
Leon VS Aaron

Nearly two weeks had slipped by since the start of the courses at the Academy of Ocryphia. The days were a whirlwind of lectures, training sessions, and a stream of new faces that Ivan didn't care about. 

But amidst the bustling routine, Ivan found his thoughts drifting elsewhere. This was the week he had planned to return to Camelot, to meet up with Urvan. Ludmila had already informed him that Urvan had arrived in Camelot four days ago, but despite that, Ivan still lingered in Ocryphia.

It wasn't mere procrastination that kept him rooted in place. He was buried under a mountain of tasks, each more pressing than the last. His main focus was acclimating to this world—learning its systems, absorbing knowledge of its history, politics, and power structures. All of this was essential if he was to succeed in his ambitious plan to spread Seraphiel's Faith.

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