
Side Story: Santa Is Coming To Town

POV Santa

I was checking my list and saw that it had shrunk since last year. Most of the changes were on Earth. Small changes in the grand scheme of things but a welcome change.

'It does suck when all I can do to punish those very horrible people is to give them coal. I suppose Rio is working on getting it all fixed. I hope he can pull it off but I know it will be difficult for him.'

Santa: "Sigh. Okay, let's stop thinking of such a down topic. Now who is first on the list? Ah, it seems Thanos hasn't changed at all. Well, time to get to work. Aurora, Bori, and Alice are you ready to get to work?"

Aurora: "I feel I am a bit too old for this but well I can't stop now."

Alice: "Please Aurora, we are the same age."

Aurora: "Yes but I got the older body."

Bori: "Come on you two we are wasting time. We are on quite a tight schedule!"

Both: "Sorry."

Santa: "Hohoho. It's okay you two, but we really should get going."

I get on my sleigh and we travel to the first place on the list.

POV Thanos

I was getting ready to take a break for the night when all of a sudden I heard someone rushing to my chambers.

Corvus: "Lord Thanos! We have an intruder! They are avoiding all our defenses!"

Thanos: "Wait, this sounds familiar. What does the intruder look like?"

Corvus: "Our surveillance has shown it to be a fat Asgardian in a red and white coat."

My eyes widen as I realize who it is. I feel anger when I think of this pest who I still haven't figured out the name of.

Thanos: "Try to stop him I will get my weapons ready."

I quickly get ready and rush to the command center but as I arrive I am stunned to see the mystery man has already arrived.

???: "You're making it tougher to get here each Christmas, I'll give you that. But we each have our duties to perform, young fella. And I have to go about mine. Now let's see... Ah yes, you have been very naughty this year. That means it's a lump of coal for you this year."

I was on the verge of having an aneurysm but for some reason, I wasn't moving to attack him.

Thanos: "Don't let him leave here alive!"

???: "Oh that's my cue. See you next year!"

I threw my sword at him but he easily dodged it. I look at his spacecraft as he leaves orbit

???: "Hohoho, Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!"

POV Santa

As I had distracted Thanos I was able to quickly sneak over to Loki and deliver a lump of coal as he was on the naughty list this year. I did tell him he has a chance to get off the list if he tries. I then moved on to the next person who I didn't like delivering to but duty calls.

Several Hours Later...

I had just finished delivering the gifts to the boys and girls of the universe. I was on my way to the second to last planet on my list. Earth. Once I arrived on Earth I started my journey. I found it amusing when the US Military sent jets to intercept me.

POV Viper 1

We were sent on a late-night mission to intercept an unknown aircraft flying over the US. We couldn't get an identity on the craft so we had to resort to Visual ID.

Viper 2: "Is that what I think it is?"

Viper 1: "No way. I thought he was just a myth."

We get closer and we can confirm what we are seeing is real.

Viper 1: "Viper 1 to Control, we have visual on the target but I am not sure we believe what we are seeing."

Control: "Control to Viper 1, What do you see?"

Viper 1: "Uh, I am seeing an old white man riding a sleigh being pulled by Reindeer that have glowing horns and seem to be leaving behind glittering dust as they fly."

Control: "I'm sorry but did you just say flying Reindeer?"

Viper 1: "Affirmative."

Viper 2: "I see it too. They also seem to be flying at just below Mach 1. What should we do."

Control: "Uh, standby."

We wait a few minutes and I see Santa wave at me. I wave back and I start questioning my life.

Control: "Control to Viper 1. Orders straight from the President we are to let Santa do his work."

Viper 1: "Copy that. Viper 1 returning to base."

POV Santa

I chuckle as I see the jets break away and head home. I then moved on to the first person on the list today.

POV Pierce

It was that cursed day again and I was alerted to an intruder. I walked in and saw Santa in my living room eating the cookies and milk my family left out for him.

Pierce: "Do you have to break in every time? Couldn't you knock or something?"

Santa: "Hohoho, no I can't I have a schedule to meet. That and you are on the naughty list so I can't be nicer to you. Speaking of which here is your lump of coal."

He hands me a lump of coal and I admit I felt a bit ashamed. I wasn't sure why I felt ashamed. Regardless, I smiled and put it in my pocket. I then watch as he touches his nose and disappears. I sigh and decide to get some whiskey to deal with the headache this is giving me.

POV Ancient One

I sensed a presence I hadn't felt for a year. I went to investigate the intruder.

Yao: "I still don't get how you bypass my wards so completely."

Santa: "And I told you last year it's Christmas Magic."

Yao: "So what did you bring an old lady like me this year."

Santa: "Advice. Don't do what you are planning on doing. It is wrong and you know it."

Yao: "I know but I am dying and fast. Even with the Time Stone, I have 4 years at most. I need a successor and Strange is the perfect candidate."

Santa: "But to do so would require you destroying his entire life. There are other candidates."

Yao: "But none of them can meet the power or talent requirement."

Santa: "I have given you the advice I wanted to offer. I cannot force you to do anything but I can warn you that going down that path will lead to pain and sorrow."

I close my eyes and sigh and when I reopen them he is already gone.

Yao: "I'm sorry but it's for the greater good."

POV Nick Fury

I was in my home when alerts went off. Our agents have reported that the USAF has been called off a flying sleigh being pulled by glowing reindeer. My home sensors are triggered indicating an intruder. I grab my gun and go to my living room.

???: "Hello again Nicholas Joseph Fury."

Fury: "Sigh. How did you keep getting in here? I moved to a new house and no one knows of this safehouse. The security in this house is top of the line"

???: "And I told you last year. Christmas magic."

Fury: "And I still don't believe in Santa Claus. Is there even any point in trying to avoid you?"

Santa: "Nope. Now I am on a tight schedule so let's get to it. Hmm, ah well you manage to make the good list this year. Just barely. Here is your present."

He hands me a present and I squint my eyes at it and activate a scanner to check for anything dangerous. Once it comes back negative I take the box and open it. Inside is an action figure.

Fury: "This! How did you know I wanted this when I was a kid?"

Santa: "You wanted that action figure since you first saw it on TV but I unfortunately wasn't able to deliver it. Since you were on the good list this year I figured it was time to deliver it.

I was starting to realize that this man wasn't a fake and that Santa was real.

Fury: "Why weren't you able to get this to me when I was 8?"

Santa: "I wasn't in this reality. If I was I would have got it for you that year. But now I am here and I think I will be around for many years to come. Now I am sorry but I must get going. Those presents aren't going to deliver themselves."

I watched as he touched his nose and disappeared. I then look out the window to see him flying away on his sleigh.

Santa: "Hohoho, Merry Christmas to all, and to all a good night!"

I give a genuine smile. The first one I have had in years.

'Maybe things aren't too bad.'

I go back to bed but not before making sure my subordinates are sent home to spend time off.

POV Odin

I sensed the presence of Santa and I smiled.

'At least something nice happened this year.'

I leave bed and Frigga follows me. I see Thor has already found our guest.

Odin: "It is nice to see you again Santa. I am a bit surprised to see you have returned. I am more curious where you went."

Santa: "Ah Odin. I am only a visitor here. Today is my day to deliver presents to the boys and girls of the universe. You are my last stop tonight."

I look over to his sleigh and see Sleipner talking with the Reindeer. I smile and refocus on Santa. He hands me a present and I open it and I am beyond thrilled with what I got this year.

Odin: "I may not be the god of alcohol but I can sense the value of this. May I know what it is?"

Santa: "It's called Alicorniskey. Made to be drunk by Alicorns its power can make even aspects drunk. I won't deny but even I had trouble getting a hold of that. It's said to taste of stars and dreams with a pinch of love."

I was starting to drool at the idea of drinking such a drink.

Santa: "I would save it for special occasions as I most likely won't be able to ever get ahold of another bottle."

Thor: "What did I get?"

Santa: "For you a potion made by the Goddess of Love. Let your true love drink it and they will live for the same amount of time as you. It will also make them healthier and stronger than an average Asgardian. But be warned it will only work on your true love. The gem on the top of the bottle will glow pink when you are in the presence of them."

Thor: "Thank you Santa! This is the greatest gift I have ever received."

Santa: "Last but certainly not least for Lady Frigga. I got you a pendent. It has two powers. One it will bring you back to life when you are killed after 24 hours. The second it will show you what your heart most desires."

Frigga: "Thank you. I guess you knew of my fate then. Why are you trying to stop it?"

Santa: "Because great darkness is coming far greater than this universe has ever seen. A darkness that won't stop until all sentience from this universe is gone."

Odin: "When will it come?"

Santa: "For Asgard, almost a decade. For the universe itself 2 years."

Odin: "Thank you for the warning. I will have to think about what to do about this threat."

Santa: "Now I must get going I have been delivering all night and I need to be home come morning so I can be there when my friends wake up."

We say our farewells and I see him fly away on the sleigh.

POV Santa

Santa: "Now this chapter is almost over so I just wanted to wish you all a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year from me and my friends.

Author: "Wait what? You aren't supposed to break the 4th Wall. That thing is there for a reason. What if she finds out."

???: "Did someone say party!"

Author: "Oh no! Stay away you pink menace!"

Santa: "HOHOHO! Well while the Author deals with that I guess I have to end the chapter. Until next time Ciao!"

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