
Chapter 2 showdown against Plastic and His True Self

A/N: ok here's the second chapter 2000 words in total and I plan for all chapters to be this at least although I am not truly confident I can make it engaging I will try, also I will be having extra stuff that was not in cannon like extra journeys since i believe that more could have been done with the ninth doctor as for if it will have other doctors i am most certain it will since i am currently rewatching the episodes.anyway thanks for reading.

Two months three weeks later.

Nick had been called over to Jackie's to fix some wiring that was causing problems, it was just routine he did this for all the residents when needed, but today after arriving he saw rose which was strange since she would usually be at work at this time at a clothing store according to Nick's memory.

As nick was fixing the wiring the TV shows the news, on screen much to Nick's suprise was the place Rose works, acording to the reporter it had blown up last night due to a gas leak. When Jackie saw the news she began pestering Rose about taking legal action for the companies negligence.

Nick's Pov.

Looking at rose who seems to be looking into space figuratively of course, as her mother just rambles on about getting compensation, Jackie on the other hand noticed her daughter not paying attention and just storms of. I just focus on what I was doing rather than get involved never been good at handling that situation between women.

I also notice that she has a plastic arm next to her, that I only assume come from one of the mannequins from her place of work. Not long after that I hear something at the door, as Rose got up going to see who it was,I only hear her say "you" and a man's reply saying "hello" before I see Rose return dragging a man in a leather jacket into the living room.

While I was finishing up I hear the man talking to rose, to my suprise it sounds like they were talking about what happened at her work. I finish up and yell to Jackie informing here I was finished.

as I got up and turned I get a better look at the man Rose was talking to strangely enough I get the feeling he is familiar to me, I was not the only one who got that feeling as he seems to looking at me with a look that said he felt the same familiarity i did.

3rd Person Pov.

Nick just looks away before gathering his tools ready to leave, as he was doing so, the man asked Rose "who is that" hearing the man Rose looks a little annoyed but replys nonetheless " that is Nick our residents handyman".

After rose went to the kitchen to get some drinks for herself and the man the plastic arm on the sofa jumps up at the man and latches onto his neck in order to strangle the man. Seeing this Nick runs over to try and get the plastic hand off the man but it would not budge, seeing the the man tells nick to get his screwdriver from his pocket and use it on the arm.

Feeling a bit dubious about the man's solution but still complying as if something at the back of his mind told him it would work, he puts his hand in the man's pocket pulling out a small device, despite not seeing anything like it, before he instinctively points it at the arm and presses the button on the device the end lighting up blue.

After a few minutes just as Rose returns to see the arm strangelling the man, the arm stops and falls to the ground as the man picks it up, looking at Nick like he was surprised that Nick was able to figure out the screwdriver so fast.

The man shaking his head hold his hand out, Nick understanding hand the device in his hand back over to the man " well thanks for that but I should get going lots to see and lots to do and all" the man turns around to leave making his way to the door, Rose seeing this follows him, Nick just looks in bewilderment not understanding why he saw a sad look in the man's eyes while he spoke.

Doctor's POV.

As I leave I can not help but think about the young man named Nick, he had a strange feeling around him one I recognise, he was a time lord that had used a chameleon arch, unfortunately he could not do anything about it only when he was ready to accept the call of the fob watch would he be able to return to his true self, despite how much relief I had felt that I had not destroyed my whole race with the moment.

I shack my head focusing on what I have to do stop whatever was controlling the plastic, I knew of a few things that could do this but all methods require a large transmitter I need to find it, hopefully the arm will allow me to triangulate the location of the transmitter.

As I was thinking I hear my name being called I turn around to see Rose " just who are you" her question was something I was used to " just the doctor" that does not seem to convince her after a back and forth conversation.

Just as I see my TARDIS in site I take her hand "It's like when you're a kid. The first time they tell you that the world's turning, and you just can't quite believe it 'cause everything looks like it's standing still. I can feel it. The turn of the Earth. The ground beneath our feet is spinning at a thousand miles an hour, and the entire planet is hurtling around the sun at sixty-seven thousand miles an hour, and I can feel it. We're falling through space, you and me, clinging to the skin of this tiny little world, and if we let go? That's who I am."

When I finish I let go of roses hand and tell he to forget me and move on with her life before walking towards my TARDIS, opening the door and entering, closing the door behind me heading to the control panel in the centre before engaged the controls before I hear the all to familiar wheezing my TARDIS makes.

Nick's POV.

After the man and Rose had left I went to make sure that Jackie was aware that I had finished, after saying that I would see her later and to come to my appointment if there were still any issues, I went to the front door opening it then leaving making sure to close it after I left.

After getting to my appointment I enter closing the door behind me walking straight to the living room where my eyes instantly move to the fob watch on the fireplace mantle, something inside me drawing me to it although the knowledge that it would not open, for some reason I felt the need to carry it with me as if I would need it soon.

Unfortunately this feeling overwhelmes my common sense as I walk to it and grab it rapping the chain the fob watch it's attached to over my neck. After doing so I put my tools away before relaxing.

A few hours later I feel a strange pull calling to me against my better judgement I leave my Appointment heading for my car that I would use for get to and from work following where this feeling was taking me, to my suprise it took me directly to the giant ferris wheel in the middle of London, or so i thought after parking my car making my way towards the giant wheel I felt the strange feeling leading me behind the wheel.

Following the path that lead right behind I saw a maintenance entrance that lead underneath it, not thinking much a walk towards it untill I felt something observing me, I turn to where I feel like I was being watched from only to see a blue police box, it gave of a familiar feeling but I ignore it this time focusing on the maintenance entrance, before heading through it.

It was what I had expected a long concrete corridor that looks like it leads to an open areas which I assume had the generator that powers the giant wheel, as I walk down the corridor I started to hear a voice I recognised it sounded arrogant, but he recognises the voice that belongs to the man talking about something called the shadow proclamation, before I hear Roses voice shouting Mickies name.

There was more said but it was said in a way to arrogant tone for me to bother listening, As I reach the end I see that the situation has taken I tide for the worse the man being held by two full size mannequins, while rose is with her boyfriend who seems to be scared out of his wits.

As I look around Rose seems to see me as see points towards the chains on the wall close to her than at me and at the mannequin to the right of the man, i know by how looks at me she wants to help the man and intends to to use the chain to knock one of the mannequins, form the way she pointed at me I assume she wants me to get the one on the right.

I just nod getting ready, one she untangles the chain and jumps off the ledge head directly for the mannequin on the left I know its my chance to take down the one on the right, running directly at the one on the right of the man knocking the mannequin directly into what looks like a pit of lava or some sort of melted metal.

I look up to see that Rose also hit her target also nocking a small test tube of blue liquid that I had not noticed before into the lava looking liquid and I could sware I heard it scream in pain be fore the entire room begins to shack, the man quickly composes himself before telling us all to get to the blue box before he opens it with his key.

When he does we all enter as I see what's inside something inside me clicks I feels like it's time to say good bye, I look at rose and Mickey not knowing what to say, the man looks from the console as a wheezing sound appears after a few minutes it stops and he walks to the doors opening them showing me had moved.

My attention moves back to Rose and Mickie" I know we should celebrate leaving but I need to say good bye guys" hearing me say this everyone looks at me, the man with visible surprises on his face while Rose and Mickey looked confused before they can speak the man speaks" are you feeling the call" I just nod visible suprise which I can only assume it was not Normal to know when it was time.

"I know you guys are confused hell I am just as confused but I have a feeling in my gut that I need to say good bye since something tells me that this version of me will disappear when I do what my instincts tell me to, so with that good bye Rose Mickie", with that I grab the chain around my neck pulling it off revealing the fob watch that was hidden under my shirt.

With a sigh I click the small button on the side before it finally after so many attempts before this moment opens as it does strange golden energy rushes out of the fob watch towards me, as I close my eyes instinctualy.

3rd person pov

The three was as the golden energy envelopes Nick as he seems to get a bit younger not by much, but the change was still there, his body seems to get more muscle not as much as a bodybuilder but enough so he looked like some who was good at hard labour or doing heavy jobs, what was even more suprising was his eyes as they open for a brief moment to show they were changing,they seem to change to a blue that gave off a feeling of looking at the endless sea.

After a few minutes the energy seems to disappear as the three saw his eyes open and shift towards them not long late Nick's mouth opens to speak" I believe an introduction is overdue, allow me to rectify that my name Is Mechanic".

Next chapter