
001 ~ Unwanted fate

Through the thick forests and in the dead of the night, Sydney ran in a bid to escape her foe. Her long white lace gown made it difficult to run through those short bushes but she was determined not to die. Panting breathlessly, she kept on running but it seemed to be as though there was no end to her nightmare.

"Why is this happening to me?" She panicked. The more she ran, the more light-headed she felt. Trying to see who it was that was chasing her, she twisted her ankle and fell harshly to the ground, suffering lots of injuries.

"You cannot run, Sydney. Your fate is tied to mine." Her pursuer said with dark eyes and she towered over the trembling little girl.

"Please, don't kill me," Sydney begged but her pleas fell on deaf eyes.

"You have to die in order to put an end to our mystery. I cannot die the second time." The lady raised her sword and slashed Sydney.

At the same time as the slash, a huge jar broke, tugging Sydney out of her horrible nightmare. Springing up abruptly, cold drops of sweat dripped down her body. She touched her chest where she had been slashed in the dream but she didn't feel any pain. Instead, sh felt the aggressive pounding of her heart against her rib cage. Her body still shivered from the cold she felt, even though she was sweating profusely.

"What was that?" She questioned. Hearing another glass breaking, she was jolted back to reality. She waltzed out of her bed and strode downstairs just to see her elder sister being hit by her father. Her sister fell to the ground, holding her face as tears strolled down her cheeks. Her father breaking things had been like an alarm for her for the past five years and he always got away with it. But Sydney wasn't ready to let him go for hitting her sister. Angry, she pushed the vile man away and helped her crying sister up.

"What's wrong with you? How dare you touch my sister?" She yelled at him, not scared of what he could do to her.

"Why don't you stand aside little girl and let adults talk?"

"Adults? Who's the adult here? You?." She fired ferociously and scoffed mockingly at him.

"Adults don't talk with their hands. Only babies do."

"Syd----" Her elder sister tried to stop her but her anger had already exceeded their borders.

"The next time you touch my sister, I will make sure you pay dearly for it." She tried to drag her sister away but her father's voice stopped her.

"This impure thing is what you call a sister? Why do you all always embarrass me? Is it bad that I took you girls back from your irresponsible mother?" The old man scoffed. Her elder sister, Esma, sobbed uncontrollably as he said that.

"Well, since you didn't know, I'll tell you. Your sister here decided to follow in the footsteps of her mother." The man said with a malicious look at Esma.

Looking between the two of them, Sydney knew something was up.

"What's he talking about?" She asked Esma who was looking somewhere else with guilty eyes.

"Talk to me, Esma." She was impatient but she couldn't defend her sister since she didn't know what was going on.

"She got pregnant for that stupid boyfriend of hers. Such a disgraceful act."

The revelation shocked Sydney a bit as the two of them had made an agreement earlier. She was dumbfounded and looked at her sister's sad face.

"You're nothing but a tainted bit*ch!" He yelled at the top of his voice.

"What gives you the right to judge her, huh? It's not like you're a saint." Sydney stood between him and her sister. She had always been the only one who could stand up to their abusive father. Esma had a soft spirit and couldn't stand against him. Instead, she let him hit her all the time because of the respect she had for him as an older man. But Sydney didn't care how old he was. She saw him as an old man that needed to be taught a lesson.

"Move out of the way, little girl. Let me teach this stupid girl a lesson she will never forget."

"I would love to see you try, you old douchebag!"

Just as things got heated between them, the door was invasively opened and strangers walked in. Although, Sydney recognized them to be the elders of their pack who were being led by their alpha. Alpha Brook looked between the girls, trying to guess which was the chosen bride for his alpha foe.

"You!" He pointed to Esma who shivered when she saw his fingers pointing at her.

"You will marry the alpha." He declared but Esma hid behind her sister.

"What nonsense are you talking about?" Sydney countered the alpha with a stern look and a cocky arched brow.

"What gave you the right to waltz in here and talk to my sister that way?" She blew up but her father was quick to interrupt her.

"Don't mind this silly girl, alpha." He laughed in between his talks, trying to please the already seemingly angry man.

"But alpha, this one is not fit to marry the alpha. She is impure and will taint the image of our pack." He spoke with disdain as he stared at Esma. The agreement was that whatever came out from marrying his eldest daughter would be shared equally amongst the two parties. But Esma had to ruin his plans by getting pregnant for her boyfriend.

"Impure?" Alpha Brook tilted his head in confusion.

"Yes, but we can always make another arrangement. You can take my youngest daughter. She's nothing like her elder sister." His tone seemed so pleasing that it made Sydney throw up in her stomach. She was disgusted by the two-faced man.

"Alright then. Take her away."

Before Sydney could blink, some strong men had already grabbed hold of her.

"Hey, you lunatic. Let me go!" She was referring to the alpha. Esma didn't have the strength to push any of them and all she could do was cry and beg. Sydney hated seeing her sister hurt and that built up more anger in her.

"Just shut up and do as I say. It's for the good of our pack. Why are you such a whiny child?" Brook complained with a distressed sigh.

"Why don't you sort out your mess yourself? What do I have to do with it?"

Seeing that they were taking her to a car surrounded by lots of guards, her wolf reacted.

"Let me go!!!" Her scream resonated, making her body release some strong sound waves, coming out in sections. The waves pushed her capturers away, causing them to fly off to a far distance. They sustained tremendous injuries, making it difficult to stand up immediately.

Panting, Sydney wondered what had happened. She looked around her in fear, everybody around her was on the ground, groaning in pain. Except her sister who was standing by the door, staring gobsmacked.

'What just happened?' She questioned herself. She looked at herself but she was still the same.

"Don't lose her!" Alpha Brook screamed painstakingly but none of his men were still able to stand up.

Sydney ran to her sister and hugged her.

"Let's go, Esma." She tried to pull her sister along but her sister was reluctant.

"No, Syd. I'll only slow you down. Please, run away as far as you can. I'll be alright." Esma said, removing a necklace from her back. It was her mother's necklace and she placed it in Sydney's hand.

"It's yours from now on." She kissed her younger sister's head.

"But you never let me touch it." In Sydney's hand, the necklace lit up bright blue. But it was only her that could see the light.

"Mother always wanted to have you hold the necklace. And she said to give you when the time is right. I think it's time you have what's rightfully yours. You have to go now." With a sad smile, she dragged her sister far from the house. She knew there was a probability she would never see her sister again.

"You have to live Sydney, no matter what."

Hi, author here. Thank you for picking out this book to read. You will enjoy the ride. XoXo

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