
The Bounty Hunter (3/3)

"No!" Before the screens of many, the world was left horrified as they watched the battle between the Justice League. The world at first was happy, sure the brutal sight of Lobo being beaten to death and him just healing was horrifying to many, but seeing the clones popping up left many unable to breathe.

They didn't know how the Justice League was going to defeat this alien, injuring it would only birth clones... but the world breathed a sigh of relief seeing Dr Fate arrive... yet they were horrified by the bike which had moved faster than the camera could pick up, hitting Dr. Fate with such might, his spine most likely snapped. The guy was talking, instead of fighting, of course, Lobo took the opening. 

Dr. Fate should have been more than enough to fight the guy, but he was attacked from behind, and his helmet was removed, followed by him and the caught-off-guard Flash exploding. Lobo came off as a fool, no one expected the guy to be smart.

The world watched as Superman fell at the red solar gun, leading to them losing hope with every passing second... but they had something to hold onto when Wonder Woman flew off into the sky carrying the clones and Lobo, leaving the others to destroy the bike that wanted to protect Lobo.

A few flew after Wonder Woman, while the others stayed back to look at those who died. The world watched as Black Canary, Green Arrow, and many others cried at the death of their friends and allies. The world went quiet for some time, moaning the death of Earth's heroes,

They didn't truly understand how weak humans were compared to the rest of the Universe, what was a better wake-up call than an immortal undying space bounty hunter?

Those who were not affected by the battle went on with their life... but they didn't even have more than 5 hours to live their life as in the center of a city, a man whose body was taken over by Lobo's spirit found himself transforming into Lob. Even genetics transforming into Lobo's genetics.

"The Main man is back!" Lobo roared, horrifying those near, sending them running away in horror, but he ignored them and went on to call for his bike, just to pause seeing it not answer him. He was annoyed as he guessed it was destroyed, with an annoyed look he jumped into the sky, searching for a junkyard so he could put together a new bike and some weapons...

He was quick, it was shocking just how fast he could put stuff together, creating a new bike in a matter of minutes. By the time the Justice League arrived, Lobo had already put together a few weapons aimed to hit a few of the Justice League member's weak points.

"First the armored man," Lobo said with a grin while pushing a button that released a signal into the air that turned off all electronics nearby, including Batman's Batarmor, which was currently sneaking up on Lobo. But Lobo smelled his own blood which was on Batman armor, leading to the sneak attack to fail.

"Second, solar energy absorber ray gun," Lobo said while shooting a beam at Superman who just arrived before him. The beam hit Superman, and just as Superman's fist connected with Lobo's face, Lobo was sent flying away, but the beam didn't stop doing its job, as it absorbed Superman's Solar energy, leaving Superman feeling weak.

"The power of the gods is going to be troublesome," Lobo said as Shazam flew in, sending him flying with a punch. Shazam was enraged, he didn't hold back as well, unleashing lighting into Lobo's body with every punch, but Lobo just healed and healed with every blow, all with a grin.

The world was once more forced to watch in horror as the Main man appeared, already he had taken out 2 Justice League members, while the rest tried their best to help out. Batman was trapped in his armor, unable to get out, and Superman was standing in the Sun, trying to regain some energy.

Lobo couldn't be kept down, he laughed in the face of pain, he feared nothing, and he was unkillable, such a being made for a troublesome foe. On top of everything, he had the strength to rival Superman, and although he couldn't fly didn't mean he was slow.

Plus, Lobo never breaks a contract. Sure, sometimes he uses loopholes to avoid completing his jobs, but this time there was no loophole. Darkseid wanted Escanor to die, and Darkseid would pay a lot. Either Lobo somehow dies, or Escanor dies, and to ensure Escanor's death, the Justice League has to die. The main man took his job seriously.


Lobo was sent flying by a woman with wings on her back, holding a meta mace. Shazam was stunned as he had never seen this woman but that didn't matter as he was about to move, but a man with wings also flew in, hitting Lobo. 

They were not the only ones who arrived, as a man wearing a magician outfit moved, casting a spell that caused light to wrap around Lobo, forcefully sucking him towards him. The man went on to remove his hat and flipped it over so Lobo could be sealed within.

"Sorry I'm late members of Justice League, I should have come sooner," Zatara said softly, regret deep in his eyes. he didn't hear the news until Lobo was sent to space, he was able to teleport over as soon as he could... but the chaos done was great, and the lives lost were not small.

"No... it's okay. how long can you hold him?" Cyborg asked with a downcast look

"Not for long, he would break free soon. I can't hold him... where is Escanor? Someone like him could easily defeat this foe." Zatara asked to which Cyborg and the others gritted their teeth, even with all of their training, at the end of the day... they needed Escanor, to make things worse, so many of their allies died, and Wonder Woman was currently badly injured, suffering from the burns she endured.

"He isn't on Earth, he went to deal with something else. It would be up to us to deal with this matter until he arrived to deal with it." Cyborg said to which Zatara thought of someone else who might be able to end Lobo for good. Constantine... but he wanted nothing to do with that bastard... but did they have a choice right now?

So, they went to see Constantine who was already waiting for them... to best seal Lobo, they went on to first erase his body, leaving only his spirit. With the spirit, they went on to seal it away under thousands of layers. Lobo's spirit was too powerful to be destroyed, and it would break out, but that spirit would need many years to do so, more than enough time.

"Thank you," Cyborg said with a tired look, this was a wake-up call for him, allowing him to realize that this wasn't a game. They could die with but a snap of the finger, now they had to go get the bodies ready for Escanor's return... hopefully, he could return them to life without problems.

"I will speak with Escanor about having you join the Justice League... we can use people like you," Cyborg said to which Zatara nodded, accepting to join the League if they would accept him.

"Sure, have Escanor come personally get me," Constantine said with a smirk, Cyborg was confused by such a reaction, but it was clear he and Escanor knew each other well. Shrugging, he left with the stone which held Lobo's soul...


"You have been distracted." A pale-skinned teen said lightly, her tone was as lifeless as she looked. She was looking at me for a second, before looking down upon hell... yeah, I was in hell... well, more like the part of hell under Trigon's rule.

"I was just checking in on things back home... and don't worry, I still have like 4 days before I have to return. Enough time for you to overpower your father's hold on you." I said to which Raven began crying,

"You don't understand my father's power, he would devour my humanity again, and you will not be able to stop it. Just kill me." She said lightly, her pale skin slowly turning red, with her nails growing out, turning into sharp deadly yellowish claws.

"You want to know a little secret of mine?" I asked Raven who looked at me with her now 4 eyes. I got to one knee, and before her shocked eyes, I had half of my face take on a demonic form and released a bit of demonic power.

{I know Anos doesn't have a demonic form, there is a reason why MC has such a form. It would be explained when MC uses that form.}

"I'm also a demon. Your power only has so much power over you because you let them. Not all demons have to be evil, I know a demon called Meliodas who went on to fight against the forces of hell for the sake of humans. I know another person who is the son of the devil and a human and went on to use his devil powers to defeat his dad. I think he was called Rin? Whatever, you get the point right?" I asked with a smile, before quickly getting back on topic

"You are part human and part demon, which means you are stronger than Trigon. It's how things seem to be, half-bloods are always stronger than their pure-blooded parents." I said with a smile, to which Raven opened and closed her mouth, not knowing what to say for a moment.

"But my power is pure darkness." She said while looking down, but I had her look up and into my eyes, and there what she saw left her horrified to sense the power of destruction hidden within.

"Yes, but mine is far worse than yours. Mine seeks to destroy everything, yours seeks to what? Swallow it in darkness, at least there would be something left. I on the other hand would leave the world without Darkness or light." I said with a smile, leaving Raven not knowing what to say once that power of Destruction disappeared from my eyes.

"Plus, there is no such thing as an evil power, it's how you use it that makes it evil. If you fear you will lose control of that darkness, I will be there to destroy it. But If I ever lose control of my power, I want you to come swallow it in darkness. Pinky promise?" I asked while holding out my pinky, which caused her moved look to disappear as she looked away from me.

"I'm not a child, I'm 13 years old... but I will stop your power of Destruction, I must first stop my father... or else I wouldn't be able to stop you." She said lightly, and to that, I took her pinky with my pinky.

"Then we have a deal, you can't break a Pinky promise, so you can't lose. You will forever be by my side, fated to keep me in check." I said with a smile, making Raven blush lightly while turning away.

"Leave, go back to Earth or whatever... I have to get ready to seal him away." Raven said in the same tone as always... but I could easily sense the different note to it.

"Looks like someone is embarrassed, is the very thought of being near someone as amazing, handsome, cool, fantastic, fabulous, outstanding, stunning, breathtaking, mindblowing, unique, prodigious, unimaginable, inconceivable, and unthinkable as myself overwhelming your poor mine?" I asked standing proud and tall

"... You're something alright." She said with a deadpan look, to which I nodded in agreement, leaving her speechless.

"Your poor brain can't even put together the right word to describe me with... I guess we need to start improving your verbally." I said with a nod of my head.

"It's pronounced vocabulary." She said to which I blinked for a moment before shrugging.

"I heard it both ways... the right way, and then there's yours," I said with a shrug, leaving Raven giving me a weird look.

"Anyways what is your plan, you don't plan to just rush in to fight the guy... right?" I asked to which Raven shook her head.

"When he wants to head to Earth, it would be my chance to seal him away, if I tried now, he would break free." She said to which I thought for a moment, before shaking my head at that plan.

"I think you should wait for Trigon's guard to be down, I think the right moment for that might be when he thinks he could step on Earth. At that moment, you can move, and seal him away." I said seriously, leaving Raven glaring at me before she walked away.

"What?" I asked in confusion

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