
Chapter Sixty-Two.

The glass Oliver was holding was defying the laws of science because of the amount of force he applied while holding it.

He shot daggers at Nate and whatever Kay would say next was important but she was in a relationship and the last thing she would do was to flirt with other guys when her boyfriend was here. Oliver wasn't someone that took kindly to such acts nor did she like them too.

"You have such bad tastes in women, Natw. First Emma, now this one. Is that your secret kink?" Emiliano replied for her and she let out a breath before frowning at his words.

"Emiliano, drop it. That was in the past." Rory said firmly but her brother begged to differ.

"In the past? After all the shit you went through with that psycho, she made it worse! She almost let you die!" His voice rose an octave higher.

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