
Chapter 10 Past comes to Haunt the Present

A/N: hello everyone this one was little hard since I involved some of the past of the MC and it's not pretty, I know my writing is not the best heck I even I can see that, but i am trying, this chapter goes into what the time war was like for the MC's time lord self, not a lot but whats shown does not paint a good picture, hope you enjoy.


As the all so familiar wheezing sound came from the TARDIS and I was fighting the urge to hit the Doctor with something metal for how he blatantly leave the Dam break on, causing the wheezing, the TARDIS suddenly shakes or what I assume would be the TARDIS changing destination mid flight.

The Doctor seeing this move the the small display to see why" looks like the TARDIS is picking up a signal of some kind thats drawing her in". I on the other hand had my suspicions why, it was on of the events that lead to the change in the Doctor, my guess is the TARDIS kept the sender of the signal hidden. This means I need to decide what I change here very carefully.

The Doctor must end up in that hall way with rose and the mutated Dalek, so at most I can change is how many die, hell if the little English man dies than there will be no problem on satellite 5, meaning no information leak, saving so many problems.

The main question is that how do I ensure Rose touches the Dalek, so it can mutate. Not may options. I am broken out of my thoughts by the wheezing coming to a complete stop, I know it means we have landed.

Rose is the first out, followed by the Doctor and myself last, and just like the episode Rose ask where we are, with the Doctor saying it's 2012. The thing was that Rose just like in the episode points out she would be 26 now, I am still not sure what her obsession with figuring out what her age would be if she came the long way round but to each there own I suppose, hell who am I to complain i am 300 years old. I am still not used to that but at least I am not older than the Doctor right, acording to what he said when he told rose before the ship crashed into the Thames, he is 900 years old although since it's his ninth or rather his Tenth if you count the war Doctor that means at least one incarnation did not last more than a hundred years.

That makes me think about when I regenerate, will I still be the same, every time I think about it there's no fear, only a single though and that so long as the next me follows the promises we made I have no problems, it's strange how accepting I am of the idea, is it the same for other Time Lords I wonder, my answer will have to wait until eleven era.

As for why I think that it might just be the Time Lord mind at work, I suppose I can understand why the Doctor was like he was when it came to his promise. As well as the moment in the 50th anniversary where three incarnations said it, with each incarnation saying one part each. I wonder if I will end up meeting other incarnation of myself in the future that would be interesting.

After I was done with my thoughts I look around the underground bunker, it's exactly the same as the show and more, it's massive having rows of display cases on the left and right of the walls while the walls themselves look nothing like one would expect to find in a bunker, a museum maybe but not an underground bunker. Goes to show just how much money Henry Van Statten has.

As I was observing the surroundings I notice Rose and the Doctor looking at one of the display cases, that specific display had the head of a Cyberman in, although I could not hear the conversation, I can assume its the same as what was said on the show.

Not long after I hear foot steps, not long later two teams of heavy armoured men with guns surround us, the only thought in my mind was whether I should keep quiet or speak in the meeting with Van Statten, after a little deliberation I decide staying quiet will be best since there was no way I want to end up like the Doctor on that scaning device that caused him pain.

So once we enter the office I keep my mouth shut, it's strange really it's something a human would do, I suppose it's due to me being a human reborn or reincarnated, still not sure on that since both my original memories seem to not contradict my Time Lord ones, it's as if my Time Lord self was already aware of them.

The office it just like the episode, Van Statten has the alien instrument talking to an young English man, one I recognise from the show the very same one that gave information to the Jagrafess unknowingly, something I intended to change I already mentioned it to the TARDIS.

Thankfully his presence is not required to go to satellite 5, but I may have to sit that one out acording to the TARDIS, just me being there would change things too much, what happens at the first trip to satellite must happen for the events of the second trip to happen.

I completely ignore the conversation that going around me between the Doctor and Van Statten untill Rose calls me to follow her and Adam if I remember right. Following them to what seems like a room for cataloguing items, which suprising looks exactly like it did in the show.

I have to say is not fun watching two young adults flirt with each other, or rather one young Adam trying to flirt with Rose. It seriously looks like he has forgotten that I am here, with that in mind I decide to look around seeing if there is anything I can make use of while I think about if I really need to stop Adam from going to satellite 5.

One point for his presence is the scene at the end of the episode, where his mother clicks her fingers causing his newly acquired full info spike to open, it would be hilarious to see. As for the negative well it would be like how it went in the show, so long as I stay on the TARDIS.

My thoughts are interrupted by screaming coming from the monitor that both Rose and Aam are looking at. Just hearing that all so familiar voice causes me to have a strange feeling of discomfort, probably a side effect from the time war.

I suddenly remember something I take out one of the shield devices I had made for Downing Street, I had previously done some modification it will protect from Dalek fire but only once while also making it automatically activate, while Rose was distracted I slide it into her back pocket on her jeans.

I know its not much but having insurance was always good I had one as well, even though I was planning on staying here to look through the alien gear to see what I could salvage, since it's most likely I will be shot by the Dalek on site, no way in hell am I risking that, I know my mechanical force may be able to influence it but that's only in theory not solid proof.

Rose just like the episode asks to be taken to the cage " leave me out of it, I will stay here not going anywhere near that thing if I can help it" now that i think about it could this be counted as subconscious fear, since the thought of being in a room with a Dalek was very unnerving.

Rose just looks at me " do you know something about it" I look at her while also noticing Adam looks at me with interest, I just shrug not denying the possibility but also not confirming it. With my answer being unsatisfactory both Adam and Rose leave heading to the cage.

While I remain still trying to figure out if this unnerving feeling I get from the Dalek is from my knowledge of the show or something that's from my Time Lord selfs experience in the time war, I suppose that's going to make things hard for me to test of I can use my ability on Daleks "oh well".

With those two gone I start to look through the uncategorised items, unfortunately most was as the Doctor said in the episode junk, although I find the weapon that the Doctor will take after seeing that i just put all that junk back moving to other areas of the room to look at other stuff.

Suprising I find some useful materials, most useful for making a few devices that may be useful. However as I was going through the lights go out" guess it's starting then" I just sigh while debating where I should go.

It is a struggle the unnerving feeling is telling me to stay as far way as possible, but my gut tells me I should go to Van Statten's office" to hell with it" I pocket what I thought was useful and run out of the office.

When I arrive the Doctor and Van Statten are Arguing on something by the face of the Doctor it looks like they closed the bulkhead and the Doctor thinks Rose is dead. Not long after I arrive Adam enters the room.

After the Doctor finishes yelling at me" I gave her something that would help keep her alive, however the rest is up to her" hearing me the Doctors eyes widen so does Adems" why did you not give me anything " Adam seems upset about the fact that I did something to keep Rose safe yet left him unprotected" one I have no obligation to help someone who left my friend behind with a Dalek, two I don't know anything about you other than you are just as selfish as Van Statten, and three you could have put more effort in stopping Rose from touching the god dam Dalek" my voice now in a sort of yell.

Everyone just looks at me " sorry I guess they still effect me with everything that they did, hell I am lucky to even be here" as I speak the memories of how the final days of the time war went for me or the memories of how it went still not sure on thing yet.

Hearing me the Doctor gives me a sad look. Not long later the display comes on showing the Dalek with rose" I will speak to the Doctor". The Doctor moves to the screen " I am here" the Dalek speaks after hearing the Doctor " release the bulkhead or Rose Taylor dies" it's at that moment I notice a chip hidden on the Daleks lower body, one I am familiar with.

As my mind works I come to the realisation " you your the Dalek that attacked the repair facility" this catches both the Daleks and the Doctors attention" you know this Dalek" my reply was swift" yea there should be a chip on its armour from a device I overloaded and threw at it, the explosion was suppose to kill us both" it was the Daleks time to speak" you survive, the greatest threat to the Dalek race how" hearing this make me believe my theory was right.

" I have no idea but I did, so here we both are, two who should have died but in the end both survived" my words seem to cause the Dalek pause, my only thought was this explains why I was not in cannon, I was suppose to die originally.

The Doctor looks at me in curiosity " all those with my ability died during the start of the Time War. I was the last, suicide Daleks got them, the moment they were close enough to the target they would explode killing everyone" the silence was unnerving" I was lucky I saw it soon enough to save myself but the others were not so lucky but they sent death squads and not a small amount either" I sigh before continuing" I was the youngest, so I was not as experienced as the others but the council got smart using every means to prevent suicide attacks, this Dalek was the only one to make it to me the rest were killed but I had prepared to take the Dalek with me. Than next thing I know I wake up in a TARDIS that's going to implode itself when it dropped me off I had enough time to use the Chameleon arch than get out".

I never thought the past of my time lord self was related to this Dalek, I turn to the screen" so what you going to finish your mission, not that it matters anymore the entire Dalek fleet burned I watched it happen during my escape" the Dalek was silent at my words " than what should I do, I am a solder I follow orders" it was the Doctors turn to speak and he said exactly what he said in the episode although later than he did in the episode so maybe me being here did effect things, although he still opens the bulkhead the screen closes" I can't be here when it gets here you know that right Doctor, it killed many of my friends" he just nod solemnly before I walk out the room heading to the room i was in earlier leaving everything to the Doctor.

When I arrive I start to finally start to realise that if it was a reincarnation the memories of what happened on Gallifrey would not effect me as much which means that it's most likely rebirth just with my main consciousness locked away or something similar.

It's rather grating not knowing what the hell whatever sent me here did, I guess I just have to accept the fact that I am both the Time Lord and the person from my previous life, its all I can do otherwise I may lose control of my emotions just like I was close to back in the office.

Not long after I finish my thoughts Adam and the Doctor come in going straight for the large basket containing alien tech, most of which is either broken or just women's care products, that is with one exception the massive gun that was seen in the episode.

Just like the episode the Doctor finds it really fast, before he leaves he looks at me " you ok I know it's hard seeing something you thought was dead" I just nod before speaking " I will be fine just difficult not had that much time to get over the War you know" he nods before running out of the room.

After I was alone I thought back to the Dalek, I remember in the episode it was able to complete repair itself, yet here it still kept the Damage it took from the explosion I made even after repairing itself, my only question is how what was different from that single explosion that prevented it from repairing.

I walk over to the computer screen, using my mechanical force I managed to reroute enough power to get it on and showing the Dalek exposing itself just like the episode. There was no audio though but I saw the whole process of how it chose death over it's mutation, once it was dead I made my way to the TARDIS to wait for Rose and the Doctor.

After seeing that Dalek and dealing with my own mental crisis, I had no energy to argue with Rose on whether Adam should come with us on our next trip, not that it matters to me I will be staying on the TARDIS, at least now I have an excuse to do so with what I was like seeing the Dalek. Apparently the Doctor has told Rose about my reaction seeing as she is looking at me with sad eyes.

Knowing it's time to speak up " I am staying on the TARDIS for the next one I need to sort somethings out, they look at me before the Doctor give an understanding nod, I leave before anyone can say anything just wanting to go to sleep and forget my problems.

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