
The Sword Hero, Kiara

The Sword Hero, Kiara, was well known throughout the Kingdom of Asura – not only for her beauty but for her unmatched sword skills.

Her rise to fame was not merely through battle, but through an act of heroism that earned her the title from the King himself. Kiara had single-handedly stopped a dungeon raid from claiming the lives of countless civilians in one of the Kingdom's cities, showcasing her strength and selflessness.

Now, she found herself in the heart of the Empire, the bustling Imperial City, with a singular and important purpose. The streets teemed with people buying and selling wares, the city's heart beating with the sound of life and commerce. Yet, Kiara's purpose was far more personal.

"Don't worry, Markus. I'll train your son in the sword arts you weren't able to teach him," she muttered, her gaze focused ahead, her steps unwavering as she walked confidently through the city.

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