
Chapter 62 - Unstoppable force part 2


"No way!", Zyran weakly mumbled to himself with his eyes wide open from shock. His eyes shifted towards Midnight, who was currently vibrating in his hand after failing to cut Khazgoroth's neck. 'I can't even pierce this bastard, how the heck I'm I supposed to— Argh!'


Khazgoroth slowly tightened his hold on Zyran, squeezing his body without a shred of pity, before slamming him on the ground once more, his hooves then pressed against the boulder, before his body launched towards the wall at absurd speeds, upon reach, he pulled his arm back and then...


Slammed Zyran against the wall, causing a powerful shockwave that pushed everything away before the surroundings started to rumble, slowly, the walls began to crack and collapse.

As the walls collapsed, Khazgoroth pulled Zyran's body out of the wall and tossed it towards the air, he then bent his knees and...


Next chapter