
Chapter 37: Where to next?

It's Monday afternoon, and I am currently inside a Cafe that recently surged in popularity. This place serves good tea and coffee imported from different nations from what we heard.

"Can I get a coffee?"

"Young master we agreed that you'll only drink tea. I'm not here just to teach you and to guard you but also to take care of you so please don't drink anything bad for you,"

"But you're drinking it, and everyone here is also doing the same,"

"Young master we're adults, and you're still young. Coffee won't be good for you,"

"Says who?"

"Young master..."

"Tsk fine,"

We decided to take a good look at this place while taking a break from training since we have a lot of free time and to also scout for any opportunity to come. Places like these tend to be visited by some high-profile individuals.

"Here are the cookies and macarons you've ordered Monsieur." A waitress carrying a tray of sweets delivered our order and put it on the table.

As we ate, I looked around to see if there was anyone that I recognized. The people came and went as they finished their meals meanwhile we were not in a hurry so we took our time to finish ours.

After a few more minutes I felt drowsy from the tea I had just drank.

"I'm full, Polochko carry me back."

With a sigh, Polochko carried me on his back as we left the shop. This place is as good as they say and the owners are from Sumeru and migrated to Fontaine. As we passed the door, a man entered carrying papers and a pen that caught my attention.

"Is this the Infamous La Belle Tasse? I am from the Streambird and I would like to have an interview with the owner..."

As I heard his introduction a thought came to me. 'Steambird? Isn't that where that pink-haired girl is? What's her name again? Charmonne?'

"Polochko do you know about the Steambird?"

"The Steambird? Yes, young master, I know about them. Why do you ask?"

"Do you think we can get a piece of their pie?" 

With a sigh he replied. "You better give up young master, Lord Pantalone also tried to acquire them but they won't budge. The owner of the place doesn't want to share it either."

'I guess that's that. There is no point in pursuing it then. Wait, what if I just make my own publishing house...'

"Hey, what if I make a-" Before I could finish Polochko interjected.

"No, you can't make your own publishing house. You'll be eaten alive by them young master and you would need lots of connections and reputation to make it work."

"It's that hard?"

Polochko nodded in reply after he put me down. To make a publishing house it would need a lot of investment and human resources, plus you need to have a great eye to run one of them though I'm not planning to be the editor-in-chief.

"I'll just keep the idea open, who knows maybe I'll be well known and journalists would flock to me by then." 

"Whatever you say young master, whatever you say."

"By the way, why'd you put me down?" I perplexly asked.

"What time is it young master?"

I looked up at the clock of a building and read the time. "It's 4 pm... Sh*t"

Polochko then frowned and gave me a scary look after I exclaimed.

"Language young master!"

"Aww come on!" I complained as we were about to continue the training.


A week passed and I decided to put on hold my plans for Sumeru since there's no guarantee that the "game" that took the world by storm was getting developed. I don't remember much about their story as I never had an interest in card games so I never did the event. 

I'm talking about "Genius Invocation TCG"—A turn-based card game that has real-world elements—well this world's elements that is.

I only remember that 2 men made it together and one of them has Eleazar. A disease resulting from the Corruption of Forbidden knowledge, and Forbidden knowledge are found in the deepest depths of the abyss that a former god of the deserts of Sumeru took to this world.

I was currently at the Hotel where we are staying, contemplating what to do next as I felt like there was nothing more to do here on Fontaine.

"Polochko what nation should we go next?" 

"Where do you want to go next young master?" 

"Why are you asking me? I was asking you first because I don't know."

Polochko gave me a knowing smile and wrote something on a paper.

"What are you writing?" I asked as I peeked while holding his arms because I was short.

"Let me finish young master." He said as he continued to write without giving me any attention.

After a few minutes of writing, he finally finished and gave me the paper. 

"What is this?" I asked as I read it.

"That's my recommendation, young master. "

"But this has all the nations?"

"Yes, I made it that way so that you can decide yourself." He then leaned close to me as I read.

"Mondstadt: has good citizens and is known for their love for freedom and wines. Is blessed with a good breeze and the people are at least not brutes.

Downside: Might make the young master a drunkard." As I read it I can't help but let out a chuckle as I remembered a certain bard.

"Liyue: Is known for the diversity of merchants that come and go. Have good security and opportunity for the young master.

Downside: Young master might get swindled and scammed."

"Sumeru: Young master already decided to not come but I will add it either way. Many scholars with bright futures stay here. There are diverse elemental life forms that might help young master to train.

Downside: The Akademia." I made a knowing nod as I read.

"Inazuma: Good people and has many cultural traditions. People and yokai are nice and have many diverse ecosystems and creatures. 

Downside: Danger is everywhere, from vagabonds to hilichurls and monsters. Knowing the young master he would certainly want to explore the area. Don't come here if possible. (Even if the young master wants I'll never allow it.)"

'This guy.'

"Natlan: Welcoming and has many creative stuff to offer. Many friendly creatures roam the land and the tribes are kind.

Downside: As much as there are a lot of friendly creatures, the amount of hostile ones is also many. The abyss attacks regularly and the geography is dangerous. Not recommended."

I then contemplated my options as I reread the note. Inazuma and Natlan are out. I don't know much about Natlan and from what I played it's a place of Pokemon. Though it's probably a game-only mechanic that you can control those Saurians. As much as I want to get more knowledge of the place, Natlan isn't really that advanced and my mora is better spent elsewhere.

As for Inazuma well, Polochko won't let me go there.

"Have you decided young master?"

"No, not yet."

"Then I'll go get our dinner first."

"Yeah, thank you."

After Polochko left to get dinner, I contemplated some more on where to go. Mondstadt is a safe place but I was quite skeptical about going there. The place is a minefield of lore, but on the other hand, their economy is not very high compared to Sneznaya and Liyue.

For Sumeru well I decided to come later. Right now there's nothing much going on there as far as I know.

That only leaves Liyue. It's a mountain of opportunity, but the place is full of competition and sharks that would devour you the moment they find an opportunity. Even though it was my favorite nation there's still room for consideration.

I stood up and went to the window to feel the cold winter air of Fontaine as I thought about it some more. There's nothing much on my mind but I felt like this would change the way I'll approach the future. 

"Mondstadt, Liyue, and Natlan huh."

The doors of the room opened and Polochko arrived with a few hotel clerks with trays of food on their hands.

"Have you decided young master?"

I got up and sat on the table while the clerks left and Polochko stood beside me.

"It's hard,"

"I won't stop you if you decide where to go, young master."

"Heh! Then let's go to Inazuma."

"I'm afraid there's a storm going on there right now so we can't go."

"Tsk, liar."

'It's years from now before they lock themselves up, you can't fool me.


It's in the middle of midnight and I wasn't able to get some sleep. Part of it was excitement and part of it was nervousness.

"I didn't know deciding would be this hard," I said aloud as I rolled over the sheets.

My hand touched my vision and I raised it above while looking at it. "If I can manifest a sword made of ice we'll go to Mondstadt, if it is deformed then Natlan, if it looks like a normal piece of ice then it's Liyue."

Then opened the window and sucked energy from my vision as it glowed. 10 seconds passed and I managed to manifest a circle of snow and with it, I released the energy.

"Hyaa!" I shouted as It shot out of the window.

What came out was just a normal piece of ice with a sharp edge that flew across the roofs and landed in front of a Garde patrolling.

I instantly hid below the window and peeked outside as I felt shame and embarrassment. 

"I guess Liyue it is then."

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