
Chapter 4: The Light That Kindles the Soul

In the darkest of hours, when all the world is cold, there lies a spark, unseen but ever bright. 'Tis love, 'tis hope, 'tis the tender light that doth kindle within the soul a warmth that Heaven itself cannot extinguish. Though fate may lead the heart through storms and sorrow, yet still, it beats with quiet strength, for love's soft flame doth light the way. A hero's soul, aflame with hope, shall face the world with courage new.

Naraku frowned slightly as he observed Nie Li. There was something off about him, a distinct aura that hinted he might be more than just an ordinary student.

'Calm down,' Naraku reminded himself. Acting rashly would not serve him well in the long run. It would be better to bide his time, wait for Nie Li to make a move, and deal with him then.

Nie Li's actions and behavior suggested that Nie Li could be a regressor or a transmigrator, just like Naraku himself, and if that were true, it would be wise for Naraku to keep a low profile for now, while being under the guise of a typical young master of the Sacred Family.

At that moment, Nie Li noticed Naraku's gaze and made a mocking face, glaring back at him. Naraku sensed that Nie Li had already taken a disliking to him, though it was not yet strong enough to be called hatred.

"Let go! Let go!" Lu Piao protested as Nie Li grabbed him.

"I'm just happy! Good brother, it's great seeing you!" Nie Li exclaimed, his mood fluctuating between joy and obsession.

"Oi, Nie Li! Who's your good brother?

You gaylord!? Let go of me!" Lu Piao's voice was muffled by Nie Li's grip as he struggled to free himself.

Lu Piao struggled. They've just started school not long ago, and were only acquainted for only a few days. They were not close enough for this level of intimacy.

Nie Li's grin widened as he tightened his hold. "No matter what you're thinking, in my heart, you're always my good brother," he said, his tone a mix of affection and mischief as he ignored Naraku and continued to tease Lu Piao.

Shen Xiu, having noticed the commotion, turned her attention to the back of the classroom. Her superior hearing and sharp perception meant it was impossible for her to miss the disruption. Initially, she had chosen to overlook it, but her patience was wearing thin.

"You two at the back! Quiet down!" Shen Xiu's voice cut through the classroom, reprimanding the misbehaving students with a harsh edge.

The other students turned their attention toward Nie Li and Lu Piao, their faces reflecting a mix of curiosity and disapproval.

Nie Li met Shen Xiu's gaze with a cold stare. His past experiences had left him with a deep-seated resentment toward her.

Her arrogance and harshness in his previous life had demotivated him from training hard for a significant period. 

In his earlier life, he would have cowered in fear and apologized. But now, with his vast experience and power, having fought many powerful figures and even the Sage Emperor, Shen Xiu seemed insignificant in his eyes.

He slowly released Lu Piao while maintaining a frosty gaze at Shen Xiu.

Shen Xiu huffed disdainfully before resuming her lecture, and the students, including Naraku, gradually returned their focus to her.

Meanwhile, Nie Li continued to glare at Shen Xiu, his anger simmering beneath the surface.

In his past life, the Sacred Family's betrayal during the invasion of demonic beasts had left a deep scar on him. They had been the first to abandon the city, leaving the rest to fend for themselves.

The bitter memories fueled his desire for revenge. He vowed to ensure that those who had wronged him would never find peace. 

Naraku's presence in the classroom, sitting so casually with Ye Ziyun, only added to Nie Li's irritation. Though he didn't see Naraku as a serious competitor, the fact that someone from the Sacred Family was so close to her was unsettling. He clenched his fist under the table, trying to keep his emotions in check.

At that moment, Naraku received a sudden system notification:

[+1 Karma]

Naraku was momentarily taken aback. He hadn't done anything directly to Nie Li or anyone else, yet the Karma Template had rewarded him. It didn't take long for him to realize that Nie Li's resentment toward him had generated this Karma. 

So, negative emotions from others could contribute to his Karma accumulation? He hadn't been entirely sure how the system worked before, but now he understood that it wasn't just positive or direct actions that fueled his growth. Various forms of emotions—whether anger, jealousy, or hate—could contribute.

A small, knowing smile crept across Naraku's face as he absorbed this new insight. If emotions like Nie Li's could bolster his Karma, then provoking others might be more beneficial than he initially thought. 

He silently mused over the possibilities, considering how he might manipulate future situations to feed off others' negative emotions.

Meanwhile, Nie Li's eyes were once again fixed on Ye Ziyun. Lu Piao, noticing Nie Li's distracted gaze, leaned closer and whispered, "Hey, Nie Li, I know you're from one of the noble families in Glory City, but let me warn you: don't get any ideas about that girl. Her background seems extremely mysterious. I heard the principal personally arranged her to be here when she joined the institute."

Nie Li's grin widened slightly. Lu Piao was still unaware of Ye Ziyun's true identity, which Nie Li knew all too well.

"She's destined to be mine!" Nie Li thought, his gaze lingering on the beautiful girl with long hair sitting not far away. The memories of their passionate night together filled him with a hot, determined resolve.

In Glory City, there were three Major families: the Divine Family, the Sacred Family, and the Snow Wind Family. These families represented the pinnacle of power and were often the source of the City Lord.

Following the Major families were the seven Noble families, and below them, the twenty Aristocratic families. Nie Li belonged to the Heavenly Marks Family, which was at the bottom of the Aristocratic hierarchy.

Despite the status of his family, being with Ye Ziyun had once seemed impossible. But with his rebirth, Nie Li saw this as a chance to change his fate. His poor foundation was overshadowed by the vast knowledge from his past life, promising a future of incredible achievements.

"This world is vast, and we are all insignificant characters... but I will work hard! I will rise to the top, become the greatest demon spiritualist and fighter, and claim the woman I desire," Nie Li vowed to himself. Anyone who dared to obstruct his path would face a grim end.

He suddenly remembered, "We're both young now! Ziyun, when will you become that beautiful and enchanting woman I've always dreamed of? I shall protect you, and we will grow to be together."

Not far away, Ye Ziyun seemed to sense something. She turned her head and looked toward Nie Li, her brows slightly furrowed. She thought that Nie Li must be a frivolous noble, given his incessant glances and behavior since the start of class.

Naraku, observing Ye Ziyun's reaction, glanced back at Nie Li with an expressionless face.

Ye Ziyun was no ordinary student. As the daughter of the City Lord and granddaughter of the rumored Legend rank Demon Spiritualist Ye Mo, her status was exceptionally high. With her rare Cyan soul realm and exceptional talent, she was a standout presence. The thought of a lowly commoner harboring thoughts about courting Ye Ziyun was laughable.

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