
Trial Defense Of Ryloth


It was the day after thanksgiving and it was time to do another trial and I decided I was ready enough to attempt the Defense of Ryloth. I knew I wouldn't last forever so I was expecting to be gone for no more than a day.

Rio: "Is everything ready for my absence?"

Tex: "Yes sir."

I ended the communication and started the trial. The first thing I sense is the presence of a Jedi near me. I look and see Master Ima-Gun Di and Captain Keeli discussing the collapse of the right flank.

Keeli: "I don't think you understand. The right flank has collapsed there is no leaving. We're stuck here together."

I looked around the camp to see what our supplies looked like. The answer was not good, so I returned to Keeli and Master Di.

Di: "Captain, is the gunship ready?"

Keeli: "Yes sir, but it's too small to evacuate the refugees."

Di: "Hmm, if we reconfigure the fuel systems we can turn it into a bomb big enough to collapse the passage here. The enemy will then only be able to confront us on the one front, from this ravine. While we provide cover the Twileks will have time to escape with the families over the mountain."

Keeli: "Brilliant strategy General. Sigh. I will go tell the men."

Rio: "Wait a moment Keeli I wish to discuss the strategy we will use at the ravine."

I walk up to the Captain.

Keeli: "General Magus, I didn't see you there."

Rio: "I think we can stick with most of the strategy General Di suggested but I think you and your men should set up on that ridge. I will draw the enemy's attention while you men shoot from a distance. General Di will support you and as I am killing droids I will throw weapons at you so you have more ammo."

Keeli: "Hmm, are you certain sir? You would have to hold the enemy for long enough that the Twileks escape."

Rio: "I know I won't survive but the Twileks will live to fight another day. And perhaps you will as well. If my position is overrun I want you to leave me and evacuate."

Keeli: "Sir, I-I-I couldn't possibly..."

Rio: "That's an order, Captain."

Keeli salutes and frowns.

Keeli: "Yes sir."

Once the passage collapses, we get into position. I use force to get the Clones onto a high ridge for them to use. Ima-Gun Di was less than happy about my decision but accepted it regardless. I hear the droids and take a moment to calm my nerves. This was going to be the first time I would fight to the death, and it would result in my first death since being reincarnated.

'I am one with the Force and the Force is one with me.'

I enter a state of Oneness and take out all my lightsabers and blades. Telekinesis is free, so I might as well use it. I also make sure not to overwhelm my mind with calculations and keep three minds free just in case. I see the first droids and wait for them to approach while I reflect the blaster fire right back at them.

Droid: "Die Jedi Dog!"

'Hmm, you know being on the other side doesn't feel so great.'

The first few waves were fine and I was going strong. The clones ran out after a while and switched to using the droid weapons. Then came the first strange wave. The area was filled with green smoke and I felt something dark.

???: "Fetch me their souls!"

Rio: "Wait what?! I know I said this seemed similar to Zombies but I didn't think it was literally Zombies."

I saw the Zombies and I recognized them.

'It's the Dathomirian Zombies!'

I got into a defensive stance as they would come rushing at me.

Zombie: "RAAAAARGH!!"

(AN: Play Call of Duty Zombie Scream - Sound Effect | ProSounds on YouTube for the sound effects.)

I was not prepared to hear that scream again.

'I always hated Zombies. So smelly and loud. Skeletons are the superior undead.'

I knew the best way to kill them was with Force Light as they are controlled by magic and even if I cut them they might still keep fighting. I purge the Zombies easily enough but then comes the next wave which includes lots of tanks and B2s.

Rio: "Ah, come on can't you guys give me a breather."


Several tank shots were my answer. I run at the tanks to cut them down.

4 Hours Later...

I was drenched in sweat and had several wounds from the hits that had managed to get through my defenses. It was time for another special round—this one was special, okay?

Grievous: "We meet at last Rio!"

Rio: "Ugh, you."

I had a history with Grievous. He was obsessed with fighting me to see what Dooku saw in me. I had to avoid him like he was the plague.

Rio: "I should have known you would be here. It seems you got what you always wished for."

Grievous: "Indeed, this little simulation has been most interesting for me. Now let's fight and see if Dooku was right to make you his successor."

Grievous separates all four of his limbs and ignites his lightsabers. I held 2 lightsabers and had Dookus rotate around me with a Vibroblade.

(AN: Play Two Steps From Hell - Moving Mountains for the combat music.)

We stared at each other before Grievous rushed me. I blocked his with my lightsabers and Vibroblade. We exchanged numerous slashes, and eventually, Grievous made a mistake, and he knew it. With a slight weakening of my left hand, I forced him to overcommit, opening him up for a fatal counterattack. He managed to correct enough to not get bisected, but he did lose both right arms.

Grievous: "Argh! This isn't over!"

Then bombs were dropped from Hyenas and I had to back off while Grievous did his creepy wall crawl to escape. I managed to survive but I was running out of stamina and I knew I wouldn't be strong enough to survive another clash with Grievous. I saw thousands of droids marching towards me with HMPs backing them up. I knew I needed time. So I focused the Force on a massive attack. Once I released it a massive stream of lightning left my hands and annihilated the droid army marching towards me. I took the time to retreat. I got a message.

Keeli: "Sir, are you alright?"

Rio: "Yes, just hold the enemy while I catch my breath."

I took the time to rest for a while before I heard the droids getting closer and I could tell my break was over.

'Okay, I can do this!'

3 Hours Later...

I was not doing good. I was covered in burns and even with my skills, I was exhausted. The last round was brutal. They sent out Super Tanks. SUPER TANKS! I have a sword and they have ray-shielded missile-launching death machines. I managed but not before I broke 6 ribs my left arm and several fingers. And what do you know the next round seemed where I was going to end as a certain Grievous was back and this time he had 6 Magnaguards.

'Lovely, well I won't even talk just use all the pain I am currently in to fuel this next attack. I may go down but I will go down in a blaze of glory.'

Grievous: "You have impressed me. You have destroyed over 500k droids and Billions of credits in vehicles. No Jedi could do what you did. For that, you have my respect from one warrior to another. Unfortunately, this is where you fall."

Rio: "HehehehHAHAHAHAHA! Indeed this was a great fight but I know my limit. Now, I am barely holding on and if we fight I will perish."

I look him dead in the eyes before finishing the next statement.

Rio: "Sayonara."


I used a technique that took all the damage I had taken and stored it as energy that would be released later. The downside is that I still take the damage and by expelling this I drain all the remaining stamina. This means I was barely conscious but I was smiling as I felt Grievous was vaporised. I then felt someone grab me and pull me to safety then I fell unconscious.

POV Ima-Gun Di

Di: "How is he?"

Keeli: "Roughed up but he seems to have just collapsed from exhaustion. Not sure how long it will take for him to recover."

Di: "Then we make a stand here and buy him time to recover."

Keeli: "Yes, General! You heard him boys let's show these clankers what the Republic can do!"

We hear the droids marching and I see tens of thousands of droids. I ignite my lightsaber.

Di: "For the Republic! For The Twileks!"

The clones left their hiding places and opened fire on the droids. There were about 40 Clones and myself and I focused on taking as much fire as I could for the other Clones. As the minutes started passing more and more Clones were falling and I knew we wouldn't last much longer. Then a missile came in and blew up Captain Keeli.

Clone: "Blast it all! Die! Eugh!"

The last Clone went down and I was all alone. I rushed ahead and finished the remaining droids of the first wave. The second wave was approaching but I knew Rio wasn't up yet. Suddenly a blaster shot hit one of the droids and I looked back.

Di: "Captain Keeli!"

Keeli: "I'm not finished yet, sir. We can do this General!"

Di: "Let's make the end memorable!"

We fight for as long as we can but I am unable to deflect enough shots and Keeli goes down. This time for good. I sensed Rio was waking up and I smiled. I was surrounded and I knew my time had come again.

Di: "I leave it to you Rio."

I took a shot to the heart and I fell over. With my last bit of strength, I pushed all the droids with the Force.


I awoke and walked towards the sounds of blaster fire and I felt Ima-Gun Di die. I was shocked those idiots came back for me.

'Damn fools. They were already dead they didn't need to die again.'

I activate my lightsabers and rush into the enemy. I knew I wouldn't last that much longer but I didn't care.

2 Hours Later...

I fell over as I took too much damage and my health was sitting at 3 HP. I looked up at my killer and smiled. My killer was Darth Maul. I didn't last long against him and I was currently cut in half.

Maul: "I wished I could have fought you at your best but you fought well now rest."

He cut my head off and I died. It was strange dying again. It felt weird but familiar. I felt myself leave the trial. I was tired and decided to take a nap. I heard a gasp as I fainted.


Authors Note:

I didn't go too in-depth for this trial as I didn't want this Trial to take more than one chapter. I suggest watching The Clone Wars - Captain Keeli and Outer Rim Garrison Scenes on YouTube to get a visual for the characters and to see what inspired this trial. Rio knew fairly quickly in the trail that everyone was a spirit and not alive. Rio can use the Force for free but he can't fight non-stop and move constantly to block or dodge blasters or bombs. As for if Rio really died, he technically didn't. Or at least the Trial prevented him from dying completely. But he still exhausted himself. As such he collapsed. The Trial basically stabilizes him but doesn't heal him but it does at least put him back together. Sleeping will heal him. Until next time Ciao.

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