

We returned to the docking point, as it seemed like the only normal place left in this underground bunker.

Even so, the docking point was hell for Saiya, who, with her sensitive nose, refused to go on a tour around the bunker. We ended up leaving her behind.

"You don't seem fine" I was concerned.

"I'm managing," she replied, forcing a smile.

From what I heard from Fumie, the Captains were in a meeting that should end any moment now, so at least that gave Saiya a little hope.

I closed my eyes, drifting in my small space until a somewhat familiar voice echoed in my ears. Only this time, it sounded much deeper than I remembered.

"Lady Saiya, oh, how long I have been waiting for you. You look lovely as always."

The voice, along with that sickeningly sweet tone, was unmistakable. I'd know it anywhere.

"Issei! You were here?"

Kotomine Issei. The bastard who made my school days hell—I thought he was dead. How the hell did he survive up till now?

"Yes, Lady Saiya. Nearly a month ago, we were dispatched to Hokkaido. Since then, oh, how I've longed for your angelic presence, Lady Saiya."

There he went again with his honeyed words, the ones that made almost every girl fall for him for no reason. Now Saiya too?

"I've told you—stop calling me that."

Huh. Did he just get dusted by a girl?

I cracked open my eyes, curious to see what was happening. Sure enough, those blue eyes of his were a feature I couldn't forget. I wished B had erased that memory while he was patching me up. On the other hand, Saiya's exhausted expression was something to behold. I couldn't tell if she hated him or if it was just the smell, because I'd never known a girl who could resist Issei.

"Mind if I sit beside you?"

He sat right between Saiya and me, casting a glance in my direction. I immediately looked away, too tense to meet his eyes.

Just don't recognize me. Please, don't recognize me—

"Have we met before?"

"No!" I blurted.

"Hmm, I could've sworn I'd seen someone like you before." He shrugged and turned back to Saiya.

Saiya gave me a look. "Ryuma, why are you acting so stiff all of a sudden?"

She just had to say my name.

"Ryuma? I've definitely heard that name before."

"Haha, it's just a nickname. Ryuma, not my real name or anything," I lied quickly, flashing Saiya a warning look.

Issei propped his hand under his jaw, clearly deep in thought, chewing over my name.

"Ryuma… Tokita Ryuma. I remember someone by that name back in middle school, hmm."

Saiya's eyes widened, and I could tell she was just as shocked as I was.

Issei turned, scanning me. "You… kind of resemble him. No, back then, he was a wimp. I doubt he'd grow up to be this buff. Sorry for the mix-up."

"Haha, no problem."

But damn, that hurt. Why did it still sting? I knew I was a loser back then—I'd accepted it. I wanted a fresh start, but why did my past still cut so deep?

"Can you tell me more about this Ryuma you're talking about?" Saiya asked, a smug smile creeping onto her face. She was taunting me, no doubt.

"I don't see why you'd care about him; he's probably dead," Issei muttered.

"Just tell me," Saiya pressed.

"Fine. Not much to say. I didn't know him well, but he was a loser—a coward. Always so boring and quiet back then, so the bullies in our class took it out on him for no reason…"

Motherfucker. You and your gang were the bullies.

"…but what confused me about him was his attitude. No matter what they did, he never cried. It pissed me off."


"No! I mean, the bullies. Can we change the subject? I hate talking about useless losers. For him, dying was probably for the best. You know what I mean—"

Saiya suddenly stood, her eyes sharp as she looked down at Issei with open disdain.

"Don't say that about Ryuma. The Ryuma I know is none of those things, right, Ryuma?"

Saiya looked straight at me, and I knew what she meant. She wanted me to stand up for myself. I wanted a new beginning, and the only way to start fresh was by facing my past. This was the moment.

"She's right, dumbass." I grabbed Issei by the collar, meeting his gaze head-on, a surge of confidence washing over me. "Who the hell are you calling a wimp, huh?"

"Y-You're Ryuma?"

"Yeah, and get that through your thick skull."

I shoved him back and walked away with Saiya, catching the attention of everyone at the docks as they gathered to see the commotion.

"Thanks," I whispered.

"Mm-hmm. So you were a wimp?"

"Shut up!"

The door slid open with a mechanical hum as all the Captains filed out. Everyone gathered to hear the results of the meeting, and Captain Leonard stepped forward.

"All civilians and all squads except Squads Six and Seven will board the helicopters and head to Shibuya. Once the last helicopter departs, the assault mission will commence. You've all been briefed, correct?"

"Yes, sir!"

"Then let the boarding begin. Civilians first."

The helicopters had landed a few miles from the docks, so the plan was to transport civilians by rovers. Each rover was assigned a minimum of four Rangers for protection. It wasn't a perfect plan, but it was the best they could manage.

I noticed Issei in a corner, a gun strapped over his shoulder, his face twisted with determination. He was supposed to be heading back to Shibuya, but it looked like he intended to stay and fight. I couldn't understand what point he was trying to prove.

Just as the dock door creaked open and the rovers prepared to head up the sloped road, a figure appeared at the entry point. A woman—strikingly beautiful, with long blond hair and piercing blue eyes. She was my type, no question.

But her body was… unusual. It looked almost like a suit, yet on closer inspection, she resembled more of a cyborg.

She fixed her gaze on one of the Captains, Soyo—Captain Leonard's friend. A proud smile played on her lips.

Captain Soyo drew her blade from her waist, shouting, "Damn you, Mayu!"

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