
The Promotion and the Negotiation

Haruto stretched as the final bell rang, signaling the end of another day at the academy. His mind was already on the afternoon training session with Daichi Uzumaki. By the time he reached the training grounds, Daichi was waiting, as energetic as ever. They started sparring right away, only to be joined shortly by Guy, who, true to form, added his infectious energy to the mix. The three of them pushed each other hard, each session a battle to see who could outdo the others. Haruto was confident that he and Guy were neck and neck for now, but a part of him wondered when Guy would start learning the Eight Gates. That day would change everything.

After training, Haruto grabbed a quick meal and headed to the library. Despite his growing responsibilities at the hospital, he always made time to study more about medical ninjutsu and chakra control. His recent promotion had him handling minor treatments, and under Shizune's supervision, he was doing well. Every day, their bond grew stronger, though Haruto couldn't help but think, "Shizune's going to look hot and sexy one day. The anime really didn't do her justice."

As he finished up with a patient, one of the senior medics approached him. "Tsunade-sama wants to see you," they said.

Haruto wiped his hands clean and made his way toward Tsunade's office, knocking on the door and waiting for her to call him in.

"Come in," Tsunade's voice called, no-nonsense as ever.

Haruto entered and greeted her with a respectful nod. "Tsunade-sama."

She didn't bother with pleasantries, jumping straight to the point. "You're wasting your time in the academy," she said, her tone matter-of-fact. "You're beyond what they can offer you. Graduate."

Haruto had expected something like this, but her directness still caught him off guard for a moment. He kept his face neutral, though internally, his mind was already spinning. This was his chance to secure something valuable.

"Graduate, huh?" Haruto said carefully, his tone measured. "I was already planning on it, but there's something I think would help me as I move forward."

Tsunade looked up from her paperwork, her sharp eyes locking onto his. "And what would that be?"

"The Shadow Clone Jutsu," Haruto replied steadily. "It would allow me to handle my training and hospital duties more efficiently."

Tsunade raised an eyebrow. "You do realize that the Shadow Clone Jutsu can be dangerous, right? Overusing it can split your chakra and exhaust you quickly. You're no Uzumaki. Do you have the chakra reserves to handle it?"

Haruto nodded, prepared for this line of questioning. "I've been working on my chakra control for years now, and I've reached low Chunin levels. I know I don't have Uzumaki reserves, but I understand how to manage my chakra. I wouldn't use the jutsu recklessly."

Tsunade leaned back, arms crossed, studying him. "And you're confident you won't overdo it?"

"I'm confident," Haruto said, his voice steady but respectful. "I've been balancing my training and hospital work so far. With the Shadow Clone Jutsu, I'll be able to spread my focus more efficiently and get even better results."

Tsunade watched him for a long moment, clearly weighing her decision. Finally, she let out a sigh. "You're sharp, I'll give you that. Fine, I'll teach you the Shadow Clone Jutsu. But don't come crying to me if you overdo it and end up in the hospital bed next time instead of beside it."

Haruto gave a respectful bow. "Thank you, Tsunade-sama. I'll make sure not to overstep."

"Good," she said, though her tone was laced with a small, begrudging smile. "Now get out of here before I change my mind."

Haruto left her office, a quiet sense of satisfaction settling over him. He had secured the jutsu, and more importantly, he had convinced her he could handle it. His plans were moving forward exactly as he intended.

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