



I can't pull away.

Rain melts in my arms as I capture his lips in mine. Lips are not supposed to be sweet, but something about pheromones makes them seem so. His scent draws me in, and I trail open wet kisses on his jaw as I inhale him. I feel it coming.

My canines elongate and everything in me is telling me to wait and pull back but Rain moans and presses on me. I feel his skin pierce and when I taste his blood, I press deeper marking him.

Every control I have dissolves and I press rain on the bed, biting on his neck and grinding on him, my wolf and I are enamored and completely taken by our mate.

I can feel my scent and my mark taking on rain and he moans, grinding on my back and I pull away.

Marking a mate is intense and bloody. It's our senses heightened and every sexual thought and desire rides to the surface. When I flip Rain on his back and my body covers his smaller one in the bed, I know there is no going back.

At the back of my mind, I can feel like I am forgetting something, but the only thing that matters is my mate below me, soft and twisting and I take that as an invitation. I lick his face, smell him and then bite him again, as I feel my claws come out. I rip the shirt he is wearing, the beast in me getting out.

I rip his pajama bottoms needing to feel his skin on mine, no barriers. I want to feel him, I want to mark him with my scent and make him mine.

 Desire overrides all thoughts as I take his hands and pin them above his head. I look at him and I know Ron is visible through my eyes because rain looks a little panicked.

I want to stop and check in but Ron is fighting me to take over and wants to taste Rain's blood even more. I try to stop but he bites on his shoulder, and I hear rain crying distinctly but I can't stop. He is too sweet, he is mine and I want to make sure there is nothing that separates us.

"Liam, it's too much please stop," Rain cries as I trail my hand on his thigh, pulling him down a little and angling him perfectly with my hips. When I press my hips and ground my hips on his, he throws his head back, his hips bucking against mine.

"We are going too fast," he whimpers and I only growl as I shred my shirt. Rain looks at me with hooded eyes drinking me in. I can see his desire in his eyes. His body is responding to mine but there is fear and uncertainty in his eyes.

Ron and I don't register fully that as I take off all my clothes, kneeling between Rain's legs and pulling his small body on my lap with my right arm as I squeeze his soft round globes.

I bite on his left shoulder, needing to feel his blood and taste him as I raise him a little wanting to feel his little hole tightening around my length as he takes me in.

"Please Liam, I am not fully ready. It's going to hurt," his little whimpers make me growl in desire. I want to make him hurt and feel it up his stomach.

He bites me when I start to press the angry leaking head on his tight opening and the pain only makes me bite harder on his shoulder. I feel him slapping and biting me and then pulling my hair hard.

"Stop, stop, stop!"

I feel reality seeping through the strong desire and I stop. My whole body feels like I have been washed with an ice-cold bucket because I finally look at Rain and he is a bloody mess, tears down his beautiful face and the fear in his eyes makes me want to retch.

I throw him on the bed, as I get away from him as if he is on fire, but I am the one on fire. Ron is fighting me so hard to get back in the bed and finish the mating but if I do that, I will be forcing rain. It's too much already and I feel my heart breaking as I see rain sobbing on the bed, naked, and full of bruises.

I am panicking, as I pull my hair breathing heavily yet everything in me wants to fuck Rain so hard, mark and claim him more than I already have. The human in me is panicking because I can't bear to see what I have done to rain.

It wasn't supposed to be like this. Ron overpowers me and fully shifts. When we bolt out of the door, we run through the secret dark tunnels built in the building connecting to the only place we can allow ourselves to be our natural selves. The forest.

The woods engineered and protected for my park and me to roam in the city are private and not known, only catering to our needs. I let all the frustrations out in a howl and I run as fast as I can, circling the private property.

I feel someone running behind me, and I turn to track them. They start running away and the chase gives me a release I haven't had in a long time.

The wolf in front of me is fast, but I am faster and in no time, I am jumping on it as we roll on the dirt, snarling, claws out.

When I finally catch a glimpse of the wolf, I stop before I attack it.

Will shifts to his human form, and chuckles raising his hands. He is stark naked, but he doesn't seem to mind. I shift as well, my back to him as I walk over the hidden trove of clothes all around the property. I grab a shirt and shorts, as Will comes beside me and picks some for himself.

"I am sorry if I startled you, you looked like you could use the chase," he smiles and pats my back.

"You didn't startle me," I pull the shorts up and turn to look at him. I am not surprised that Will is here. We usually run together at night and at the end of every run, we get a happy ending, full of grunts and wet sounds slapping in the air.

Only, tonight is a different kind of night.

I am vexed that he is here, the night I wanted to be alone and think about what the fuck just happened.

"What happened? I haven't seen you around in a while," he asks casually but I don't miss the bite in his words.

"I was with my mate, closed doors. Why are you asking so many questions tonight?"

"Oh I am sorry, I suppose any other night you would be stuffing your cock in my mouth, fucking me senseless to even ask a single question," he snaps and I raise an eyebrow.

He sighs, looking down and when he raises his yes, I see the hurt in his big brown eyes. Will is a beautiful man. He is also the man I have been seeing and fucking for the longest time. We have had an arrangement that maybe could have matured to something but now things are different.

"I am sorry, I just have missed you and you have been gone. I have tried reaching you but you never really come to see me anymore," he steps closer and runs his fingers through his white short hair.

"I have been busy," I say curtly as I start walking back home.

"Too busy even for me?"

"Yes, I have found my mate, so all the time I have is spent on him now."

"Ouch, I don't know why I deserved that," he murmurs and I stop to look at him.

"We both knew this day would come. Why are you acting like this?"

"Because despite knowing it would come, I had hoped it wouldn't. I have been selfish this whole time and you know why."

I run my hand down my face, feeling frustrated and tired. My past and present all seemed to catch up to me.

"We have been lovers and had even hoped to be mates one day. Did you forget about me that quickly because you met a stranger? Am I that unimportant to you?"



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