
Chapter 120: Deceptive Photos

"BOSS, Ms. Cobell took a videotape from the estate."

At an estate in Bordeaux, Hubert Balmain received a phone call, and his face immediately darkened.

"What videotape?"

"According to the staff at the estate, it's the recording from the party that night."

"The recording from that night? There was a recording? Damn it! Damn Crowley, damn that old pervert."

Hubert was furious. He knew Crowley, an artsy photographer who was infamous in their circle.

"Astan Crowley, did you give the party's videotape to Della?"

He immediately called Crowley.

"I'm sorry, Hubert," said an angry voice on the other end. "I got tricked by that woman, Della. She used a fake photo to deceive me and took the tape."

"Idiot!" Hubert cursed inwardly, suppressing his anger. "Astan, does that tape have footage of Raul?"

"It seems... yes!"

"You idiot! Why didn't you tell me about this? Why would you give it to Della? Don't you understand what they want? They want to ruin me, and even you, you stupid pervert! Do you get it?"

Hubert screamed over the phone.

"Hubert, show some respect," Crowley replied angrily. "The tape is mine. I'll give it to whoever I want. Raul is your son, not mine. I couldn't have a son like Raul anyway."

The line went dead.

"Damn it!" Hubert furiously threw his phone and rubbed his balding forehead.

"Camille, call Marcel. Tell him to get that tape back at any cost, even if he has to use a gun."


The assistant quickly made the call.

Hubert paced back and forth, his eyes fixed on the phone.

The phone rang.

Hubert lunged for it. "Marcel, did you get the tape?"

"Bad news, BOSS! They have RPGs! We need backup! We need—"


A loud explosion echoed through the phone before the line went dead.

"Crazy woman! Damn crazy woman!" Hubert was startled by the explosion. He had sent six men to follow Della, thinking it was enough. But she had an RPG with her. She was insane!

Suddenly, more noise came through the phone. "BOSS, we're fine. The car was flipped by the blast. What should we do now?"

"Where are you?" Hubert asked, opening a map.

"Six kilometers east of the Commande Estate, on the highway," the voice responded.

Hubert measured the distance. "Where's Della Cobell?"

"They're about to hit the highway."

"Damn it!" Hubert slammed his fist on the table. Once they hit the highway, it would be difficult to use guns. He hung up and dialed another number.

"Valdo, take your team and stop a silver Mercedes GLA, license plate 2563HG75. Stop the car and the people in it. I'll pay you ten thousand euros. Okay, okay, twenty thousand euros! You damn leech, just get it done!"

He hung up angrily. Hubert had already spent over thirty thousand euros on this lawsuit, and now another twenty thousand. It hurt him deeply.

Hubert collapsed on the couch, rubbing his thinning hair. As he did, a clump of hair came out in his hand.

"Fuck! Fuck!" he yelled in frustration.

There was a knock at the door.

"What now?" Hubert snapped.

"Mr. Balmain, young master Raul called. He'd like to replace his nurses with two pretty ones. He suggested hiring two models, preferably Kate and Miranda."

"Bullshit!" Hubert nearly passed out from anger. Spitting in rage, he shouted, "Replace them with two Black nurses, over forty, and weighing no less than 180 pounds! Got it?"

"Got it!"

The assistant closed the door and left.

"Bastards!" Hubert cursed, pacing before pouring himself a large glass of red wine.

"Valdo, have you found the car?"

He grabbed the phone again.

"Almost, almost! Haha, I see the silver Mercedes," Valdo shouted excitedly over the phone. "Don't worry, Mr. Balmain, I've got eight sports cars with me today. We'll get that car. Have my twenty thousand euros ready!"

"Of course, just get it done quickly!" Hubert hung up, impatient. He poured another glass of wine and exhaled deeply. As long as he got the tape back, he'd win the lawsuit.

The phone rang again.

"Valdo, did you get them?" Hubert asked eagerly.

"Sorry, Mr. Balmain. There are two anti-terrorist armored cars from Paris escorting that car, equipped with heavy weapons. We're not taking this job. Looking forward to working with you next time!"

The line went dead.

"Armored cars?"

Hubert was stunned for a moment. What were these crazy feminists planning? It was just a small lawsuit. Was all of this really necessary?

"Damn it! Damn it!" Hubert paced the room, then shouted, "Camille, call everyone to the estate. We've got new problems."


Meanwhile, in front of the Grand Hotel in the city center, a silver Mercedes GLA and two police cars pulled up.

"Della, isn't this a bit much?" Luca asked, glancing at two SWAT officers armed with rifles.

"This is intimidation. It has to be big," Della replied, eyeing his arm. "How's your injury?"

"It's nothing, just a scratch." Luca shrugged, rubbing the bandage on his arm.

He had accidentally been hit by shrapnel when using the RPG earlier. Luckily, it only hit his arm; if it had been his face, the damage would've been too great.

"Good thing it's just a minor injury. If it were serious, Kate would've killed me," Della said with a smirk.

Just then, Kate Lima and her group returned. "Hey Luca, Della, you're back... wait, Luca, you're hurt?"

"It's nothing, just a small injury," Luca waved it off.

"Della, you said you were just going to check things out. How did it turn into this?" Kate asked, annoyed.

"We found this at the estate," Della replied, holding up a videotape.

"What is it?"

"The recording from the party that night. Hubert's in a panic."

"A tape? Do we even need this anymore?" Kate asked, confused.

"Of course. The funding for this operation depends on this tape," Della said with a smirk. She handed the tape to Vido. "Keep this safe."

"I understand, Professor," Vido replied seriously, taking the tape.

In the corner of the hall, a waiter wearing a hat squinted and then quietly left.

"Mr. Balmain, I have important information!"


"I just saw Ms. Della."

Back at the estate, Hubert put down the phone, a cold smile on his face. "Della, do you really think having the police will stop me from getting that tape?"

(End of Chapter)

give me power stone please

Ilham_Yamincreators' thoughts
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