
Arrival in the World of Men [52]

Before leaving the island, Diana turned to Clark, her eyes shining with determination.

"Wait, Clark. I need to grab something before we go. It can't be left behind."

Clark looked at her with curiosity, nodding as he held her firmly.

"All right, but be quick."

Diana nodded and pointed toward a tall tower to the north, away from the palace. In one swift movement, Clark flew toward the tower, cutting through the air with speed and precision. They approached the imposing stone structure, its walls covered with ivy and wildflowers.

Clark landed gently on the edge of an open window, setting Diana down carefully. She turned to him, her hands still gripping the window ledge.

"Don't worry, I won't take long," Diana said, giving him a slight smile before jumping inside the tower, disappearing into the shadows.

Clark remained outside the tower, hovering silently as he waited for Diana to return. He looked out over the vast landscape of Themyscira, the island of the Amazons, stretching before his eyes. The dense green forests, vegetation-covered stone peaks, and rivers winding through the island gave the feeling of an untouched and sacred land. The beauty and serenity of the place were undeniable, but there was also an atmosphere of mystery and isolation that made Clark understand what it meant for Diana to leave it all behind.

As he observed the island, Clark reflected on what awaited them beyond this place. He knew Diana's choice to leave wasn't easy, and the weight of that decision fell on both of them. The responsibility to protect the world and face the unknown challenges was about to begin.

A few minutes later, Diana returned to the window, her eyes bright with determination. She was now dressed in her golden armor, bracers on her arms, and the Lasso of Truth at her waist. Clark offered a slight smile upon seeing her, admiring her imposing presence.

"You look ready to face the entire world," Clark said, his voice filled with admiration.

Diana gave a confident smile, her eyes fixed on Clark's. "Maybe that's exactly what I'm about to do."

Clark held Diana by the waist, and with a smooth movement, lifted her and took off again. They soared through the air above Themyscira, leaving behind the island and everything it represented. Diana looked back for a moment, her eyes tracing the landscape of her home, knowing it might be the last time she'd see it.

"Goodbye, Themyscira," she murmured, closing her eyes for a moment and allowing herself to feel the pain of farewell. Then, she looked forward, focusing on the future and what awaited her by Clark's side.

Clark flew with Diana in his arms as she looked back, watching the island gradually fade into the horizon. The wind blew fiercely around them, and although Diana appeared determined, there was a silent melancholy she couldn't hide. The place she had always known and the people she loved were being left behind. Yet she knew the mission she was about to embrace was greater than any personal sacrifice.

As they flew over the vast ocean, Clark held onto Dr. Maru's notes—information that could change the course of the war. He hesitated to hand them over to the British authorities, knowing they could be used to develop a deadly toxic gas. Clark understood the complexity of the moment, and the weight of the decisions he would need to make bore down on him.

It was then that Jor-El's familiar voice manifested in his mind, a serene and inquisitive tone resonating within him.

[You seem troubled, Kal-El.]

Clark furrowed his brow, the words echoing within him as he pondered his situation and his goals. 'I don't feel prepared to deal with World War I, much less in a universe where gods walk among mortals,' Clark thought, feeling the growing tension within him.

Clark knew that his primary objective wasn't merely to intervene in a world conflict. What truly drove him was winning Diana, but to achieve that, he would need to prove himself worthy of fighting by her side. Defeating Ares and ending the war had become a necessity.

Jor-El continued, this time with a more direct tone.

[Kal-El, any choice you make must come with a sense of responsibility. This world may not be your original world, but every decision you make here will bring valuable lessons. Remember your powers—they can be used wisely to end this conflict effectively without compromising humanity.]

Clark silently agreed with Jor-El's words. He knew that his mind control and superhuman abilities were enormous assets, which could be used to ensure a positive outcome for this conflict.

Diana noticed Clark's thoughtful expression and tried to reassure him. "Don't worry, Clark. I'll defeat Ares, and the war will end."

"Thank you for the comforting words, Diana," replied Clark, his voice carrying a hint of irony.

Diana frowned, not entirely understanding Clark's tone. "There's no irony here, Clark. We'll stop Ares, and the world will be a better place."

Clark let out a brief laugh, clearly finding the situation amusing. "Do you really believe all the world's problems will end with Ares's death?"

Diana stared at him, her eyes shining with determination. "Ares is the god of war. His influence corrupts men and leads them to destruction. If he is stopped, the war will cease."

Clark sighed, shaking his head slightly. "Ares is just a match lighting a fuse filled with gunpowder, Diana. People can be influenced by him, but war is something that also comes from within—greed, fear, desire for power. None of that will disappear just with Ares's death."

Diana remained silent for a moment, absorbing Clark's words. Although she could see reason in his words, her conviction that Ares was the root of the conflicts remained firm.

"Then we'll do our part and give the world a chance to be better," Diana said, her voice resolute.

Clark managed a slight smile.

"All right, princess. Let's give the world a chance."

Clark, however, was already tired of trying to explain the complexity of human conflicts to Diana. He decided he would let her discover for herself.


Clark arrived in England, carrying Diana in his arms. The atmosphere was oppressive and gray, with the smell of smoke permeating the air. The streets were covered in dust and polluted by the steam from machines and vehicles filling the space with a constant mechanical hum.

The buildings were tall and grim, with their chimneys spewing thick smoke as people hurried by, their faces showing signs of fatigue. It was a scene far removed from the peace of Themyscira, a world entirely different from anything Diana had ever seen.

Clark looked at Diana, noticing her expression of astonishment as she took in the surroundings. He smiled slightly, with a hint of irony in his voice.

"And what did you expect from the world of men, Diana?"

Diana took a deep breath, absorbing the reality before her eyes. The gloomy landscape and the feeling of despair around her didn't discourage her; instead, they made her feel even more determined.

"Maybe it's a dark world, Clark, but I still believe there's hope here. We need to give them a chance to find the light."

"If you say so," Clark replied, with a slight smile.


Clark landed gently on top of a discreet building, out of direct sight from passersby. The building was worn, its brick walls stained and covered in ivy and moss. From there, they had a wide view of the bustling streets and the gray mist that blanketed the city. The wind blew strong, rustling both of their clothes and Diana's cloak.

As soon as they touched down, Clark looked at himself and then at Diana. They were clearly out of place. Diana in her golden Amazonian armor, and Clark in his rustic farm clothes. Anyone looking at them might easily suspect they were more than just ordinary citizens.

"We need new clothes, Diana. Like this, we'll draw too much attention."

Diana frowned, confused. "Why does our appearance matter, Clark? We're here to fight Ares, not to hide."

Clark sighed, trying to explain. "I understand, but here, in the world of men, people are easily frightened by what they don't understand. We need to blend in if we want to find where Ares is without raising suspicion. Discretion will be our ally."

Diana slowly nodded, still getting used to the differences in the world of men. "All right. If it will help us find Ares, I'll do it."

Clark activated the Speed Force.

The entire environment around him froze, and Diana appeared in slow motion from Clark's perspective. He knew he needed to act quickly. He left Diana on the rooftop and set off in search of a clothing store.

Clark climbed down the emergency stairs of the building and began running through the city streets. With his superhuman speed, he went unnoticed by the citizens moving slowly, as if they were part of a frozen photograph.

He found a small clothing store that seemed suitable for what they needed.

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