

"There you are, Vahn. I was beginning to think we would need to leave without you," remarked Rias, waiting outside the front of Castle Gremory with Issei, Akeno, Koneko, Asia, and Xenovia. Gasper didn't yet have good enough control of his power, so he wouldn't be attending the gathering for the safety of its participants.

Speaking up before Vahn, Zeoticus stated, "Vahn-kun spent six arduous hours treating your aunt-in-law, Lady Misla Bael's Sleeping Disease. Since his presence is not strictly required at the Young Devil Gathering, you may wish to let him rest."

"Oh, wow...that's incredible, Vahn..." expressed Rias, going from wide-eyed to staring at Vahn with an affectionate, narrow-eyed smile as she hummed, "Though considering it's you we're talking about, I'm not at all surprised. But please, if you need to rest, do so. It's not as though we're going there to fight the other Young Devils."

"I should be there if you and Sona are..." argued Vahn, though, as Rias presented him the option of staying, Grayfia's sensual smile immediately appeared in his mind. And though his expression didn't change, his chest became a little fluttery and his pants marginally tighter.

"Sona and I are perfectly capable of handling such matters ourselves," contended Rias, smiling reassuringly as she reasoned, "If anything, your presence would become the central focus of the gathering, and if there is a competition, you may have to choose between us who you would like to support or be forced to watch from the side. I wouldn't want to put you in that position."

Piggybacking off his daughter's words, Zeoticus reaffirmed, "There will be times when my daughter has to act and make tough decisions without you present to support her. That's what her Peerage is for."

"Well...alright then..." conceded Vahn, feeling guilty as he hadn't predicted that his efforts to conceal the power of his blood from Zeoticus and other high-ranking Devils would lead to him deceiving her. He should be able to clear things up quickly once she returned, but since he had a pretty good idea of what he would be doing while she was away, potentially facing off against adversarial Young Devils, he couldn't help feeling that he needed to pull her aside to explain things there and then...

Without Sis needing to state the obvious, Vahn turned to Zeoticus and said, "Please excuse us for a moment..." before grasping Rias's left hand and transporting them to the Corridor. She was initially surprised by his actions, but when he placed his hands on her hips and stared at her with his head slightly tilted, her eyes narrowed, her expression softened, and she habitually pressed her crotch to his bulge, hitting the hammer on the head as she asked, "Did you do something that made you feel guilty...?"

Nodding, Vahn left Rias feeling more exasperated than surprised as he revealed how he had spent much of the day since their separation that morning. She had always believed it was only a matter of time before he and Grayfia crossed the line, and since it was pretty easy to infer why he had succumbed at that particular moment, the flaxen-haired image of her mother appearing in her mind, Rias just shook her head, smiled, and said, "I can't help feeling bad for my brother, but since this is undoubtedly the result of him tasking Grayfia to seduce you, you don't need to feel guilty or restrain yourself. Rather, after teasing and tempting you for months, it's not an exaggeration to say she made this bed herself. You may as well lay her in it..."

"You're too good for someone like me..." muttered Vahn, grasping Rias's hands and resting his forehead against hers with closed eyes, feeling an array of emotions from appreciation to guilt. In response, Rias closed her eyes, a loving smile adorning her face as she countered, "It's you who is too good for all of us, Vahn...and as far as Grayfia accompanying you into the virtual world is concerned, you should prepare yourself as I'll want to spend even more time with you exploring other virtual worlds, just the two of us..."

"Whenever, wherever, and however long you want..." responded Vahn, his voice low as he slowly angled his head sideways, provoking Rias to seize the initiative to initiate a kiss. They didn't have long before they needed to return to the real world, but they put it to good use...




Though she was initially planning to travel to Lucifaad, the location of the Young Devils Gathering and where her husband would be, Grayfia stayed with Vahn at Castle Gremory, riding him vigorously within his room for the eight-and-a-half-hours it took for Rias, Akeno, Koneko, Asia, and Xenovia to return. From there, she was able to entrust him to their care, his semen still warming her belly and her pussy tingling with the faint reverberations of his persistent lovemaking as she teleported to her husband's side.

Beating her to the punch, Sirzechs, wearing a knowing smile, casually asked, "I take it you were finally successful in having Vahn realize your irresistibility and charm...?"

"I was..." confirmed Grayfia, calm and stoic as she revealed, "Now, he wishes me to accompany him for the duration of his training in the virtual world and has asked that I forgo having sex with other men for as long as I remain in his service. I accepted."

"Mmm...I imagine my father was enthused by this revelation..." muttered Sirzechs, maintaining his smile but closing his eyes and exhaling from his nose. As Grayfia was just doing her duty, a duty he had imposed upon her to secure the Underworld's future, he didn't blame her of feel that she had betrayed him. And since he was confident she would return to him, even if it took hundreds of years, he opened his eyes, met her gaze, nodded, and calmly affirmed, "Vahn's existence is crucial to the survival of Devilkind. It wouldn't take much for the bad apples among us to negatively affect how he regards our entire species, so you will do what you must to ensure we remain in his good graces..."

"That was my intention," confirmed Grayfia, closing her eyes and offering Sirzechs a steep bow. Her words made it clear that Vahn had become her Master in more than name, so when she subsequently rose and turned to leave, Sirzechs didn't call out to her. Instead, he leaned onto the knuckles of his right hand, closing his eyes and sitting in silence for several minutes as he deliberated whether to wait for Grayfia to return to his side or marry one of his many suitresses to strengthen his position politically...




Since it would be a while until he saw them again, Vahn spent the evening before his deep-dive with Rias, Akeno, Koneko, Asia, Xenovia, Issei, Kiba, and, as she was too intrigued not to experience it for herself, Venelana in the virtual world's Creation Hub. With the stacking time compression, this turned the ten hours before their scheduled separation into approximately thirty days, time they spent creating a theme-park-like residence for them to share between diving into various anime-inspired worlds like a group of transdimensional tourists.

Though they stayed together when everyone was coming up with ideas for the Creation Hub's layout, it wasn't long before Issei and Kiba split off from the group to advance the narratives of the worlds they had picked to self-insert into, To Luv Ru and Shokugeki no Souma. As for everyone else, Rias had the idea of forming a crew of virtuous pirates in the world of One Piece, but Koneko and Xenovia felt incredibly uncomfortable sailing on the open ocean with mountain-sized sea creatures swimming about beneath them. The penchant for the weather to change suddenly, going from clear skies to tempest-like conditions, also made it difficult to relax, so after six days of trials and tribulations, where they were constantly pursued by the Marines, they abandoned their ship and fled the world.

Following the fiasco that was their foray into the world of One Piece, Rias, acting as the group's de facto leader, albeit with considerable input from her mother, came up with the infinitely safer idea of establishing a Guild in the world of Fairy Tail. Exhibiting their Magic and ability to fly in the world of One Piece has caused the Marines to sortie an entire fleet to capture or kill them, but in the world of Fairy Tail, people were more interested in the girls themselves than their Magic. Rias was initially a little annoyed when Venelana put her foot down on the subject of becoming Guild Master, but as that freed her up to explore and accept Quests with everyone else, she quickly got over it...




With Rias and Akeno out shopping and Koneko, Asia, and Xenovia taking on a Quest to investigate and eliminate a group of monsters that had been attacking livestock and damaging farmland in a nearby village, Vahn found himself standing behind Venelana, persistently grinding her insides as she leaned forward with her arms crossed atop their bar-like mission counter. They had constructed their Guild in a mountainous region of the Kingdom of Fiore, nearly a hundred kilometers from the closest town, and thanks to the defensive, detection, and illusory barriers they had in place to prevent their discovery, they didn't have to worry about being disturbed by guests or monsters.

"I both envy and pity Grayfia for getting to accompany you during your training..." sighed Venelana, her voice tinted with heat and passion as she exhaled steamy condensation onto the polished wooden bartop. She was able to endure Vahn's persistent ministrations near the start of their stay in the virtual world, but after experimentally entering into a contract with him to see if it were possible, the influx of life force that streamed into her through their linked Souls made it impossible to resist him or maintain her composure as he filled her womb with semen an average of ten times per day.

Causing Venelana's heart to flutter, Vahn firmly smacked her ass with his hips, his expression and tone serious as he held her waist, purposefully targetting her weak points with forceful thrusts as he stated, "If you want to continue this after we leave, you know my terms..."

"I can't...I can't dedicate myself to you completely..." panted Venelana, waves of compounding pleasure building in her body each time the tip of Vahn's dick poked against her womb, causing her to squirm and squeeze her insides as tight as possible as she shuddered, her teeth clattering as she conceded, "Fifty years....if it's just fifty years, I can be your COO and personal secretary..."

As fifty years to a pureblooded Devil was effectively three months for an ordinary human, Vahn held himself against Venelana's deepest part, very gently probing it as he counter-offered, "You will remain with me until Rias and Sona shed their status as Young Devils...that's eighty-one years and fifty-three days, not counting the time we spend in here..."

With Vahn having developed the sensitivity of her cervix, a skill he had acquired as a result of her own guidance, Venelana found herself unable to respond as long as he kept grinding against her. Even fifty years was a long time to be away from her other duties and responsibilities, but when she considered the influence Vahn would have as he secured his status as God's Proxy, Venelana's cervix practically kissed the tip of his dick as she sensually countered, "Let's make it an even eighty-two..."

"Deal..." responded Vahn, rewarding Venelana with the ejaculation he had been withholding for twenty minutes. By that point, he had accepted that he had a preference for mature women, specifically mothers, but now that he had claimed Grayfia and, at least for eighty-two years, Venelana, Vahn resolved to show restraint toward others. When it came to them, however, he wasn't going to hold anything back. They had awakened a part of him he had kept suppressed, and he intended to have them take responsibility indefinitely...




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