
The first wave (3)

Ys raised an eyebrow as Rex and Carlos entered, both covered in the worm green fluids and breathing heavily. "Have a nice swim, boys?"

Rex shrugged, flashing a grin. "A little slimier than I'd like, but we're still in one piece."

Carlos wiped a glob of green muck off his shoulder, muttering, "Speak for yourself. That worm tried to digest us."

Cleo's hologram flickered to life beside them, arms crossed. "Alright, geniuses, any bright ideas on how to take down something that big?"

Rex looked back at the massive worm in the distance, its monstrous form still writhing as the Khryssari swarmed around it like an army guarding their king. He smirked, tapping his helmet. "Yeah, I think I've got a plan. But it's going to take all of us."

Ys rolled her eyes, though a hint of a smile played at her lips. "You better make it good, darling. I'd hate to have to scrape you off that thing's teeth again."

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