
End of the First Dungeon

At this point, the water precipitation had obviously decreased.

In one night, the water only rose to one and a half meter or half of the ninth floor.

This day another piece of news spread among the residents.

"Qi Meiying, her husband, and Ouyang Mo are dead. They run a fever last night and eventually died this morning from blood loss and wound infections."

"When they found the bodies this morning they were already being feasted on rats." Auntie Yang's expression was a little uncomfortable as she said this.

Nanzhi didn't feel anything for Qi Meiying's demise.

She reaped what she sowed and even if she didn't die, Nanzhi will make sure to finish her off before the first disaster ends.

The treatment for the corpses was the same.

They were wrapped in dirty and wet blankets and placed on a raft before pushing them off in the water.

This people couldn't waste their energy on cremation.

Next chapter