'Great criteria.' I chuckled to myself.
"But when some random like you shows up at my door, with this many red flags, of course I have to take some extra precautions. Now naturally I won't question how you got the password, as I'm assuming your chip found out and told you." He paused again.His mannerisms and tone were very informal and carefree, but his words seemed to carry so much weight."You like that drink kid?" He followed up.I stared down at the empty cup in my hands."It's not the greatest thing in the world, but then again I haven't tried anything other than water since waking up, so it's not bad." I was unsure as to why I went the extra mile with my answer, but I said exactly what I was thinking.The man laughed slowly, before pouring me another cup and encouraging me to drink up."I have it imported here from one of our neighboring sectors, it's one damn expensive booze. But the taste really grows on you. You want to know something even more interesting?" He questioned, putting his cup down."Not really." Once again, I was shocked at how I'd simply spoken my mind."That's fine, I'll tell you anyway. The liquid is extracted from the leaves of a Srilla plant. Roughly translating to holy, in the planet's natives language. When it was first discovered, we humans thought it earned the name because of its halo-like shape.It wasn't until the leaves were brought back and fermented into the liquid you see before you now, that we discovered the real reason behind its name." He paused again, this time much more ominous than the last."You see the Srilla plant, received its name because those that ate its leaves or drank the extracted liquid, would be unable to hide their true thoughts. This became very effective in developing war tactics to extract information from the opposing sides captured soldiers.Thus the natives believed it to be a gift from their gods, and gave it the name it has today. To sum up that very boring amount of words, what you have inside you is the most potent truth serum in the universe."It was all a very shocking and intriguing story, especially finding out that there are a lot more forms of intelligent life out there. There was of course only one slight problem…"That's cool and all, but why have you given it to me?"The man simply stared at me dumbfoundedly. As if he were expecting a much different response."You aren't scared? Worried I'll force you to tell me your deepest darkest secrets?"My right brow shot up as I stared at the man in confusion. For someone with access to so much information, he wasn't exactly the brightest man alive."Normally, probably. But as you've stated before, I have no real memories. Sure I've caught up on a lot of learning recently thanks to Infra, or the chip as you call it. But in terms of deep dark secrets, I have none. Unless you count information on history to be a secret worth cowering in fear over?"For some reason the serum didn't count the memories of the past as secretive either, which I was in no way complaining about.A long silence followed. It seemed as if the man had a hundred different questions but was debating whether there was any point in asking them or not.Finally, a large sigh broke the silence."To be fully transparent with you kid, I was planning on killing you no matter how this went.""That's not great." I blurted out, immediately slapping my hands over my mouth after.The man smiled in response."But you're a bit too interesting to kill." The man stood up and snapped his fingers. In less then a second a woman walked through the door and stood silently by them."I don't fully trust you, but quite frankly I don't trust anybody. However, it'd be a shame to not see how far you can go. So this lovely lady is going to lead you to your new room, explain a few things and get you ready for your new life." He smiled and stretched his hand out."Welcome to The Underground kid."I celebrated internally before standing up and shaking the man's hand. I'd expected a much longer process with a lot more push back, but for the first time, a plan succeeded without me experiencing any form of pain.Maybe I should stop listening to Infra entirely.I walked over to the woman and began to follow her out the door."Oh and one last thing, kid." The man called out.I spun around, a smile still plastered on my face."If at any point I find out you screwed me, I'll rip your head off and feed it to the other fighters." He stuck both thumbs up. "You have fun now."The smile left my face just as fast as it came, and I swear I could hear metallic whirring, like Infra was laughing at me.⥁ After going through a maze of tunnels, the woman had led me to what seemed like a one floor establishment. Double doors opened to reveal an extremely long corridor lined with doors.'I can't tell if these people like tunnels more or doors.'The woman led me down the hall, past a small amount of rooms before stopping in front of one.She jabbed her finger at the keyhole, before yanking my arm and placing my hand on the door.After a few moments, she let go and pushed the door open. Without another word she entered first.There was no difference in the room from the one I'd been staying in at the motel, except for the fact that there were two beds.Having a roommate didn't seem like the greatest thing, but I didn't seem to have a choice in the matter.Once I took a seat on the bed, the woman began her explanations."This will be your room from now on. Sit down as I begin the explanation" She motioned for me to sit.I plopped down onto a chair tucked into a desk."The Underground runs on a ranking system, in which only the strong are treated with respect. If this room and your roommate are not to your liking, you can only fight your way to the top twenty, and only then will you receive a better room.You are currently ranked three hundred and forty fifth. You will fight three times every week, once every other day. Your ranking will go up upon a victory, and down upon a defeat. The amount your rank will increase or decrease depends on several factors, but can be narrowed down to a few.It mostly depends on how fast you defeated or were defeated by your opponent, how much you suppressed or were suppressed, and how satisfied or dissatisfied the audience were by your fight.Once you enter the top one hundred you can start fighting in sponsorship matches, which are unranked matches only set in place to allow you to demonstrate your full capabilities to potentially find a backer.Our tailor will find you tomorrow to discuss the specifics about your outfit and alter ego. Never disclose your real identity to anyone, no matter the circumstances. Do you have any questions?"…'Infra I think I found you a girlfriend.'It was a lot of common sense, but the sponsorships were what piqued my interest the most. Having a financial backer was definitely something I needed to get as soon as possible."Hello?" The woman snapped her fingers in front of my face.I snapped back to reality."Uh no sorry. No questions. Thank you."She scoffed before leaving the room and closing the door behind her.I let out a long sigh and walked over to the bed. Allowing myself to fall back on it, kicking off my shoes. There was so much to register but no time to do so. Even now I still have my doubts about this plan. My biggest were if I got severely injured or if my identity was ever discovered.Both of those would throw any hopes of my attendance at the academy out the window, seeing as how everything about this place was highly illegal. But now it was a bit too late to go back. I had to continue to grow stronger and rise in the rankings.I thought of the man in the black mask. If I could ever catch up to him, then I would have no worries about moving forward in the world.'If I'm at the first stage, I wonder what stage he's at. The eighth?'<The Keeper, or the man in black mask is at Icoria stage. The third stage of Heartile progression.>My mind was blown in two very different ways. First of all, how lame his fighter name was. The Keeper? What the hell was that?But what pained my heart even more was how little the gap in progression was between us.Only two evolutionary stages separated us, but I was confident he could kill me with his eyes closed."How the hell is he so strong then? Is he just super experienced?" That was naturally the only explanation I could think of.<Possible, but unlikely. The answer is because the gap in between each stage isn't a ravine, an ocean. There are very few people who can fight of higher stages. In your current state, I doubt you'll find much success this little plan yours.>"And you didn't think to mention any of this while I was thinking up with said plan!? Or while I was walking into the stadium!?"<How would I know that a small fun fact told you end up turning into dumb plan in your head. In by the time realised what were going to do, already inside man's office. So now either go back hospital body bag or on stretcher.>Well then.My masterpiece of a plan had been brought to shreds in a mere few seconds.I really hated robots.I sat in silence for a few minutes, contemplating my options.My first thought was to try and run away, but I guessed that leaving was considered screwing the man. And I quite liked my head.Then I thought of maybe ending my fights early. Running into my opponent's fist or something like that, to avoid injury. My ranking wouldn't rise but at least I wouldn't die.Just as another thought began to formulate in my mind, the doorknob began to shake and finally the door was pushed open.My roommate had arrived.