


"Ethan, go to the court. The others are slacking", Coach Isaac complains and shouts in frustration.

I smile and run into the court. I love the attention. I halt when I hear two boys whispering - gossiping. I look at the coach, and he is talking to my teammate. Thank God so I can finally eavesdrop without interruption.

"Did you hear the latest? I heard Senior Keilani stood up to the half casts. I was too shocked for words", one of the guys says.

"I heard the same thing. I was surprised. I found it hard to believe until I saw the video", the other one replies.

A video was made? Why am I just hearing about it?

"But Keilani was too extra. Why not ignore them since she is holier than tho-"

"Forget that thing. I mean, they get away with everything they do. The worst of them is Senior Eric and Ethan. They are spoiling the good reputation of their parents", the first one who spoke earlier scoffs.

I walk closer to where the ball is at the end of the court and hold unto it, gripping it so tight. I squeezed the ball and noticed how hard the ball was. I grinned. This is perfect for what I am using it for. I grit my teeth and breathe heavily. I can feel the anger rise as vein pops out of my hand. See what she has caused. Why can't she mind her business? Why won't she act like the Christian girl she is? Why do Godly people think they are better than others? Why can't they avoid me along with their God?

I throw the ball in the air and kick it to their direction as hard as I can, and it hit their heads. I smile wholeheartedly as they yelp in pain, holding unto their head. Seeing blood drip from their heads made me even happier. Everyone at the court runs in their direction, asking what happened. I stand where I was, I wasn't satisfied. I need to let my anger out, or I will grumble al through today.

Everyone turns to look at me. I fake a smile and shrug my shoulder, and the coach and our biology teacher walk towards me. Our biology looks pissed when he is never pissed. I look at those gossip, so they are even juniors. What are juniors doing in the senior's court anyway?

"What did they do?", Mr Isaac asks in whisper.

"No need to be gentle with him. No matter what they did, it didn't warrant such brutality", Mr Bayo yells, and I roll my eyes and smirk.

"I am talking, and you eye me and smile. I can see you have no home training and I pity", he spits out, and I tighten my hand into a fist.

I begin to think of things that make me happy to avoid doing something I might regret, and Yara comes to mind, but Mr Bayo's voice interrupts my thoughts. Why does everyone keep pushing my buttons? Why can't they just leave me to cause as many shenanigans as I please?

"You are not the only one who has lost a loved one-"

"Bayo that's enough-"

"No, it isn't. Those kids are bleeding from their heads. Someone needs to put him in his-", I walk past him, and I feel a hand drag me by my shirt and pull me back.

A hard palm lands on my cheeks, and I hear everyone shout and whisper. I tighten my fist even tighter to avoid letting them lose and slapping him. I avoid eye contact, or I might beat him to a pulp.


I hear the door open and I look at the big wooden door with pigeon holes and I see my friends run to me.

"You are bleeding", Kailea yells as she runs faster than the rest.

She slides on the ground when she gets in front of me. She is worried, and I hate seeing her worry. She quickly loosed her tie , wrapped it around my palm, and tied it. I look at the ground, and I see my blood drip on the tiles.

"What happened?', Eric asks as he pushes me back and stands in front of me.

Mr Bayo scoffs and shakes his head, "Look who we have here. THE HALF CASTS - no the manner less Half casts", he mocks.

Kailea stands up and holds me by my arm, her tears drop on my hand, and I tilt my head to look at her. She is worried and won't stop crying, and the sight of it breaks my heart. I am okay with being the only one humiliated, but dragging my loved ones into it is something I can't take. Keilani is the cause of all this. She is bad news and needs to be stopped, and as for Mr. Bayo, I will make him regret raising his hands on me. That I promise.

"Let's go", I look away, holding unto Kailea as I leave the court.


I walk into the house and see my dad seated on the arm of the couch, with my mum standing beside him, resting her hand on his shoulder. I sigh, the school already called him. I ignore them and walk towards the stares.

"Ethan!", my dad yells, and I halt and walk to the sitting room.

I stand three feet away from my parents. My dad is a typical gold-digger. He married my mum because of her family's wealth. And cheated years later with a woman who bore him a daughter. Ever since then, all the respect I had for him died. He is in no position to scold me or tell me what is right and wrong.

My dad is dark skin, burly, brown eyes, black lips, grey hair, and has a disciplinary look. He is wearing chieftaincy attire, same with my mum, so I am guessing they were at a meeting when the principal called him. On his wrist are three beads, and on his hat is a red cap on black shoes.

My mum is on a green attire which suits her perfectly. She has a village bead on her neck, ears, and wrist. Her long black full hair is spread across her shoulders. She has a heavy makeup on. She has brown eyes, long black hair, natural long lashes, oval face, pointed hair, and average height.

My mum is one of the most amazing women I have ever met. And she is too forgiven, which is something I hate because people take advantage of her. She sighs and touches her chest, indicating I calm down. I look away and stare at the huge television with LED light around it.

There are three white sofas and an armchair around the living room. And a step by step center table in the middle and on it is a basket filled with fruits. Underneath the huge television is a home theater. And beside the television are white shelves on both sides. On the ceiling is dangling chandelier.

"What did you do this time?", my dad tries to be as calm as possible because of my mum, and I am silent.

"I will just ask once or so help me God, you will be rushed to the nearest hospital", he threatens, and I scoff.

"I will pretend like I didn't hear you scoff. What happened in school?", he asks, and I roll my eyes.

He stands up sluggishly and walks to me, with my mum beside him. When he reaches in front, he halts and raises his hand to hit me, and my mum stands in front of me, protecting me, and he halts halfway. I tint my head to look at him, and he tightens his fist into a ball.

"That's not the way to correct a child. Don't ever raise your hands on my son again", my mum defends me, and I smile.

"You are the one spoiling this boy-"

"This boy is our son-"

"This hoodlum behind you is no son of mine. I don't know whose son he is-"

"Don't say that. Don't ever speak such nonsense again-"

"He is not my son-", my mum slaps him, and I smirk.

He deserves that and more.

My mum holds my hand and races upstairs. My dad looks at the ground filled with regret. I smile as I see him look so down. That will teach him never to mess with me. When we stop at my door, my mum lets go of my hand and leaves for her room without saying a word to me.

She avoids eye contact and sluggishly walks to her room. I shake my head, and I can't stop thinking of Keilani. She is the reason Kailea and my mum cried. She is the reason raised his hands on me. I can't let that slide.

I twist the door knob and enter my room, and slam the door behind me.


"Lee!", Yara yells out my name as she runs into the beach, wanting me to run after her, which I did.

Yara is wearing a white long gown with a white bead on her neck and is barefooted. She has dark skin, curly short hair, pink lips, brown eyes, small ears and eyes, and scanty eyebrows.

I smile and remove my black and blue strip singlet and run to the water. Her soft and melodious laughter fills the air and my inside leap for joy. The sight of her smile made me happy. I run after her, but it doesn't seem I am making any progress getting closer. I look at Yara, and she is going into the shore of the beach. I yell her name but she doesn't hear me. I begin to panic, and my body shakes in fear. I begin to think of how to get to her as fast as I can. The thought of losing her weakened me.

"Yara! Come back please", I yell, and she chuckles.

I try to run, but it seems I am at the same spot. A huge wave comes, and I hear her yell at the top of my lungs. She sights it in time and swims towards me, but it feels like she is too far and won't make it in time. The wave swallows her, and she drowns and yells my name, begging me to save her.

"YARA!", I yells with everything in me.

I kept running, but it was futile. She stops moving, and the water carries her lifeless body. I fall to the ground and yell.

"You are pathetic. You can save others, but you can't save the only girl you love. Aren't you worthless?", the voice says in my head.

I scream louder as tears roll down my cheeks. I jerk and wake up from what felt like reality. My grey singlet is soaked in sweat as tears roll down my cheeks. I pant heavily as my body shakes in fear. I scream, and my door opens. My mum runs in with my dad and elder brother, Yang. Yang stands at the door, rubbing his eyes and leaning on the door.

Yang is my immediate elder brother and a pain in my ass. Ever since Yara died, we turned enemies. Yara is huge, abs and muscles everywhere. He has the Asian look. Short black hair, brown eyes, pointed nose, visible cheekbone, pink lips, long lashes, and the carbon copy of our eldest brother, Gwan.

My mum sits beside me as tears roll down my cheeks, and she is worried sick. My dad stands behind my mum, holding on to her shoulders, trying to comfort her. It seems they have made up.

"Honey, call the doc-"

"The doctor can't help him-"

"Yang ,please not now-"

"He is right. I mean, we have taken him to the best hospitals and psychologists. He needs to go to a rehab-"

"Get out!', I say as politely as I can, and they widen their eyes in shock.


"Leave", I whisper slowly, and Yang scoffs. "Typical of him to act like a spoilt child", he shakes his head and ruffles his black hair before leaving for his room.

My dad stands up and leaves, not saying a word. My mum holds my hand and squeezes it. They think I enjoy having this kind of dream. They think I love reliving my baby's death over and over again. Do they think I enjoy this? They claim to be family, yet they don't even care to understand. I can't wait to leave this house. I can't wait to leave here instead of being constantly reminded of the failure I am.

"Ma leave", I let go of her and look away.



"Have you tried praying?", she asks, and I turn my face to look at her as I frown.

Is she serious? Did she just say pray? Pray to who, please? To a God who doesn't exist or to the God who abandoned me? She knows I hate God, yet she brings it up just to get under my skin.

"Get out", I yell, and she flinches but doesn't move.

I grab the lamp at my left drawer and throw it to the ground, and she yells and sobs and cries harder. God, huh? To hell with Him. I don't need Him. I don't need my family either. FUCK THEM ALL.


My mum holds unto my hand and I push her and she cries harder. I look away, seeing the pain in my mother's eyes breaks me. It made me feel bad for been this way but it isn't my fault. He turned me this way.

"Please ma. Leave me alone", I yell completely out of breath as I grit my teeth.

My chest aches and I rub them softly and close my eyes as more tears roll down my cheeks. I lie down and turn my back against my mum. I hold unto the duvet as tight as I can as I sob silently. I hear my mum sniffle before she climbs my bed and kiss my cheeks, a drop of her tears drop on my cheeks and that breaks my heart more.

"I love you and I am never giving up on you. Chase me away all you want, I will still be here behind you", she stands up and leave my room. I sob loudly and hold unto my chest as tight as I can. The chest pain won't leave and the tears won't stop rolling.

Next chapter