

"Ladies and gentlemen, to begin with, I'd like to thank you for being able to be present for this emergency meeting," An adventurer said to all the brave men and women ready to fight off the invasion.

After the room had quietened down, she continued to address the adventurers with an earnest expression on her face.

"Normally, the Adventurer's Guild would never interfere in national affairs."

Every eye turned to the members of Blue Rose, but they remained silent. After all, eyes could not speak like the mouth could.

"However, this is an exceptional case. The Adventurer's Guild has decided to cooperate fully with the Kingdom, in order to quickly resolve the problems facing us. The princess will relate the details to us, so I pray you will be quiet and listen."

The Princess slowly advanced, flanked by the members of Blue Rose and Gazef Stronoff.

"I am Renner Theiere Chardelon Ryle Vaiself, and I am deeply grateful that everyone here was able to respond to the extraordinary summons issued tonight."

She bowed demurely to them, and several sighs of affection rose from the adventurers as they saw the delicate sight before them.

"Normally, I would render duly deserved praise upon all of you, but as time is of the essence, let us get straight to the point. Tonight, a portion of the capital—"

Here the princess raised a finger to a part of the map lying on the war table —the northeast corner— and drew a circle around it.

"—Has been surrounded by a wall of fire. The flames are more than thirty meters in height, and I am certain you have all seen them."

Most of the adventurers nodded in agreement, while some went to the palace windows to look outside. The high walls surrounding the palace meant that they could not see the wall of fire directly, but the reflected light from the flames stained the sky red, and that they could see.

"The nature of the fire and this emergency situation will be explained by Lily, the newest member of the Adamantite Ranked Adventurer Blue Rose and the sister of the third Adamantite Adventurer Momon the Dark Hero."

All eyes went towards the little girl walking towards the map table. Her expression is flat and not quite like that of an eleven years old. Some begun to scoff, only to stagger back at a flash of killing intent.

Lily ascended to the map's level as if standing on an invisible staircase. "Let's just get to the point," she pointed at the circle of fire on the map. "This is called the Flames of Gehenna. It is a ninth tier support spell that Buffs demon type monsters standing inside it," she explained. "Fortunately, it is harmless to other creatures, acting more like illusion than fire."

Sounds of whispering and mutterings came all over the room.

"As for the nature of this emergency situation," Lily sighed a little. "This is a coordinated attack by the Demon Emperor Jaldabaoth," she looked at Princess Renner before lowering her head. "I apologize in in the name of my great mentor, Ainz Ooal Gown for failing to stop this invasion. We predicted the demon invasion will hit the Baharuth Empire and made our preparations, but it seems that we've mistaken."

Desperate cries could be heard from the low ranked adventurer. Some tried to blame her, but others just understand that it's not their fault and they've done what they can.

Princess Renner nodded understandingly. "It's alright Lily, that said, you do have a plan to fight this invasion don't you?"

Lily nodded a little. "Yes, I do have a plan," she pointed at the map. "Like I said, this is a coordinated attack by a demon emperor. Get rid of him and the invasion will stop, however," she looked at all the adventurers surrounding her. "Jaldabaoth is Demon Emperor, I can confidently say that the entire military force of the capital won't be enough to scratch him."

Shouts of fear and disbelief answered her statement.

"Two of the Blue Rose member was killed by the demon earlier today," Lily stated and the shouts turned into stammering. "with a single blow."

The atmosphere turned hopeless and desperate after hearing that.

Lily smiled a little. "Then, since you all seems to understand the severity of the situation, I need each and every single one of you to listen to me," she gestured at the entrance and a Momon stepped forth, clad in his shining black armor.

He stood proud and tall and became a beacon of hope for everyone.

"My brother Momon can defeat Jaldabaoth," Lily stated and cheers rang from the audience.

"However," the cheers faltered and everyone braced themselves for the worst. "My sister Nabe, the Beautiful Princess isn't here. Without support, Momon cannot fight Jaldabaoth to the fullest without causing untold amount of collateral damage."

Before anyone could panic, Lily continues. "That is why you're all here. To evacuate and clear a big enough area for them to fight," she pointed at a large point in the map. "This is where they will have their battle," she then looked at the rest of adventurer. "The Blue Rose will lead the army, I will provide aerial and magic support, so please for the love of gods…"

A wave of killing intent swept through the room sending some adventurer into their knees.


The killing intent stopped and everyone rose to their feet.

"We're not sending any of you out there to die but if you break the formation or turn tail and run, I will not safe you," another burst of smaller killing burst out of her gaze. "UNDERSTAND?!"


"Good," the killing intent disappeared and Lily smiled sweetly at the princess. "Okay princess, I'll leave the troops and formation to you," she said.

Next chapter