
Petersburg University Teachers' Chamber

Petersburg University Teachers' Chamber.

Konstantin sat down behind his table, he had come early to clear some backlogs...he looked at his watch..."Uh...it's Seven…teen minutes...I will complete the remainder of the new lecture.

Two teachers entered. "Good morning, good teacher Konstantin…" Good morning, classmates...you came early...to do my work."

They heard the sound of a numbered hour counter..." What is this Konstantin...a voice from the refrigerator"..."Maybe someone… set a clock "...teachers are entering…" Hello, good morning, teachers"…" Good morning, teacher Victor."

Yuri: Congratulations teacher Victor Happy birthday, you are thirty-four years old

Victor looked at him reproachfully and reminded, "Thank you... I will celebrate with my family in my apartment."

Yuri: What's that sound...a clock counter...what's the matter?

Konstantin: I don't know. I opened the fridge...and I didn't find any clock in it. The sound was coming from behind the fridge...maybe it was the engine.

One of the teachers shouted, "Maybe the refrigerator needs to be repaired... quickly, and someone should call the repair department...or spoil food and drinks".

Constantin stormed out of the room...it's eight o'clock...the repairman entered..." Hello

The refrigerator is making sounds...I will see "he leaned behind the refrigerator and started looking..." at a device on it…A clock beeps. It is not part of the refrigerator. "...a teacher approaches." What could it be...Can a new device be added to the engine "..." No... all devices... are not like this "..." ok let me see... oh my gosh, it's a bomb!"...the teachers laughed, "You clown, what a joke"..."I tell you, it's a bomb…As I saw it during the days of conscription in the army, "... Yuri approached...and began to look...he suddenly shouted

" Yes, material TNT with a timer on it "...the teachers are getting closer and looking anxiously.

Yuri: I called the security guard and the police... and they asked me to see the watch... I told them…It's an hour counting down...in an hour it will explode."

Director Abdullah entered..." What do they say, a bomb...it will explode...come on...everyone outside...Tell the guards."

Alarm bells are ringing in the university, students are running, and screams are getting louder.

Abdullah's cell phone rang, "Hello...yes...the emergency forces will explode...soon to no avail... its room No. 11, second floor, left side... Building No. 2.

A quarter of an hour passed...a helicopter was flying over...and one of them was calling with a loudspeaker, "Evacuate the university... immediately."

The plane was very fast...approached the building...a rope hung from it and a man got off it... dressed in white clothes, as if he was an astronaut...He reached the teacher's room window, which was open, and entered it..." So behind the refrigerator"...He walked quickly and leaned behind the refrigerator...He put his hand on the bomb...It was the time

It indicates 10 minutes remaining... He pulled out an electronic device from his small bag and connected it to the bomb...The clock stopped..."Thank God".

He went to the window and pointed to the helicopter with a hand sign, OK.

The university guards started calling through the loudspeaker, "I congratulate you...the bomb has been defused"...so the students were happy they clap and laugh and the teachers were delighted.

Meanwhile, Alex was with Olga...in a fancy bar.

Alex looked at Olga..."Done...now is the time"...Olga's eyes darkened with sadness "as you wanted"

Alex drank from a large glass of beer..."It's a delicious German beer"...Olga laughed

It is very large, with a capacity of more than a liter.

Alex became afraid...and his heart was beating fast..."What else do we ask?"

Olga: I see enough drunk...let's have coffee...and juice.

Olga's phone rang, "Yes... it did not explode... it was defused by the emergency forces."

Alex laughed with disappointment..."What happened...did he tell the police about it?"

Olga: I don't know...how did they know.

Alex seemed suspicious and worried..."Well...I'll go to university, to see what's going on."

Petersburg University.

Victor was in the lecture hall..." Students, the topic of the relationship of political science with other sciences is something close and important that you should not neglect... Speaking and thinking about the laws of power are linked to knowledge…All life sciences...such as sociology, economics, and so on. "...Victor sighed and drank water...

Without it, the science of politics would be incomplete, as each science complements the other. I advise you to read and read...especially reading the political news in the newspapers, there is a local news and another international one... With this, your horizons and thinking will be opened, and you will get bigger."

The students were worried and frustrated about what happened today... Victor saw that most of the students were terrified..."Well… as for what happened today… this is considered a vicious criminal act, the bomb was going to go off, Unless the emergency forces nullify it... I do not know who masterminded it, as investigations are continuing... but they intended

Teachers' room... This is one of the hostile criminal forces.".

Meanwhile, Director Abdullah was talking on the phone with the director of the local TV.

"Yes… I am happy with this news that your program will host teachers…" You know Mr.Abdullah...The programs are many...and we are in continuous work to cover all issues of society…We work 24 hours."

Abdullah: I am at your service in any subject covered by our university. Teachers Victor and Alex are passionate hard readers.

TV Director: That is why we are doing this interview... and I will TV show it live...and later

Presenting it...we will see what to do later...regarding such programs.

Abdullah: I will tell them to be with you immediately

TV Director: Thank you, Director Abdullah

Abdullah became happy & smiled...relaxed and became optimistic.

Meanwhile, Alex was entering the teacher's room.

Everyone looked at him...explaining what was going on..."Hello teachers".

Konstantin: Where were you this morning?

Alex pretended he didn't know what had happened "what happened".

Yuri: It was a bomb in the fridge, the emergency forces came and dismantled it and defused it.

Alex: And how was the bomb discovered...if it was in the back?

Constantine: How do you know it was in the back?

Alex: uh... uh... uh... and where should you be? Definitely back

Yuri: The timer was beeping...and they discovered it was a bomb.

Alex's anger, and heartbreak... he said to himself, "Ah...the clock was beeping...

They discovered it...This idiot Abdul Jabbar".

Alex pretended to be terrified, "Oh, my God... someone is killing us and putting a bomb to kill us all... it's definitely Victor."…Pointing a finger towards.

Victor got up from behind his table, "Why aren't you, because you are threatening us, and you were absent this morning."

Alex was confused and looked at the teachers, "No...not me of course...I was busy this morning."

Victor: Why are you accusing me...I was with everyone at the time

Yuri intervened, standing up. "We accused the repairman...do you remember his look?"

"Damn it...he was next to me...and he was saying I'll fix the fridge," Konstantin cried.

Victor: He was a tall, blond-haired, skinny young man

Yuri: Yes, but the police say that there is no such worker in our repair department

Victor was terrified.

The teacher, Evgeny, said, "Thank God for your safety. I will speak to Chief Abdullah...to take security measures…For us and for the students".

In Victor's apartment.

Svetlana was in the kitchen preparing lunch, the phone rang... she went to answer..." Hello... Yes...I'm Sergey's mom...what...he had a traffic accident and his car crashed...wow…and where is he now...in the hospital."

She hung up the phone...she was shocked and surprised..."I wonder how it is now "...

She called Jana " Hello…Jana my daughter... Where are you..." What's wrong with you Mom... Your voice is sad and anxious... I'm at university"...

"Your brother Sergey has had a traffic accident...and he is now in the hospital "… "Oh my God…in the hospital...it's the first day he's driving his old Zaporizhia...well, I'm going to see him...ah, the hospital…No. 4 Accident Department ".

Svetlana hung up..."Well, I'll continue preparing for Victor's birthday...perhaps Sergey

He will be cured today." She was cooking mashed potatoes... and roasting 3 rabbits in the oven...she remembered..." I ordered the cake...it will arrive in an hour."

The doorbell rang..."From there...hey I will come"..."Hello, I am Roman, your neighbor"...

I opened the door..."Hello, the party Roman in the evening...Victor at work..."..." I came to take the signs, and the banners...Victor called me and asked me to prepare for tomorrow's demonstration."

Meanwhile, Alex was driving his car..." Uh...TV time is 4:00...it's 1:00 now

...I'm going to a restaurant "...he's looking at his cell phone..."Oh, Finland's restaurant...great...it's open."

The bell rang, "Hello... Olga... Yes, my love..." Abdul-Jabbar says he carried out your orders... He caused, a traffic accident involving Sergey, the son of teacher Victor...and he has now passed away...congratulations.", Alex was surprised.

" Directly behind him... and making him speed up and collide...he agreed with a truck that touched him from the left side, and he moved out of the way, so you ran over a big tree... and he died... ha ha ha "..." Well Olga dear...I will be today on TV, I have a meeting on the live TV show...Watch me...and we will meet soon, my love."

Alex parked his car in front of the restaurant... got out of the car... and entered the restaurant... he was welcomed by the waiter "Hello… Welcome… Go ahead, Mister." Alex said to himself, "This Finn is so cute."… "Thank you…Where am I sitting?

Alex chose to sit at a table in the corner...there were a lot of people in the restaurant...it was a hall large and had many brown tables with a lamp hanging on them and a large TV on the wall.

The waiter approached him, "You choose the menus...what do you order?"... Alex looked quickly at the menus.

"Ah...go for this grilled fish"..."Do you like it with soy sauce, tomato, or mixed vegetables?"

..."The last...and please bring me...mineral water...and pieces of bread"..."Okay...twenty minutes and everything will be ready."

Alex was looking at the customers...some of them were Finnish...big pictures were hanging on the wall...a map of Finland and a picture of nature in Finland, a forest of trees and a river passing by it...Alex asked for carrot juice... and started drinking and enjoying watching the Finns... time passed quickly. The waiter brought the order... he was holding an oval metal plate in it a grilled fish, fourteen inches long, with lemon slices, onion slices, and sweet pepper...it was described on the table as a plate of sliced ​​bread and another with sauce.

Alex started eating..." Oh...delicious...perfectly spiced"... remember Evan's friend when they were relaxing by the river...His eyes teared up...they parted.

Petersburg TV station

Victor was sitting on a sofa in the waiting room...he had already spoken to the receptionist who told him to wait for a while, to meet the department employee... It was a large hall and there were many people...was hanging several televisions on the wall, and a great watch.

Alex walked over to Victor..."Hi...Teacher Victor... the receptionist told me to wait."

Victor: Yeah...wait

Alex began to look at Victor with challenge and ferocity... He spoke to himself, "Does he know or not... Maybe not... There is no trace of the death of his son."

An elegant employee approached them, "Hello...teachers Victor and Alex"...shaking hands with them..."My name is Nikolai".

They were walking down the aisles... Nikolai was about forty-five years old, solid and stocky

He is of medium height, gray hair, and wears glasses and a gray shirt with a red tie

And black pants.

Nikolai: Are you two for the first time in the studio?

Alex: Yes...and what should we do?

Nikolay: I advise you to strictly follow the instructions so that the TV show can continue without problems, they will watch you Millions haha.

Victor smiled and rejoiced.

Nikolai: You are both teachers and you stand in front of the students in lessons and lectures, which means you have talents of TV interview qualifications.

They arrived at an office that had a direct door to the studio... He gave them the instruction sheet.

A big, stocky, blond-haired man came..."Hi, I'm director Ivan"...shake hands with them...

" After you read the instructions, I will provide you with small microphones... and I will tell you through them the instructions. During filming... for example... it is your turn... the camera is filming... and so on... I hope you don't get upset."

He smiled at them and entered the studio...and they entered behind him...it was a set of makeshift photo booths with chairs

Behind them are written the names of the programs, hanging cameras, and lighting platforms... Victor saw the weather presenter program, She's Life on the Weather program... Victor smiled, "Uh...she's the presenter of the TV programs which I'm watching Every day "...the announcer came up to them. "Hello...I'm the announcer Sergey "...shook hands with them, and Victor smiled. " Hello, I know you, Mr. Sergey... I watch your programs a lot".

Nikolai started guiding them to the place to sit and photograph.

They sat on chairs on a podium with political themes written in the background.

Sergey: Before we start, gentlemen... I would like us to coordinate the themes before filming.

Sergei was about thirty, a slim young man with dark hair, in a dark blue suit and tie

Neck light blue.

Half an hour passed... Evan shouted, "Get ready... We will film...You are now live."

Sergey: Welcome, dear viewers, we present to you a program on political topics... We are pleased to present it…Teachers Victor and Alex, are famous for their articles in the Petersburg Gazette.

Alex: Hello, I am Alex, a political science teacher from Moscow University

Victor smiled, "Hello, I'm Victor, a political science teacher at Petersburg University.

Sergey: How do you assess the current political situation in Russia?

Alex: Let me start...we are in the best condition...we are repelling international attacks from the hostile world, and we will win and restore the glory of our nation, Russia. We will restore the Soviet Union and the regions of Tsarist Russia.

The announcer smiled amused...and looked at Victor.

Victor: Our political situation is deteriorating... and all our mistakes must be corrected... What does it mean that the currency is deteriorating? The price is increasing day by day...and there are many international sanctions against our country and our government officials...reform must be made. To transform our conditions towards the best.

Meanwhile, the director, Abdullah, was watching TV in his library... smiling and proud of watching them.

Alex: I agree with the improvement of our living conditions, but there is no surrender or acquiescence... to the division of Russia. Not to expel our political elite.

Victor: It was the officials' mistakes that led to the sanctions, so we must fix everything on a basis. Justice and this is in the United Nations... We are in a state of stagnation and backwardness for decades

Alex: They are wrong...why don't they want us...is it because we are from the stages of communism...why don't they accept us...no to peace.

Victor: Alex's teacher told me about your tour of the regions and villages and about the many problems that the people have in the villages... The solution is to concede, accept the reality, and change the corrupt officials... Then the entire situation will be improved

Russia...cities and villages...factories...trade...the economy and the life of the Russian people.

I invite you to participate in a demonstration that I am organizing tomorrow on Nevsky Prospect.

Sergey: The two teachers have opposite opinions...Now an advertisement.

Victor's apartment.

Victor entered his apartment... and found his wife and the guests crying in front of them at a table with a large cake on it.

Victor: What happened?

Svetlana ran to him and hugged him. "Ah...Victor, Sergey died in a car accident."

Victor was shocked and sad and had a mild crying fit.

Roman and two of the neighbors were among the invitees...they came towards him and greeted him, "It's okay, Victor's teacher...a car accident...and we would like to congratulate you on your thirty-fourth birthday."

Jana was crying..."My dear father...Sergey is gone"...Victor hugged her, "It's okay, my dear."

Victor pointed at Svetlana..."Come on, cut the cake...and serve it to the guests."

Roman: I congratulate you, Mr. Victor... How sad the loss of Sergey is

Victor: Tomorrow is the day of the demonstration...are you ready?

Roman: Yes...and I told my friends...I brought bottles of Petersburg cognac

Said Victor, "Come on pour us."

Jana: We've been watching you on TV... in the debate with this petty Alex.

Victor calmed down, "How did the accident happen to Sergei?"

Svetlana: I think his epileptic seizure...the doctor told us recently...that his condition is incurable, and it will increase... until he is forbidden to drive a car.

Victor: Ah... epileptic state... crazy.

Next chapter