

"Why are we going to the Pumpkin Farm at this time?" Helag asked, puzzled.

The autumn harvest was over, and there was nothing left at the Pumpkin Farm. It had no strategic value, and no one would bother causing trouble there.

Seeing Emil's awkward expression, Helag suddenly understood. "Alright, I'll go with you. But have you really thought this through?"

He had already noticed that Emil and Melissa were genuinely in love.

Emil's trip to the Pumpkin Farm was likely an attempt to avoid Melissa until she got married.

Emil playfully smacked Helag's head. "Kids shouldn't meddle in adult affairs!"

Helag could see Emil was in a hurry, so he quickly packed and left with him.


At the castle gate, two horses were ready, loaded with various supplies for the winter.

Helag glanced at Emil, noticing he looked weary, probably from a sleepless night. 

"Emil!" Melissa's voice called from a distance. Helag turned to see her running towards them.

"Let's go!" Emil urged, mounting his horse and galloping away.

Helag, not wanting to get involved in noble affairs, quickly followed Emil.

As they crossed the river, Helag looked back to see Melissa kneeling at the castle gate, seemingly in tears.

The autumn forest had changed, with red leaves covering the mountains and fallen leaves carpeting the path, crunching under the horses' hooves.

Emil was silent, lost in thought, while Helag enjoyed the outing.

Despite his young age, Helag's experience from two lifetimes made him more mature than Emil. He knew that time would heal all wounds.

With no urgent mission, they took their time.

They even stopped at the cave where they had fought before. Emil poured two cups of wine on the ground, performed a knight's salute, and left silently.

Seven days later, they arrived at the Pumpkin Farm.

The farm was at the foot of the Emerald Mountains. After descending the mountain path and passing through the forest, they reached a wide plain.

The plain was dotted with fields of varying sizes, usually planted with wheat, pumpkins, and other crops.

With the harvest over, most fields were bare.

In the center of the Pumpkin Farm was a large courtyard, its walls made of thick stone, serving as a defensive structure.

"This is to guard against wild animals and occasional enemy raids," Emil explained.

The farm's gate was a heavy iron door. Emil knocked lightly.

After a while, footsteps approached, and a hoarse voice asked, "Who is it?"

"Captain of the castle guard, Emil, here to garrison," Emil replied.

"Who?" The old man inside seemed hard of hearing.

Emil raised his voice and repeated himself.

This time, the old man seemed to understand. The sound of a key turning in the lock followed.


The gate slowly opened with a grating noise. An old man in a bulky cotton coat stood behind it.

His skin was dry and wrinkled like tree bark, and his eyes were cloudy.

"Are you Massimo? I'm Emil. Here's my badge," Emil said, handing over his knight captain's badge.

Massimo took the badge, felt it with his hands, and returned it without looking. "Come in."

"He's the farm's sole guardian, and he's been here for forty years," Emil explained.

"Forty years…" Helag was amazed at the old man's longevity.

"Remember, don't leave your room at night, no matter what you hear. There are demons in the mountains. In past winters, guards stationed here disappeared by morning. Be careful," Massimo warned as he led them inside.

"Demons? Do they really exist?" Helag asked.

Massimo ignored him.

Emil explained, "Guards were indeed stationed here in past winters, but they all disappeared. So, we stopped sending guards."

"Then why are we here?" Helag asked, feeling tricked.

Emil laughed, "Demons are just rumors. There are many wild animals in the mountains during winter, making it risky to go out at night. But are we afraid of wild animals?"

Helag agreed. Ordinary wild animals would be nothing more than snacks. But he couldn't dismiss the possibility of something strange, given this world's differences from his previous life.

The farm had a dozen buildings, large and small. The larger ones were storage rooms for grain and supplies and the smaller ones were living quarters.

Massimo lived in a small house at the farm's northern end, while Emil and Helag stayed in a three-story building in the center.

The house was messy, but they tidied it up, making it somewhat livable.

The house had a cellar. Emil opened the wooden cover, lowered an oil lamp, and descended when the lamp stayed lit.

The cellar contained sacks of flour and several large barrels.

Emil, delighted, picked up a barrel and sniffed. "This is good wine!"

They brought a barrel upstairs and poured fresh red wine into two cups, and the rich aroma filled the room.

"Cheers!" Emil said with a smile.


After the long journey, they were both tired and welcomed the wine.

With their knightly constitutions, they couldn't get drunk easily. With no one else around, Helag boldly asked, "Are you sure you won't regret hiding here?"

Emil sighed, "I already regret it, but some things are more important than my feelings."

"The baron's marriage alliance is to protect the entire territory. If my actions jeopardize it, I'll endanger the territory and the baron," he explained.

Helag was puzzled. "Protect the entire territory? Beharad can't do that."

Beharad was too poor to threaten Dur Valley.

Emil looked at Helag and said, "Do you know why the baron has controlled Dur Valley for so long? It's not because of the number of guards. It's because he's a great knight. There are few great knights in the Norton Kingdom."

"A great knight's power is a deterrent. No one dares to invade because a great knight can destroy entire families alone."

"Does that mean the baron…" Helag speculated. If Baron Buck was dying, Dur Valley would become a tempting target for everyone.

TL/n - 

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