
Chapter 116 - Not even a towel robe

Alex looked embarrassed, hoping Joanna would understand that he was doing all this for her.

"I was testing all the gadgets in the kitchen to make sure there were no more surprises and didn't know what this was." He gestured towards a broken bottle on the counter.

"I tasted it and realized it was hot sauce, but when I was putting it back, it fell and splashed on me."

Joanna wasn't upset about what had happened, except for what Alex was wearing.

If he had taken off his shirt before entering the kitchen, she wouldn't have been so bothered.

"So, you ruined my shirt," Joanna said with a hint of bitterness. Alex realized he had forgotten to take off the shirt to save it for her as he had promised.

The realization filled him with guilt like never before. "Let me wash it for you. Can you make us something to eat, please?"

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