

"Thank you, Theo." His head snaps up. A mischievous smirk ghosts his lips before he is serious again. "Are you okay?"

"In your presence, I am well protected." Theo places his hand on his chest and bows his head. The nobles behind us continue stirring, no doubt discussing what they have witnessed.

I cannot protect him but the nobles will see his confidence as a means that I hold power within these palace walls. They might question now about mistreating me. I will not dare hope that anything will change yet.

This makes me wonder if it had been planned or if Theo thought quickly on his feet. Either way, the Countess's downfall has been a stepping stone for me. Deyanira will not be pleased to hear about this.

At the height of all this 'excitement', my heat has simmered a little, though I still allow some distance between myself and Theo, especially after what has just happened to him.

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