
Chapter 204 She Paid The Price More Than Once.

"Are you sure this is the place?" Chief Robert asked as he examined the building in front of him with his hands on his hips.

"Yup," Candace came up behind him, holding her laptop in one hand, while she typed with the other. "According to the tracker, Ms. Leonica Romero should be here, but," She looked up from her laptop at the building and her face scrunched up in confusion. "This place looks too...dead."

Robert nodded, agreeing with his partner. The building in front of them looked abandoned, no movement of any sort and it had a very dead aura around it.

It looked like that one house straight out of a horror movie.

Scary and pretty dead looking, but he couldn't continue standing here. If Leonica Romero was indeed in there, she could be hurt.

The sound of his phone ringing had Robert looking away from the building. He glanced at his phone, seeing that it was the rest of his team calling.

"Report." He said as soon as the phone was pressed against his ear.

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