
Ch 24 - Death is more Easy ~Jealousy~

Kaguya got off her broom as soon as she left Fuffly's/Cerberus' room.

She helped Hermione carry Ron to the hospital wing and ran straight to the stairs to go find Hedwig.

But she had never seen the owl, never cared until now.

Potter was an idiot, but he couldn't die at the hands of someone even worse.

She continued up the stairs until collided with Dumbledore herself.

"Professor! Potter! Quirrell! The Philosopher's Stone!..." Kaguya took a breath and tried to calm down, and needed to use exact names for him to understand, "Harry is fighting Quirrell right now for Philosopher's Stone... Or so I think....."

"Did you look for the stone with Harry?" the man asked, worried but not as much as she was.

"And with Hermione and Ron, but if you want to punish me do it later, you have to go get him," Dumbledore looked behind Kaguya before disappearing in front of her.

Again a dizziness attacked her. But Snape was there to catch girl from falling, "Tsk....I warned him the child's life wouldn't be easy."

She stayed at hospital for an hour with Ron.

They were both fine, but Kaguya had to take a strange potion to try to control her constant dizziness.

"Do not let Black know, it's the potion for mugglborns after being exposed to magic...."

"But, girl should kno----"

"What do you think will happen if Lucius Malfoy find out about this?"


"Do you think Harry is okay?" Ron asked, sitting next to Kaguya on a chair outside the infirmary.

"It's best not to make assumptions now," Kaguya put her head on Ron's shoulder, "that thing you did with chess, was completely brilliant."

"What I did? I couldn't tell if it was you flying or if a bolt of lightning had struck the ceiling," They both laughed and Ron pulled out some Every Flavour Beans from his robes, "Do you want some?"

Kaguya took one and popped it in her mouth, after two bites she spat it out in disgust, "It was dirt, for Merlin's sake."

Hermione looked at Ron and Kaguya from a distance.

She didn't quite understand why Black was so mean to her and Harry, but she was so good to Ron.

'They seemed like best friends between their laughter and games. Maybe it was a pureblood thing, something between them. Although Malfoy hated Ron too, or maybe they knew each other from before....I sigh a little sadly when they burst out laughing again thanks to Ron eating a vomit-flavored candy.'


The next day Draco and Kaguya were in the hospital wing watching Harry Potter passed out on a stretcher.

She told him everything in detail, as she couldn't hide anything from her cousin.

Draco was worried about her, but after checking with Madame Pomfrey that Kaguya was okay, he calmed down.

As far as he knew, Quirrell would no longer be a problem and Harry had managed to defeat "Voldemort" again.

Furthermore, Dumbledore had told him that destruction of the stone was now certain.

And Kaguya's name began to be heard in the corridors, for helping Harry Potter in an adventure.

It was known that Quirrell was the culprit, which gave her even more credibility.

She was not really Potter's friend, in fact it was a long way off, but she had a great adventure before returning to the mansion.

"He looks very... calm," Draco said, looking at Harry with a frown, "Oi, don't you think he seems a bit too thin...or it's just me." Blonde observed unconscious Potter with curiosity.

"Let's go, Draco. We need to pack so we have everything ready," Kaguya took her cousin by the shoulder and they both left infirmary.

At farewell banquet, the dining hall could be seen being painted green and silver, meaning that Slytherin had won House Cup for 7th year in a row.

Kaguya and Draco laughed with their friends as they celebrated their house's victory.

And it was no wonder, she had worked so hard to earn points that she was satisfied with dining room's decoration.

Potter entered and everyone immediately began to murmur.

"I can't quite process that you've joined Potter," Theo was suspicious even now, "and you left him in the hospital for two days. It could even be deliberate."

"Shut up Nott!" Pansy ordered for him to stop with conspiracies, "she didn't join Potter, you are being ridiculous. She joined carrot. I am not sure about the second though...."

She said with a strange smile.

"How is that better?"

"At least he's a pureblood."

Theo was going to continue protesting against Pansy's acceptance of Ron.

"Kaguya is my best friend, and if she wants to be friends with the tomato head I can't forbid her. Friends don't do that."

"And how do you know that? It's your first o---"

Pansy threw her spoon at Theo's head to shut him up.

Dumbledore arrived to bid farewell to the year and present House Cup.

Which was the real announcement that mattered to most, even though it was enough to see the decorations.

"Well, I understand that House Cup is to be awarded and winning points are: in fourth place, Gryffindor, with three hundred and twelve points; in third place, Hufflepuff, with three hundred and fifty-two; in second place, Ravenclaw, with four hundred and twenty-six and in first place, Slytherin, with four hundred and thirty-two."

The Green table erupted in applause and shouts of victory from all the snakes.

But Dumbledore began to hand out more last-minute points, all directed at Gryffindor.

Ron and Hermione each got fifty points. Harry got sixty and even Neville Longbottom got ten points.

That was a direct beating to snakes, they were beating them by fifty points.

The dining hall now turned red and gold.

"However," This Lunatic old Headmaster interrupted again, "we all know they were not the only ones involved in latest events. So let me name one last person, Miss Kaguya Black..."

Immediately all the tables turned towards her, Kaguya could only watch with wide eyes as the teacher called her name.

"For showing a big heart, that she joined her enemies to defeat a greater force despite difficult circumstances, and her talent in solving puzzles...I award Kaguya Black fifty points."

Her mouth dropped open, and her classmates applauded her before realizing what that meant.

The decor changed again, this time Gryffindor and Slytherin flags were interspersed.

And behind teachers' table was a shield of a lion surrounded by a snake in colours of the two houses.

The entire dining hall was in shock, as it had been a long time since they had witnessed a draw in house cup.

Even for seventh year students, it was the first time it had happened.

The rest of the dinner was so strange, as no one knew how to react.

Gryffindor didn't lose but they didn't win, same went for Slytherin.

They were happy to have won, but angry because Gryffindor won too.

And the other houses couldn't be happy about Slytherin's defeat, because they didn't lose.

What were they supposed to feel about a draw?

That confusion was dispelled by the exam results.

As expected, Draco, Pansy and Theo did very well.

Even Goyle and Crabbe did well.

But Kaguya got another tie, she and Hermione were at top of their classes.

If Black saw a draw in something again, she would start to freak out, and think it's being manipulated.

Pansy and Kaguya's room was empty, the closets had no clothes, and small tables no longer had any of their belongings.

It was a little sad to see that.

Maybe not for Pansy, but for Kaguya it meant going back to the place she hates so much.

She was left alone in middle of the room, with her thoughts and Miyuki.

She knew it was wrong to seriously think about death, or to think about leaving her family especially when she was only twelve years old.

Just like Shinomiya family.

But she couldn't help, it was an involuntary torture.


Author's Note

We have completed Philosopher's Stone today, you can leave me a Review of what you think so far? ✍️

Your points will help me a lot to know if some things need to be better, is there any recommendation to plot? 🙂

Any ideas are welcome! I will give it a thought on how to include that! 🍾

Don't forget to vote if you enjoyed it so far!

Thanks for Reading! ❣️

(My cover was removed. So, I couldn't post new Chapters for 3 days. I will make up for it this week. This is to provide update!).

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