
Chapter 101: Third Assignment

Apart from a few key details in the DxD plot, everything else was a blur. 'Wasn't there a vampire girl in the anime?' The thought flitted through my mind as I raced toward an enraged and unaware Kokabiel. Silently snorting, I vaulted into a nearby tree, masking my presence further to conceal my scent. 'It's not my first time killing a Fallen, but you never know if they'll pull some bullshit out of nowhere.' My gaze shifted warily to the box Kokabiel had been handed. If memory served, it had something to do with a black squid. 'Whatever. I'll just cut his hand off before he can use it.'

Watching as Kokabiel slowly calmed down, I pulled out a worn red-bladed dagger from beneath my shirt and began wrapping a worn purple cloth, slightly over three feet long, around my hand. 'Gáe Dearg, you'll have to do this time.' Nurarihyon had given me this broken form of Gáe Dearg after a year of completing assignments, with parting words, "Make something from it." I did. He had only the spearhead, which retained some of its color, and a strip of purple cloth that felt imbued with ancient magic. I'd attached a handle, added a handguard, and fitted a loop for extended range. Though it had lost most of its original power, Gáe Dearg could still create unhealable wounds for a few minutes. Best of all, it had no magical aura or scent.


I grinned down at Kokabiel's retreating form as he began moving in an unknown direction. With a slight push on my toes, I blitzed toward him shattering the tree branch I'd perched on.

Landing silently behind Kokabiel, I reversed my grip on Gáe Dearg and sliced through his arm.

"Agh!" he screamed, staggering forward. I followed with a kick to his back, launching him into a tree. Springing after him, I halted mid movement tilting my head as a Holy Spear shot past it. "You missed." I muttered just as a dozen more Holy Spears whizzed toward me. Dodging them, I retreated slightlywhile watching Kokabiel rise, grasping his bleeding stump and glaring.

"Who are you?!" he bellowed, rage flashing in his eyes. Smirking, which only further angered him, I flipped Gáe Dearg back to a forward grip, dropped the cursed magic masking my presence, and enhanced my strength. In response Kokabiel formed a Holy Spear to block my attack. I retreated back slightly while I released my grip on Gáe Dearg, letting it dangle from the cloth as I swung the fabric toward his unguarded side, snapping it back abruptly to slash at his side and forcing him to retreat.

"What is that weapon?! Answer me, human!"

Snorting, I shot forward skimming low across the ground, as he raised his arm and conjured a massive ball of holy energy. I skidded to a stop, holding Gáe Dearg in front of me as the ball collided, propelling me backward and leaving a trail of shattered trees in its wake. I came to a halt amidst debris, coughing as the impact left me with a bruised rib or two. 'Right… he's still a Cadre who's been around longer than most beings.'

Dusting myself off, I heard the hum of magic. I retreated as another larger ball of holy energy landed, demolishing the ground and sending me sprawling. 'Damn. Seems he's recovered from the shock of losing an arm.'

Looking to the sky, I spotted Kokabiel panting slightly as he looked down on me. 'Guess the bleeding stopped.' Clicking my tongue, I masked my presence again, abandoning the enhancement, and slipped back into the forest cover. He chuckled, followed by the hum of another magic circle.

"Hiding, are we?!"

High in a tree, perched on the upper branches, I watched him unleash another blast of holy energy, tearing through more of the forest. Observing his stance and expression, I analyzed his casting speed. 'He has high casting speed, it's close to my own physical speed.' I dodged just as another ball of energy shot my way.

"Haha! There you are, human!"

Digging my feet into the ground, I dashed in several directions, losing him in the chaos as he began striking a different area. 'He's wary of Gáe Dearg… I should've ripped off his wings.' Sighing, I untied Gáe Dearg from my hand, stepping from cover while unmasking myself and enhancing my body with cursed magic. 'No choice now, he should survive this.'

"Realized how foolish you've been, human?" Kokabiel taunted from above. Glancing up, I summoned Muramasa, already unsheathed, and ran my hand along its blade, coating it with my blood. Gripping it as if to throw, I smirked.

"Oh~ A foolish last attempt? Very well! I shall show you the difference in power between a human and a Fallen Angel!" Kokabiel jeered, but his confidence faltered as I infused a touch of lifeforce and bloodlust into Muramasa. Before he could react, I channeled half of my cursed magic into the blade and hurled it toward him.

A sonic boom tore through the air, followed by a gust that ripped apart the surrounding trees. Kokabiel's face twisted in shock as he glanced down at the silver katana embedded in his abdomen.

"W-what…" was all he managed to utter as he struggled to pull it out.

'Can't have that happen.' Clapping my bloodied hands together, I murmured. "True Insanity." I felt the blood that was on Muramasa and now in Kokabiel react as I watched him freeze before he started falling. 

I walked toward where Kokabiel had landed, rolling my neck to ease the tension, though I hid a wince. 'Hate using that move.' "True Insanity" forced a direct connection with any target carrying my blood, allowing Muramasa's curse to tear into their mind. Something I had used against the same thing that forced me to drink from the Blood River, something I didn't like to recall. Sighing, I glanced down at Kokabiel's unconscious form and hoisted him over my shoulder. As I moved out of the wrecked forest, what was left of it anyway. I noticed a small box fall from Kokabiel's clothes, the one Cao Cao had given him earlier.

Curious, I picked it up and tucked it away. 'Maybe it's a Sacred Gear.' I thought, snorting at the thought. I paused, sensing the faint crunch of footsteps, tinged with the scent of fear and anger. 'youkai.' I sighed. The ports around Hokkaido were sure to be guarded by now. 'Guess I'm going for a swim. Just perfect.' Making my way to the opposite direction of the distant youkai I got myself and Kokabiel ready for the long swim towards, Mount Fuji.

~Scene Change~

Over the years, serving as Nurarihyon's glorified errand boy, I'd taken on small jobs here and there, requests from both regular humans and those on the supernatural side. Fame and favors were my goals. The favors especially had proved valuable, helping me gather crucial intel exactly when I needed it. Arriving near Tokyo, I'd cashed in a favor for information on Kokabiel's recent contacts and any movements connected to Cao Cao. It mostly matched what I remembered of them, but it brought up a few characters I'd nearly forgotten namely, Ophis. 'Can't believe I once mistook Ophis for a squid.'

I sighed, sitting on the bed in the hotel room I'd rented for the past few nights. I held up the small box I'd taken from Kokabiel. 'I knew I was somewhat insane, but this…' Lifting the lid, I peered inside. Curled up in the box was a small, inky-black snake with an eerie red glow. I extended a finger, channeling cursed magic as a precaution, and tapped it. 'Not like it would actually do anything to stop it.'

The snake shifted, lifting its head before slithering onto my hand. As it coiled around my arm, I suddenly felt a drain on my cursed energy. 'Little parasite.' I immediately cut off the flow, and the red glow faded. But instead of stopping, the snake sank into my skin. Panic set in. I waved my arm, trying to shake it off, muttering. "Get off me, you damn parasite!" In a last ditch effort, I unsheathed Gáe Dearg, ready to cut the thing out. But before I could, a surge of strength pulsed through me. I paused, watching the spot on my arm where the snake had disappeared, waiting to see if it would happen again. Nothing.

Looking around to see if Ophis was nearby, I found no trace of the Dragon. The only things nearby were a few early tourists prepping for a Mount Fuji hike and Kokabiel's unconscious form, stuffed haphazardly in a wardrobe. 'What have I done this time?' I sank back onto the bed, raising my arm to inspect it. 'Just two more jobs after this, and I can finally go back to Eri and Retsu.'

Refusing to dwell on my stupidity, I rose and dragged Kokabiel out of the wardrobe, slinging him over my shoulder. 'Lucky bastard.' With a sigh, I began the trek up Mount Fuji.

~Scene Change~

While I could count myself among the strongest humans alive, I had a few glaring weaknesses. One was intelligence.I had battle instincts sure, but I lacked the kind of sharp foresight geniuses or aged veterans relied on. Case in point, poking an Ophis snake. My second weakness? My absolute loathing of water, though I'd rather never speak of it. And my current issue? Patience.

Why did it matter? Well, for the past four excruciating hours, I'd been freezing my ass off at the drop-off zone, enduring bitter winds and a dull ache from the cold. Kokabiel lay at my feet, sporting a freshly cracked skull after I had to knock him out a few times with a sheathed Muramasa, he'd woken up three times already. "Ah, Seems your here already."

Turning, I spotted a familiar face I'd been waiting to meet, Azazel. Beside him stood a woman with long purple hair, glasses, and piercing orange eyes that seemed to look straight through me. Other features? her chest size alone was intimidating. 'Each one could probably rival my head.' A flash of Retsu wearing a white bikini a years ago crossed my mind before I refocused on a relaxed Azazel.

"Four hours late." I said, gesturing to Kokabiel's unconscious form. "Double the payment, or you get nothing."

The woman's calm smile faltered slightly, but Azazel just chuckled, raising his hands in surrender. "Ah, sorry about that! Got caught up with some pressing work, but sure~."

I cracked my neck, placing a hand on my hip, and noticed both Azazel and the woman's gazes drifting to my right arm where the snake marking was. "Since you wasted my time, I want a favor. One I'm calling in now."

Azazel raised a brow but shrugged. "Alright."

The woman's eye twitched, and she stepped toward me, ignoring Kokabiel as she passed him. Stopping just short, she looked up at me with a sultry smile that sent a chill down my spine. 'Another weakness, evidently.' Standing around 5'6 to my 6'3, she tilted her head, resting a hand on her chin. Her voice was as smooth as velvet, almost befitting a creature created by God himself.

"Ara~ I've heard much about you, Demon's Voice." She leaned in slightly, her massive chest pressing against mine. "I hope you'll accept my job when I call on you~"

My eyebrow arched to meet its twin, my curiosity piqued. She smirked, stepped back, and turned around, pausing only to give a little wave. With a hum of magic, a circle formed beneath her, and she vanished taking Kokabiel with her.

Azazel snorted, seating himself on a rock nearby as I turned to him. "So, what exactly do you want, Sasaki Ryou?"

With a sigh at him knowing who I was, I summoned Muramasa and got straight to the point. "Ever heard of the Blood River?"

He blinked, tilting his head thoughtfully. "Doesn't sound like any Sacred Gear or place I know of."

My turn to blink. 'What?'


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