

The first floor of the library had a massive wall listing the types of books on each floor.

Helag had a clear goal: he wanted to look at books related to world geography, which were on the second floor.

As he climbed the stairs, he noticed a study room on the first floor with rows of tables and chairs. Many students were already there, reading and studying, giving Helag a nostalgic feeling of his previous life's library.

In the geography section, Helag found mostly books about the Carlson Continent, with very few on world geography.

"Deep Blue, start recording the contents of every book I read to expand the database."

[Task created, beginning execution.]

Helag found three books on world geography. Each book's content was not detailed; the authors had limited travel experience, and much of the information was hearsay.

"Deep Blue, summarize the information from these three books and compile it into a coherent world geography overview."

Helag skimmed through the books, relying on Deep Blue to record everything.

[Summary complete.]

Helag reviewed Deep Blue's summary, which included a world map based on available information.

The Carlson Continent, where he was, was estimated to be 1.5 million square kilometers. The nearest continent, Karag, was northwest.

The sea between Carlson and Karag had an unknown distance, estimated at 6,000 kilometers based on travelogues and memoirs.

The map of Karag was incomplete, showing only a small portion. Beyond these continents were vast seas and many small islands.

"The information is quite lacking," Helag thought, realizing the people of Carlson Continent knew little about the world beyond their land.

Carlson's productivity was too low to support long voyages.

Helag confirmed that the ship carrying wizard apprentices headed to Karag.

According to Claude, the ship came from the east, passed Carlson, and went northwest to Karag.

But the eastern continent was uncharted, with no information on its location or size.

"Looks like we need a Columbus," Helag joked to himself.

Finding no more world geography information, he headed to the fourth floor.

The botany section was on the fourth floor, where Helag wanted to research Meteor Grass.

"Found it," Helag said, locating Meteor Grass in a book called "Encyclopedia of Rare Plants."

"Meteor Grass: Red petals, grows near meteorites, has ornamental value, medicinal value unknown."

Helag then searched for information on meteorites and found a famous meteorite crater near Swan City, ten kilometers away.


Helag closed the book, returned to his room to grab his steel bow and sword, and rode out of the city.


The meteorite crater outside Swan City was massive, 500 meters in diameter, forming a circular depression.

Helag rode for half an hour to reach the crater.

The soil here was different, red and sparsely vegetated.

Helag walked down the slope into the crater, searching for signs of Meteor Grass.

The crater had many water pits and sparse vegetation.

After wandering for a while, he found a red flower at the base of the inner wall.

Helag took out a small shovel and carefully dug up the Meteor Grass, preserving its roots.

[Warning: High-energy magic source approaching rapidly!]

"High-energy magic source?" Helag had no time to react before a powerful force sent him flying, clutching the Meteor Grass.

[Detected severe burns on the back. Recommend immediate use of Holy Healing.]

Helag winced in pain and saw a red-haired boy, about sixteen or seventeen, grinning at him.

"You're still alive?" the red-haired boy said, surprised.

"Deep Blue, analyze his body data."

[Strength 1.5, Agility 1.6, Constitution 2.1, Spirit 3.9]

Helag took a deep breath. "Spirit 9, four points higher than mine. He's also a first-class wizard apprentice."

Helag had estimated that at least five points of Spirit were needed to advance to a second-class wizard apprentice.

Helag's back was severely burned, with some skin charred.

"That flower is mine…" the red-haired boy started, but Helag had already drawn his sword and charged.

The boy raised his right hand, and a green ring on his middle finger glowed, forming a basketball-sized fireball that shot towards Helag.

The distance between them was at least 300 meters, which was why Deep Blue hadn't detected him.

The distance was too great for Helag to attack first, so he had to dodge the fireball.

He adjusted his stance, leaping behind a dirt mound as the fireball exploded where he had stood.

"Seems it doesn't track the target" Helag concluded.

He drew his steel bow, quickly nocking an arrow and shooting.

The red-haired boy reacted swiftly, shouting, "Partial Petrification!"

His left hand turned gray and stone-like.

The arrow struck his stone hand, sparking on impact.

The boy was annoyed. "That actually hurt!"

Helag, hiding behind the dirt mound, realized he was in a tough spot.

He had plenty of magic but no offensive spells, making him too passive.

"Deep Blue, block my pain."

[Pain blocked.]

Helag channeled magic into the pocket watch, casting Holy Healing on himself. His back healed significantly.

[Remaining magic: 70%.]

The red-haired boy sensed the magic fluctuation, his eyes lighting up. "You have enchanted items! What a lucky find!"

He sneered, "You're a wizard apprentice but can't cast spells? Is your potential too low, or is your teacher incompetent? Carlson lacks wizard resources, but you should know basic spells. And your enchanted item seems to be for healing. You're doomed."

Next chapter