
Toji Potter and The Troll

The sun was high in the sky, casting a golden glow over the Hogwarts grounds as the first-year students gathered for their first flying lesson. Brooms lay in neat rows on the grass, waiting for eager hands to grab them. Toji, standing confidently with his arms crossed, observed the scene, his expression a mix of mild amusement and curiosity. While others whispered nervously about taking to the skies for the first time, he was focused elsewhere—on Draco Malfoy, who had been eyeing Neville Longbottom's Remembrall with clear mischief.

Madam Hooch, their flight instructor, blew her whistle. "Stand beside your brooms. Right hand over, and say 'Up!'"

Most of the students struggled with getting their brooms to respond, and even Hermione, who excelled in theory, had trouble with the practical aspect. Toji's broom, however, flew into his hand the moment he commanded it, though he did so more out of necessity than excitement. Flying on a broom felt quaint, far less exhilarating than the speed and power his Heavenly Restriction gave him. Still, it would serve its purpose.

Just as Toji glanced over at Neville, who had tragically failed to control his broom and crashed into the castle, Draco seized the moment. With a smirk, Malfoy snatched Neville's Remembrall from the ground, tossing it into the air casually.

"This is for the idiot Longbottom!" Draco sneered, preparing to launch himself into the air with the stolen orb in hand.

But before he could even kick off the ground, Toji moved.

In a blur of motion, faster than anyone could track, Toji dashed at Draco with a speed that left the crowd stunned. He appeared beside Malfoy in an instant, snatching the Remembrall out of his hand without breaking stride.

Draco blinked, dumbfounded. "What—?"

The rest of the students, who hadn't even seen Toji move, gasped as they watched Harry Potter standing with Neville's Remembrall in hand, completely unbothered. Malfoy, who had already mounted his broom, gaped in disbelief, realizing he'd been outpaced before he even took off.

Madam Hooch turned at the commotion and saw Draco mid-air, broom in hand. "Mr. Malfoy!" she barked, her voice sharp. "What do you think you're doing up there? Come down at once!"

Malfoy, now realizing the gravity of the situation, descended awkwardly. As his feet touched the ground, Madam Hooch rounded on him with a scowl. "Detention, and fifty points from Slytherin for reckless behavior!"

The laughter from the other students was immediate, filling the air as Draco's pale face flushed crimson. Toji, still holding the Remembrall, offered it back to Neville with an unreadable expression. The students' laughter turned into outright jeering at Draco, and Toji shot a glance his way, eyes cold and calculating.

"Thanks, Harry," Neville mumbled, his voice trembling with gratitude.

Toji nodded once and turned away, already dismissing the incident from his mind. This was child's play.

The next big event came in Charms Class, where the first-years were learning the infamous Levitation Charm—Wingardium Leviosa. As expected, the students struggled, with feathers either exploding or hovering awkwardly. Ron Weasley, in particular, had difficulty mastering the wand movement, his feather stubbornly refusing to budge.

Hermione, always eager to help, leaned over to Ron. "You're saying it wrong," she said softly, in a kinder tone than her usual bossy one. "It's Wing-gar-dium Levi-o-sa, not Levio-sar."

Ron gave her an irritated glance, clearly embarrassed. "Shut up, Hermione, no one asked you."

His words were harsher than he intended, and Hermione's face fell instantly. She whispered a quick apology, her eyes glistening before she abruptly fled the classroom, brushing past Professor Flitwick on her way out.

Toji, however, was in the Great Hall at the time, enjoying an early meal after finishing his assignments ahead of schedule. By the time the rumors of Hermione's tears reached him, it was too late for him to intervene. What did catch his attention, though, was the disturbance in the castle. He could feel it—something large and dangerous was loose.

A troll.

Toji's senses flared, and without wasting a second, he activated a disillusionment spell, allowing him to blend into the background as he moved through the castle like a ghost. His natural speed combined with the spell made him nearly invisible to everyone, including the troll.

When he arrived in the bathroom where the troll had cornered Hermione, his heart rate didn't even increase. The massive creature raised its club, ready to bring it down on her.

Toji moved.

He stepped between the troll and Hermione, his hand shooting up to catch the club mid-swing. The force behind the blow would have shattered a normal wizard, but to Toji, it was nothing. With a single punch, he knocked the club out of the troll's hands, sending it clattering across the floor.

The troll roared in fury, but Toji didn't flinch. With another punch, he shattered the creature's right arm, the bones splintering under the force of his Heavenly Restriction-enhanced strength. The troll staggered back, howling in pain.

Raising his wand, Toji cast "Diffindo!", the overcharged severing charm cutting through the troll's body with a sickening slice. The massive creature collapsed, bisected, its lifeless body falling at Toji's feet.

Hermione, still crouched behind him, looked up in awe, her wide eyes filled with a mixture of shock and gratitude. "Harry… you saved me."

Toji didn't reply immediately, simply extending a hand to help her up. She took it, her hands trembling.

By then, the professors had arrived—Snape, McGonagall, Flitwick, and Dumbledore. Their eyes fell on the scene: the slain troll, Hermione safe, and Harry Potter standing calmly amidst the carnage.

Flitwick was the first to react, his voice filled with admiration. "Fifty points to Slytherin for your bravery, Mr. Potter!"

Snape, though less effusive, gave a curt nod. "Another fifty points for precise spellwork."

Even McGonagall couldn't hide her pride. "And fifty more for quick thinking."

Dumbledore, however, remained silent, his blue eyes studying Toji carefully. There was something different about Harry Potter, something the Headmaster had not anticipated. A calculative frown tugged at his lips, but he said nothing.

Before Toji could dwell on the Headmaster's reaction, Hermione suddenly leaned up and kissed him on the cheek. "Thank you," she whispered, her voice soft with emotion.

Toji simply nodded, his thoughts already drifting back to the Great Hall. He'd missed most of his meal, and it had been quite good. As they made their way back to the dorms, he found himself lamenting the unfinished feast, but that thought was soon interrupted.

Later that evening, as Toji and Hermione parted ways, he found himself cornered by a group of sixth-year Slytherins. They encircled him, their wands raised, smirking like they'd already won.

"Well, well, Harry Potter, fancy yourself a hero, do you?" one of them sneered.

Toji, unimpressed, simply stared at them, his emerald eyes cold and calculating.

The next morning, the entire school was buzzing with laughter as students passed through the Slytherin common room. Above their heads, ten sixth-year students hung from the ceiling, levitated by an invisible force, each with humiliating phrases scribbled across their faces.

Quotes like "Dumb as a Troll" and "Potter's Personal Jester" adorned their foreheads, while on their backsides, written in bright pink, was a clear warning:

"Mess with Harry Potter—The True Heir of Slytherin, and you'll be decorating the ceilings just like these idiots. Okay?"

Toji, sitting at the Slytherin table with a faint smirk, calmly buttered his toast as the rest of the students gawked in shock and laughter.

He didn't even need to lift a finger. He was already in control.

He'd do better than Him and I'll have Slytherin all ready to take orders by the time I get to third year.

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