
Read Me First

A Legacy of Heroes

The Power Rangers franchise began on August 28, 1993, with the premiere of Mighty Morphin Power Rangers on Fox Kids. This innovative series captivated audiences with its blend of action, adventure, and camaraderie among a diverse group of teenagers who transformed into powerful heroes. The first three seasons introduced iconic characters, epic battles against villains, and the timeless struggle of good versus evil. The franchise reached a significant milestone with the finale of Power Rangers in Space, which aired on February 4, 2000. This series concluded with the episode titled "Countdown to Destruction," marking the end of an era for the original continuity and setting the stage for the future of the Power Rangers universe.

Following the events of Power Rangers in Space, the Power Rangers Lost Galaxy series unfolded, but for the purposes of this fanfiction, the characters remain largely unaware of Terra Venture and its ambitious mission. It is understood that approximately one billion humans from Earth departed for a new home somewhere beyond the galaxy, lost to communication distance and forgotten lore.

In the timeline of our story, six months to two years after the events of Countdown to Destruction, the ruins of the legendary Command Center were discovered. Although the above-ground facility was destroyed in the finale of Turbo, the sublevels—previously used for storage, training, recovery, and downtime—remained shrouded in mystery. Within these ruins, the Rangers uncovered a warning message and four new morphers, though one was mysteriously absent. These morphers signify a resurgence of the power that once protected Earth.

The newly emerged Rangers find themselves facing a dark enemy—a villainous group trapped in a pocket dimension outside of space and time by Zordon himself. Who are these interstellar foes, and what do they desire from Earth? The answers remain shrouded in mystery, inviting readers to stay tuned for the unfolding tale.

Even though the main foundational canon for the show only extends to the events of Power Rangers Lost Galaxy, you will see references to other seasons that never came to pass because of the changes. S.P.D. is around but not welcome on Earth, while Time Force exists in the future and will consider this fanfiction to be a malfunction in the timeline that needs fixing.

As the adventure progresses, familiar figures from other shows will make their appearances, including Servo from Super Human Samurai Cyber Squad and his arch-nemesis, an AI adaptive virus named Kilobyte, designed by the US military. The VR Troopers, the Beetleborgs, and the Mystic Knights will also join the fray, alongside previous friends who are now enemies and past villains who have become allies. You'll also encounter characters who land somewhere in the middle.

References to groups like "Alphabet," which created the Venjix virus in RPM, items from video games, and the Morphing Masters will be woven throughout the narrative. Expect a tapestry of action, adventure, mystery, and relationships as the story unfolds.

But the biggest question will be, what happened on Ceres? And why do the Rangers all remember the mission a little differently?

This fanfiction serves as a personal exploration for me, a means to cope with the profound loss of my family elders and friends from elementary school who returned from war forever changed. They became colder, less loving, and distant from the people they once were. It's a reflection on the journey of self-discovery and healing in the aftermath of trauma, embodying the struggle of finding identity and connection amidst chaos.

I hope you enjoy this story as much as I've enjoyed writing it. However, be prepared—there's a lot of world-building to accomplish before we dive into the epic battles of giant mechs and kaiju.


And if you do want to support the fan fiction, the rangers might run on grid energy but I run on caffeine. You can help me out with a cup of coffee here: https://venmo.com/u/Servo87

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