she had experienced. The effects of the pollen amplified the sensation, making every touch more intense than it would have been otherwise.

"I... see," T'Lyn said quietly, her voice low as her body pressed closer to Mariner's, her breath coming faster. "The pollen... enhances the pleasure without requiring precise technique."

Mariner moaned softly, her body reacting instinctively to the pressure and the heat building between them. "Exactly," she murmured, her own fingers finding their way back to T'Lyn's wetness, circling her clit in the same rhythm she had used before. "So just... let it happen. We don't have to do much."

T'Lyn's breath hitched as Mariner's fingers worked over her, her body trembling under the relentless stimulation. Her hand on Mariner grew steadier, mimicking the rhythm, though the touch was still slightly awkward. The pollen, however, more than made up for the lack of finesse, sending waves of pleasure coursing through both of them.

T'Lyn's body jerked slightly, her breath catching in her throat as the overwhelming sensation pushed her closer to the edge. Her fingers pressed harder against Mariner's clit, and though the touch was still rough, the sheer intensity of the moment, amplified by the pollen, made it impossible to hold back.

Mariner gasped, her body arching as the first wave of her orgasm crashed over her, the pleasure sharp and all-consuming. Her fingers continued to work over T'Lyn's clit, pushing the Vulcan to the edge as her own release hit her with a force that left her breathless.

T'Lyn's body convulsed against Mariner's, her breath coming in ragged gasps as she came, her usually calm and composed exterior completely shattered by the intensity of the orgasm. A low, strangled sound escaped her lips as her body shook uncontrollably, her mind reeling from the unfamiliar sensation.

For a long moment, they stood like that—T'Lyn trembling against Mariner, their bodies pressed together, both of them gasping for air as the aftershocks of their orgasms pulsed through them.

When the intensity finally began to ebb, T'Lyn slumped slightly against the tree, her breath still coming in uneven bursts. Mariner's hands slid down her body, resting on her hips as she tried to steady herself.

T'Lyn's gaze remained unfocused for a moment, her brow furrowed as she processed the overwhelming sensations still coursing through her body. "The... effects of the pollen," she muttered, her voice hoarse and trembling, "do not appear to have worn off yet."

Mariner laughed softly, pressing a gentle kiss to T'Lyn's temple. "Yeah, I think we're stuck like this for a while," she murmured, her voice thick with affection. "Not that I'm complaining."

T'Lyn's eyes fluttered shut, her body still trembling slightly as she leaned into Mariner's touch. "This level of arousal is... unsustainable," she whispered, though her hands remained resting on Mariner's hips, holding her close. "We cannot maintain this state indefinitely."

Mariner grinned, her fingers trailing lazily up T'Lyn's back as she pulled her closer. "Don't worry," she said softly, her lips brushing against T'Lyn's ear. "We'll figure it out. And hey, maybe those little aliens will find a way to help us out."

T'Lyn opened her eyes, glancing over at the curious alien creatures still watching them from the shadows. "Their presence is... unnerving," she admitted quietly, though her body remained pressed against Mariner's.

Mariner chuckled, her hand cupping T'Lyn's cheek as she tilted her face toward hers. "Well, if they're gonna watch," she murmured, her voice low and teasing, "we might as well give them a good show."

T'Lyn's brow furrowed slightly, her body still tense from the lingering effects of the pollen. "I do not understand why they would find our behavior... fascinating," she said, her voice laced with confusion. "Vulcan mating rituals are... private affairs."

Mariner grinned, her fingers tracing T'Lyn's jawline as she pressed a soft kiss to her lips. "Maybe it's the human side of things they're curious about," she teased, her voice playful. "And besides, they're getting a crash course in interspecies relations. Can't get more educational than that."

T'Lyn's eyes flickered with uncertainty, but she nodded slowly, her body still trembling with the residual effects of their shared experience. "I... see," she said quietly, though her tone remained hesitant. "This experience has been... educational, in many ways."

Mariner smiled, pulling her into a gentle embrace as they stood together under the alien sky, the faint glow of the bioluminescent plants casting a soft light over their intertwined bodies. "We're just getting started, T'Lyn," she whispered, her voice full of warmth. "There's a lot more to learn."

T'Lyn nodded slowly, her breath steadying as the intensity of the moment finally began to fade. "Indeed," she murmured, her voice soft. "Though I must admit... the effects of the pollen are... still quite potent."

Mariner laughed, her hands sliding down to rest on T'Lyn's hips. "Guess we'll just have to ride it out together."

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