
Eroding the Past.

|Quote: 003

"As time flows like water, our memories are woven together like the currents of a mighty river, carving paths through the landscape of our hearts. In the ebbs and flows of recollection, we navigate the waters of our past, discovering the hidden depths of our souls. Like the ripples on a still pond, our memories reflect the events that have shaped us, leaving imprints that both fade and persist, shaping the course of our future journeys."


Kyo's eyes widened in astonishment as he beheld the rankings,

Which is a sight unparalleled in his past experiences which he heard from rumors.

The implication of this newfound ranking stirred a mixed feeling of curiosity and anticipation, a smile of excitement tugging at the corner of his lips.

He was imagining the amount of potential power and influence that the unknown ranking alluded to left him eager to explores its potential powerful depths and using it.

"I'm betting that I'll get power from this Muehehe.."

Kyo's mischievous smirk stretched across his face as he couldn't help but give into the joy he felt.

The urge to do his little happy dance was quite tempting, and he did.

Twirling around like a whirligig in a playful frenzy!

. . . . . . . .

As, Kyo realized that he's acting like some maniacs in the forest with a mischevious smirk playing on his lips, he became aware of his surroundings and decided to stop his little silly happy dance and explore the forest instead.

He glanced around the various trees and mountains to get a sense of his environment, he knew that maybe finding a suitable place for safety and food was important in his situation.

And then he decided to venture into the woods, with the hope of finding a place without troubles.

. . . . . . .


Kyo was running away for his life, screaming like a high school girl, as he was mercilessly chased by a creature he had never even seen before.

The creature had one horn on its back and small wings on its back, but… it strangely looked like some hostile chicken.

. . . . . . . . . . . .


As Kyo ran, he frantically dodged the trees, tripping over some roots and stumbling over rocks, all while the chicken-like creature was just confused on why a human was screaming like some girl.

Kyo's mind raced as he suddenly realized that he possessed an ability to fight back the entire time.

With little confidence, He spun on his heel to face the chicken-like creature being that was menacingly chasing him.

Taking a short deep breath to steady his nerves down, he raised his hand up in a defensive stance, hoping it'll activate his ability.

| Remedial calamitous Activated. | 

The air thickened as the power within Kyo suddenly surged forth, manifesting as a toxic fog. The chicken-like creature stumbled back and gasped, its breathing starting to be labored as it struggles to fight off the effects of the poison but having no luck.

With a final shudder, the creature's body started to disintegrate, its flesh ripping apart until it finally exploded in a gruesome display of gore.

"What the fuck.."

Kyo winced at the sight of the gruesome sight of the creature's dead body, a sense of disgust but also fear filling him as he watched the last remains of the creature dissolve before his eyes.








"I didn't expect this ability to be so.. brutal."

Kyo couldn't help but feel a pang of guilt as he watched the creature's body dissolve before his eyes. Despite the fact that it had been chasing him earlier, he couldn't shake off the sense of pity he felt for the creature. 

He switched his gaze to the side, unable to watch the display any longer as the scene became too gruesome to bear.

He took a short deep breath to relieve himself that he at least managed to survive..

As the dusts and debris of the creature settled, his gaze landed upon a random object lying on the ground. 

A grey mana stone, resembling the shape of an amethyst, with faint gold lines coursing through it.

Fascinated yet confused, he slowly walked towards it, his steps being hesitant but his curiosity was clear.

He bent down, his hand picking up the stone, his eyes inspecting the mana stone.

The mana stone did felt smooth and cool to the touch.

As soon as his hand wrapped around the mana stone, a slightly looking different white status window materialized in mid-air,

Hovering directly over the mana stone, a soft glow outlining the status window's edges.

"Eh? A new status window?"

Kyo wonders as his eyes widened in surpise, his heart rate did quickened a little as he looked at the sudden appearance of the window.

The window status presented a lists of the stone's detail, each stat lines written in a flowing script.

| SYsTem!-! /


Rarity: common.


Experience: 50.


Name: E□h□r's Y□□i.


Use? or store?

 Kyo stared at the screen in confusion, a hint of unease creeping in the back of his mind due to the subtle differences he noticed from the window status.

But, he pushes those thoughts aside and prepares to use the mana stone.

"Ehm, I guess use..?"

The moment he confirmed that action, 

The status window displayed an intriguing yet creepy animation, an apparent smile, before glitching momentarily.

With a sudden shift, the mana stone disappears from his hand!?

"It disappeared-!?"

Kyo speaks with shock, blinking at the disappearing mana stone and the odd glitch, his eyes widening slightly in bewilderment.

The status window's happy? expression momentarily did caught him off guard, replaced quickly by confusion.

Before he could touch the status window, a sudden sensation of powers rippled through him, accompanied by a notification in front of his face.

"Congratulations! You've reached the level 5!"

The words glowed momentarily before fading away, leaving Kyo in a state of disbelief and curiosity about what just happened..

As Kyo thought about the creatures and its censored name…

he couldn't help but wonder how he had managed to quickly level up to level 5. He pondered for a moment, recalling the creatures he had eliminated before and the sudden level up prompted by the mana stone.

Could it be that the stone was responsible for his swift advanced level up? He wondered.

"Well atleast I know that these stone thingy are way better than that rock."

Kyo says, remembering the moment he had used his first ability | Seeker of reminiscence | on a rock earlier, which had ended quite quickly and weird.

"I hope the next time I use it, it wouldn't be that bad like that rock.."

Kyo took a moment to gather himself, before turning his attention to his mana. He glanced around, waiting until the familiar neon purple hue of the status window materialized before him.

The window displayed his profile status, providing him his current level along with many other things like abilities, titles and more.

As he glanced at the status window, he noticed something odd.

"Hm.. hold on-"

Kyo's eyes widened in realization as he pondered over the implications of the revelation. 


How did I-..? How did I use such a powerful random ability just now if my mana is still sealed???-


he thought to himself, his mind racing with confusion and incredulity..

A shiver ran through his spine as he considered the various possibilities and theories, each more concerning than the last. The mere thought that he might have somehow found a way to harness 'mana' beyond his own limitations was both frightening and powerful.




"What the actual fuck..?"

As Kyo continued to process with the realization that his mana was still locked despite his current level 5, continuing the thoughts of theories swirled through his mind. 

"What if I use blood to use my abilties?.? Wait that doesn't make sense since there's none- - even the surroundings around me didn't have any mess or difference… just what-??"


No matter how hard Kyo thought, no explanation seemed to come to him as to how he was able to use the ability earlier. The more he contemplated it, the more perplexed he became, the feeling of confusion and frustration welling up within him.


"Gahh- why is this so weird!! Why do I have such confusing abilities!!"

Every possible explanation he could think of seemed more far-fetched than the last, adding to his growing suspicion that there was something more to his abilities than he knew.


Flash back.

As Kyo examined his abilities list, his eyes drifted down to the mind related abilities, seeing a short description below the two.

| Seeker of reminiscence. |

It only consumes bits of your mentality state depending on the object and person.

Memoir's sight

It will only consume bits of your xp level each time you use it depending on the object and person.

Yet, the other ability he used to attack creatures earlier didn't mention anything below.

Just what on earth did he use?


"Mother fudger!!! Why doesn't this system status work!?!"

Sylus paces back and forth, visibly annoyed and impatient as the blacksmith is nowhere to be seen. The broken status window in front of him further irritates his already strained patience. With each passing moment, its frustration mounts. Its desperately needs to monitor and help through the status window for the puffin but the absence of the blacksmith only adds to its growing impatience!!!

"When the hell is An □□tas □□ coming!! Jeez.."

Sylus ascends into the air, floating in a state of restlessness. 

and the wait is starting to take its limit. Frustration fuels its actions as it begins to buzz and smack the status window repeatedly, venting its pent-up irritation and impatience in a childish display 

Even tho it said it's the best..?

Every now and then, It lets out frustrated whines, unable to hold back the building impatience any longer.

It circles in the air, occasionally dropping to the ground to smack the status window again.

"I need to help the puffin already!!


"Why doesn't the status window work..?"

Kyo mumbles softly to himself, caught in a state of confusion. He stands there patiently, awaiting the appearance of a white window that would unveil any new features and information about his abilities and stats. 

he scratches the back of his neck, slightly clueless in why it doesn't appear quickly as before.

His eyes dart around expectantly, scanning the surroundings, hoping that the window would pop up any moment..


R E B____

E I D ___

T ___

R E_____

Y E A R___


humans are not different from the system of the inner world. It's just that because of the brain's flexibility, they give their various actions self-deluding meanings. Humans are just another kind of extraordinary beings . They are born like all other lives in many different ways, and they are also on the verge of extinction just like all other lives in the world.


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