
Kai Lumiere, Part Timer: Pt. 2

Katie was the first one to take the leave for today, since Jamie told her that she's going to work on something a little longer before picking her up. Of course, Katie gave the police woman her address so she could pull up and wait for her once she's done with whatever she's doing.

Gosh, maybe this is the third time she thought of it in recent times, but she could NOT believe how lucky she is. Who knew becoming friends with a serious and stoic woman would get her a free trip to her FAVORITE ROCK BAND'S CONCERT? She can already dream of it, shaking hands with KAI LUMIERE of all people! She can die tonight, if the gods are okay with that.

She scoured through her cabinets for whatever she had about the elven keyboardist. Photocards of him and his Kitsune bandmate, Ash Izumi, Keychains of the band members' names, Albums tucked safely away from sight... You name it. She's not a huge Sapphire Dreams fan for nothing.

She finally found it, a cute pin of Kai that she hid on the top compartment. She bought it once from a university event one time, and since then, she treasured it like an important heirloom to be kept safe from any and all evil.

A ding! rang from her phone, and she could tell that Jamie's already waiting just by seeing her name on the notification. Shoot, she's already waiting and she took this long! She frantically attaches her pin on her collar, double checking everything in her apartment before she locks it.

If she's right, Jamie should be waiting for her using a maroon sedan car. She trained her eyes on any such vehicles around the parking lot, finding one near the exit to the streets. She walked up to the vehicle. The sound of the lock opening came as soon as she was there, and the girl opened the door, she saw the woman without her uniform.

Katie must say, Jamie knows how to dress. At first she thought that she would still dress in her uniform like it's the only set of clothes that she has, but seeing her in a red cardigan and some light but pretty makeup... Katie would think that the policewoman dressed up for a date. 

"Stop gawking at me if you don't wanna miss the concert, Rookie." Jamie greeted.

Katie snapped back to reality, hopping into the car. It smells like cherries thanks to the nice little tree thing hanging from her mirror. "Right." She replied. Jamie changed gears, the world of Mahika starting to move before them as she drove.

Katie checked herself. Pink hair tied in a bun, White, flowy blouse and a brown skirt that she found in her closet. She then decides to break the silence. "You look prettier without the Police stuff, Jamie." Katie admitted.

"I know." Jamie simply commented. "I just don't care about it much."

"About your beauty? Gee, is that why some of the detectives are scared of you?" 

"That has nothing to do with that." 

"Maybe you should care about it more! Talk to people who care about you!"

Jamie never replied to that. Her eyes were trained on the road, while Katie just trains her eyes on those silver orbs, awaiting for a reply.


Hazel green eyes. That is the one thing the Elven boy appreciates while makeup artists make it their job for him to look the best he can. "Kaiiiiiiiii." His Kitsune bandmate calls out from the other side of the room. "What're we getting after this gig?" Ash Izumi asks. "I wanna sneak out from our manager!"

"And risk getting into trouble again?" Raziel Alis replied to the eight-tailed kitsune while scrolling on his phone. Raziel is their one-winged tiefling who plays the bass, while Ash is their guitarist.

"Come on, as much as we want to stay away from more trouble, our manager is too strict!" The drummer who completes the band remarked. He is a half-elf named Max Larsen, and for a leader who's supposed to guide his team, Kai was surprised that he's the one encouraging Ash to sneak out.

"I know a ramen shop that's open by the time we're done." Kai suggested with his signature smug smile. "Maybe then I could treat you all there, just as long as the ladies and gentlemen wouldn't see us."

"Woaaah, that's a great idea, Kai! Man, I miss eating that back at Shinwashima..."


"We really should go up there and be the first band to perform, Ash. We could become legends if that floating island's as beautiful as you say."

"It's just as hard to get up there than go down, Raziel! Especially when we're just a musical band! They might think we're too suspicious!"

The elven boy, Kai Lumiere, turned his phone off after checking his notifications before smiling to his band. "I'll get back to you, guys. I'll just be a moment."

He waved to his bandmates, not noting anything they said after Ash mentioned about Shinwashima, before he quickened his pace through the backstage. He was aware that at this point, many of the audience were waiting outside, so he instructed his friend to find her way through backstage without being seen by anyone. By the time he turns to his left, he should find a blonde haired woman waiting for his tickets.

And there she was.

"You really know how to be sneaky, huh?" Kai noted to the woman. "And I see you brought a date, Jamie."

It's a funny sight, a blonde girl standing with her arms crossed while a pink-haired lady cowers behind her, looking as if she was about to pass out any second. "My date is just a rookie, Kai. She said she's a big fan of yours, so."

Kai trains his eyes to the girl who looks like Neapolitan Ice Cream from head to toe thanks to her clothing and her blushing face. "Oh, A huge fan, huh?" He said to her, before giving a smile. "What's your name, girl?"

"Oh, me...! Uh- I'm- My name is Katie, sir- I mean, Kai. Nice to finally meet you in person!" Katie replied.

Kai chuckled at her response, finding it cute before he pats her head, as if comforting a kid when she broke his most precious vase. Without waiting for a reaction, he trained his focus on Jamie before taking out two tickets for his show. "Here you go, cheers for Jamie's new friend." He teased as Jamie snatched them from him begrudgingly.

"Shut up. I'll see you later." She simply noted. Kai would give them a salute as the blonde girl takes the other's hand and walks away.


"Jamie!" Katie squealed. "I can NOT believe Kai HIMSELF is a friend of yours! How did you meet him? Oh my gosh, I'm so jealous!" 

"Kai's an annoying guy, that's for sure." She replied, looking down at the tickets. Sure, he's annoying, but... He's the one who looked after her this whole time when her family is never around. Maybe he thought Jamie could handle herself the moment she started working, and it's why he went to try music.

"Yeah, but I NEED details! Did you bump into each other before he became famous?!" Katie rambled, suddenly gasping and closing her mouth as if she got a shocking revelation. "Oh gods, did he do a crime and you caught him before?"

"He's annoying, but he never does anything bad." Jamie raised her voice. "I know that because Kai Lumiere is my godfather and friend."

Hello everyone! Here's another weekly Chapter for you to enjoy! I know the pacing is starting to drag out, but I promise that there's going to be something major in the next chapter!

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