
Nanahoshi hypothesis

Sylvaril guided us through the maze of hallways and pillars for what I estimate was about 20 minutes until we reached a beautiful garden overlooking the sky.

We were standing on what appeared to be a balcony with glass railings

Below there was a beautiful garden and you could see the Sharia from here.

I felt the grip on my hand that Nanahoshi was holding become tighter.

I looked at her and she looked at me with a beautiful smile

-What's happening?- I asked him.

-It's nothing, I'm just glad you're here Again...with me....- Nanahoshi said while blushing, she looked at the ground as she closed her eyes taking a breath of air

I look up again and her blush was gone and she had a determined face.

We move forward a little and meet Peragius, Orsted and Alek

The three of them were sitting at a table while Peragius and Alek drank tea.

Peragius spotted us and gave Nanahoshi a mocking smile, I turned to look at her and she frowned.

-Well Rudeus, it seems you have already met your friend, huh? Hehe- said Peragius

I didn't understand what she meant but I realized that during this whole time I was holding Nanahoshi's hand, she also seemed to notice and we let go of our hands instantly.

-You are misunderstanding sir- I said to Peragius somewhat annoyed.

Nanahoshi didn't say anything but she had a face that looked like she wanted the earth to swallow her up.

Peragius after having a little fun with us instantly changed his joking aura and put on a serious face

-Please sit down- he told us

Nanahoshi noticed this change and hurried to the table, she waited for me to sit first and then sat to my right.

To my left was Alek followed by Orsted

Peragius was in front of the 4 of us and looked at us carefully.

He leaned on the table, resting his head between his hands.

In that pose he looked like a certain character from a classic mecha anime I watched when I was young In my old world, I almost heard him say "get on the Eva Rudeus Or Nananoshi will do it"



-So, Nanahoshi, do you have any other ideas on how Rudeus ended up here?- Peragius asked seriously While looking into her eyes

She was not even slightly fazed by this and spoke without hesitation.

-Indeed, Rudeus, tell me what you remember the moment you were transported here, not when you woke up, but just before- she said, looking at me.

When was I transported?...

-Nothing, just darkness, the Hydra had torn off my arm but I didn't feel any pain as everything went dark And when I woke up my arm was intact...-I said remembering the events

-I see... Everything went dark around you...- said Nanahoshi as she got into her thinking position

Everything went dark? Are you saying it wasn't teleportation magic? - Peragius asked intrigued.

-No, I didn't go through the world of emptiness or anything like that, it's like I went blind and deaf at the same time and then I fainted- I answered

-That's very confusing..- Peragius muttered...

Looking at Orsted and Alek I saw that they both had complicated expressions.

Alek was scratching his head while drinking his tea and Orsted was staring at a fixed point without moving...

-So that was it, huh?- Nanahoshi muttered.

-Do you have any ideas?- Orsted asked.

-Yes, I think that Rudeus, instead of being transported to another world... he was summoned to the future of an alternate world- said Nanahoshi with a complicated expression.

An alternate world?....but how?...

-Summoning magic... that makes a lot more sense actually- Peragius muttered..

-Yes, indeed, but you are forgetting something, to use summoning magic you need to have at least a little more Mana than the being you want to summon, which leads us to a dead end, Rudeus is the being with the highest mana in history, even more than Laplace- said Orsted

Peragius did not respond and leaned back in his chair staring at the ceiling.

- And besides that, why Mr. Rudeus? The summoning of Humans shouldn't be possible, right? - said Alek

-No, I shouldn't...- said Peragius with a frown

-Are you really sure what you're talking about Nanahoshi Shisuka?- said Peragius looking into her eyes

-What other explanation do we have?- she said.

I could hear the sound of Peragius' foot lightly tapping the floor in anxiety

-So this is my hypothesis, Someone in the near or far future, created a new type of summoning mob, this being has more Mana than Rudeus, and not only did he summon him to the future but he also took him to the future But he also transported him to another world...- said Nanahoshi With a complicated expression

-And what is the reason for doing that?- asked Alek.

-For now we will stick with the idea that we failed to defeat Hitogami - Orsted said with a frown

-But that doesn't change anything, Rudeus, you were summoned here for a reason- Orsted said, looking me in the eyes.

-But what about the world of this Rudeus? If he was summoned then there will be a world without his Rudeus...- said Peragius

-That's not possible, the world Rudeus came from no longer exists- said Nanahoshi

-What do you mean by that?!- said Peragius excitedly

-hmm I see...- Orsted muttered While nodding to herself

-Explain yourself now Nanahoshi- said Peragius

- What I mean is that the moment Rudeus came to this world, the world he came from ceased to exist, that timeline was erased, just like the one of the Rudeus who came from the future to the future In the past, that Rudeus was an anomaly that came out of nowhere it's as if he had never existed.- Nanahoshi said while massaging the temples of her head.

-hmm What you say makes sense-Orsted said nodding to himself.

-So this Rudeus won't be able to return to his world? Not even if he accomplishes his goal here?- asked Peragius while looking at me.

-I'm afraid not...and if we make him travel in time we will only make a bigger disaster, he would travel to the past yes, but not to his own, he would travel to a world with his Rudeus and he would only be a copy...- Nanahoshi said as she lowered her head and held my hand under the table.

.....I didn't need to know that....my world practically disappeared from the moment I got here.....I will never be able to see my original family again....

- Tell me Nanahoshi.....how are you so sure about that? How can you be sure that the world Rudeus came from has ceased to exist- Peragius asked with a confused face as if he refused to accept What he heard...

-That's why I've gone through the same process, well something like that - said Orsted

-What do you mean? - Peragius asked, looking at Orsted in confusion.

-I know, because I have also traveled in time....I'm actually stuck in a time loop since I was born- Orsted said.

Both I and Peragius were totally surprised.

-Caught in a time loop? How many years?- I asked.

- 200 years, my starting time is the winter of the year 330 and ends in the summer of the year 530- said Orsted

- Peragius and I were stunned, a time loop?...how is that possible?...no, it's not possible...with magic here everything is possible

-And How many times have you repeated it? - Peragius asked

-I stopped counting at loop number 100- said Orsted while frowning.

Peragius and I let out sounds of astonishment 100 loops of 200 years...that's 20,000 years...and I'm not even counting!!!

-What I mean is that in reality that time never happened, but I remember it, those worlds disappeared when I traveled to another loop- Orsted said

I understand now... I am technically an anomaly, right? Well, I already was... but now it is to a greater extent.

The room was bathed in a gloomy aura

-Still...I will still continue with the mission! - I said, drawing determination from nowhere.

Everyone looked at me in surprise and gave me smiles and nods of approval, except Orsted who simply nodded.

-Also, we want Nanahoshi to come out of her dream state to actively help us in the mission- I said looking at her

She looked at me surprised but when I looked into her eyes she blushed immediately.

How cute...

-Very well, we can do that, and then what? What is your course of action?- asked Peragius...

Well...it seems the meeting is not over yet...


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