
Chapter 15 Meeting Iroh

Setting sun ... Previous day.

The darkness encroached over the horizon as the sun slowly bid the world farewell went unnoticed for the time being.

Throughout the four nations, the rise of nighttime was usually accompanied by many different activities in particularly bustling cities while it was associated with peace and serenity in the more quieter regions.

People in villages and small towns would begin setting up the lanterns while preparing dinner for their respective families.

And with the passing of time, those living in these parts would urge their children and family members to go to bed while the lights go out.

The war hadn't come to an end after a hundred years and the smiles on the faces of people had diminished significantly. In some regions, to the point of being completely non-existent.

There was no happiness, merrymaking, jolly storytelling by the campfire and village festivals. Those rarely happened anymore.

It was an ancient world filled with tragedy and war. Still, peace remained. But on this day, even that last trace of solace was wiped out for a certain group of people.

"No .....". Elder Wu fell to his knees, tears slowly streaming down the sides of his face at the sight before him.

Fire! Everywhere. The elderly man who should be sitting at his front porch, watching the sun go down with a smile on his face as his grandchildren played with fellow villagers in the sand watched as his home, his village was burned to the ground.

Smoke rose to the sky as the houses and whatever possessions within them were burned using firebending.

His home..... Gone.

His true name wasn't Elder Wu. That was what many people in the village called him after his two sons left the settlement to fight in the hundred-year war and never returned.

His youngest son was called Wu, while his birth name was Kay-Fon. Over time, he had learned to put away the memories of what was and instead look ahead to what could be.

Rumors of the Avatar's return had spread, letting the old man see hope for a better tomorrow. Unfortunately, that dream faded away at the reality before him.

This old man, who hadn't felt such sadness since his wife's death and the news that his sons would never return again wept bitterly. Tears released like a crack appearing in a dam.

"..... It's over ...". He uttered amidst crying.

Thud! Thud!

The sound of footsteps moving towards him resounded.

"You're right old man". The shadow of a man emerged behind him in the setting sun.

"…. It truly is over. For all of you". Standing behind the elderly man was Captain Han's Lieutenant.

And behind him were dozens of Fire Nation soldiers. On the floor around them were the bodies of the villagers spread out almost everywhere. Some died with their eyes bloodshot and wide open, fear, and horror clearly mixed within them.

Of course, they were men and consisted the minority of the total village population. Barely up to a dozen of them who still had the spine to shout, scream, and attempt to top them from carrying out their actions.

The others huddled in the corner. Old men, women, and children with fear and despair clearly written on their expressions.

The children shook with fright, holding their mother's tightly as they looked at the monsters only told to them in bedtime stories.

"We did nothing ...". Still on his knees, Elder Wu or Kay-Fon turned his gaze to the Lieutenant. "We knew ..... Nothing … We were nothing but simple farmers".

"True". The lieutenant responded flatly.

Following which, he took several steps forward, towards the burning town. "But, nevertheless, the fate of your little village has already been decided". He stopped and looked at the burning town.

The sun had completely disappeared as darkness took over.

"As long as they stood out of our way, those men didn't have to die. How unfortunate, but life goes on".

Saying this, he swept his gaze over the few dozen civilians quaking in their shoes.

"Which brings us to your lives". Everyone felt their throat tighten. "Under the orders of Fire Nation command, you are to leave this area effective immediately".

"Where you go is none of our concern. As long as you're no longer within five miles of this place, it will suffice. We have been merciful enough to spare your lives ...". He uttered with narrowed eyebrows. "…. It would do you well to cherish it".

The sound of footsteps resumed as the Lieutenant walked past the broken elderly man towards the exit. Every Fire Nation soldiers he passed all turned around and followed behind him.

The town was destroyed according to their captain's orders. Hence, their job was done. As for the rest of the villagers ... The lieutenant couldn't be bothered. This town held little importance, to the point that even burning it was a waste of time. He knew that it was because Captain Han was in a bad mood.

He was similar. Killing these villagers was unnecessary and would serve no purpose. Believe it or not, the vast majority of Fire Nation soldiers didn't believe in wanton massacre.

The air nomad genocide was an exception. Because it was personally led under Sozin's orders.

This could be seen as how the Southern Water tribe were left alone after all their water benders were killed. Though that didn't justify their actions, it at least showed that pure cruelty wasn't engraved in their bones.

The lieutenant was in a bad mood, hence the choice to kill a few of these men who dared to stand and oppose him as a warning to the others.

Now that that was completed, he only wanted to leave this damn place.

The villagers were left standing there, watching as their nightmare began to leave after leaving them with nothing left.

This should have been the end of it. However ... Someone ..... or something else, said otherwise.

Dressed in red and black uniform, the soldiers turned to leave only to suddenly discover that something was approaching from the distance.

With the sun disappearing, a monster from the spirit realm ready to vent his wrath and anger on this village again due to the destruction of its precious forest emerged from the dark shadows.

Reaching over ten meters tall, a black and white creature walking of four legs fell into view. Its pure white eyes landing on the new additions as if it just discovered something interesting.

At that moment, the leaving procession suddenly froze in place.

"Sir there's …." A soldier uttered to the Lieutenant subconsciously before stopping. Not because he couldn't speak but because he didn't know what to say.

"What the hell .....".

"…. By Agni …".

"What is that thing?"

The lieutenant's eyes widened as he took several steps back in fright.

'It can't be ..... That can't be …. A spirit?'

Screech! At that moment, Hei Bai opened its mouth, releasing a sonic scream towards the heavens.

His loud, aggressive actions immediately caused panic in the Fire Nation group.

"Open Fire". Seeing the situation, the Lieutenant didn't hesitate and gave the order as he raised his hands and shot out fire from his fists.

The soldiers who could firebend didn't delay and followed in his actions. Close to a dozen benders shooting fire at the same time, a considerable area covered by trees was enveloped in flames.

Unfortunately ....


A blue sonic scream fueled by powerful chi emerged, blowing away the flames back towards the attackers.


The explosion resounded as the fire nation soldiers were hit back by their own attack. Following which, a black and white shadow streaked forward. (End of Senlin Village Hei Bai arc)


(Back to present day)

The wind was cold. At least, Luca felt it deeper after being taken from the forest out into sea. The breeze blown over seawater to him was several notches colder than he felt before.

He didn't mind that though due to his attention being placed elsewhere.

Although there was no moonlight, the sight before his eyes was still prominent. Floating steadily on the water was a large mass of armored steel, a formidable steam-powered warship.

The Fire Navy Cruiser ...

"It's smaller than the ones I've seen". Luca uttered his thoughts plainly as he stared at Zuko's ship from a distance.

The sound of tightening fists could be heard prompting him to draw his gaze to Zuko's hands. Sure enough, they were clenching.

'What In hell …'.

Close to two hours had passed since Luca was apprehended by Zuko. At that moment, the former didn't resist arrest, nor did he try to escape.

The possibility of a successful breakthrough wasn't high to begin with due to his mediocre stats. Hence, why bother?

For an escape with low probability of completion, Luca felt it was unwise to waste the hard-earned Spirit Chi he had left to activate density shifting.

As a result, he was cuffed with heavy metal shackles, escorted by two imperial Firebenders along the road and transported from his temporary cave abode in the forest to the Earth kingdom coast three miles away, where Zuko's ship could be found.

Currently, Luca stood on a steam powered sailboat that had transported Zuko and his search team to shore. Now, it was transporting them back to his cruiser, but with an extra addition.

Only …. Was this thing really a cruiser? He found it hard to believe.

As an Ex-Captain, the memories of Naval transportation fleets were clear in his mind. Even if it was based on the created ships two years ago, there shouldn't be much difference. After all, new ships weren't like cars in his previous life that a new model was produced every year.

The oldest model of the Navy cruiser he had seen wasn't as small as this thing before him.

"... I mean, I snuck aboard a cruiser to escape the Fire Islands. Their sizes were twice as big as this one. Carried a lot more personnel too. So many guards that I had to watch my every step cautiously to avoid getting caught. How many can this one carry? Is this even a cruiser? It looks like a cheap knockoff..... Or an abandoned one. Perhaps scraps from the older era ...". If not for the fact that his hands were cuffed, he would definitely raise them and stroke his chin or his non-existent beard with a clear look of puzzlement within his eyes.

"Or ... Are my memories failing me?"

"Do not mock my ship". At that moment, Zuko yelled in anger. Luca opened his mouth, wanting to say more. But …. Clang! His cuffs shook as he felt pressure come upon him from both sides.

Two imperial Firebenders flanked him from his left and right, clearly signalling him to keep shut.

Seeing this, Zuko's frowning face eased.

"My ship's personnel are more than enough to take care of the likes of you".

"Really?" Luca couldn't help but raise an eyebrow. "From my experience, it doesn't look like it can hold much. A standard Cruiser can hold up to ten of these smaller sailboats. How many more do you guys have in there? Five? Three, Two …. One ….?"

He could see his fists tightening again when he uttered "Two".

'Two more sailboats?'

"Only two sailboats? Wow, pretty poor. How much more manpower can you have? No. As the prince of the Fire Nation, how do you even live like this?"


If not for the helmet that covered his forehead, perhaps Luca would see a few throbbing veins right at that spot.

The rest of the short journey was spent in silence as the sailboat moved towards an edge and was brought into the cruiser through the back of the ship.

"Prince Zuko …." A while of walking successfully brought them to the deck. Luca's eyes lit up with enthusiasm and curiosity at the person who appeared before them.

Although he was captured, Luca didn't take it to heart much. After all, the person who captured him was Zuko from the Avatar franchise.

Among Avatar's top three favorite and most prominent male characters. Although he wasn't a big fanboy, but a large portion of the gloom of not escaping was washed away upon realizing this.

After all, he wrote a fanfiction about it. Despite his somewhat difficult situation, it was impossible to have no reaction.

But at this point in time, he hadn't grown into that character fans would come to love at the end yet. The gloomy, hot temperament like a volcano that could erupt at anytime was clearly visible on him.

A real live Zuko, scar, bald head with a ponytail and everything else.

"Uncle .....". Now if presently, there were few people who liked Zuko, then there was almost nobody who didn't like the man now approaching them.

Short ..... Check. Fat …. Check. Aged ..... Check. The Avatar series favorite uncle, the old, wise, jolly, easy-going uncle Iroh.

"I see your search was successful". The old man uttered while sizing me up with his eyes.

"Indeed. The Eagle Hawk wasn't leading me on a wild goose chase. He's not the avatar, but he has some level of importance".

"Then where is it now?"



'Huh?' Iroh exclaimed in confusion. Luca did the same in his mind.

"It flew off after he was captured. Perhaps to the outpost it came from".

'Damn! That damn animal flew the coop. Looks like hybrid bird meat for dinner is out of the question'.

"Oh? Then who is he?" Iroh moved his face closer to Luca's and observed carefully. "Sure is a young lad. Why don't I recognize him".

At that moment, a fire Nation soldier walked towards the small group with a scroll in his hands.

"That uncle, is because he wasn't relevant .....". The soldier arrived, and Zuko Took the scroll from his grasp. "..... Until two months ago …". The scroll was unfolded before their eyes.

A bounty order, a fire nation wanted poster. Perfectly displaying Luca's portrait as well as his relevant information.

"A rebel?" Iroh was slightly surprised.

"A prison rebel". Zuko replied handing over the scroll to his uncle. "I remember coming across it a few weeks ago. News states that he broke out of Capital prison. Fled the Fire Islands under constant pursuit and escaped towards the Colonies. I was surprised myself when I saw his face .....".

Skimming through the information on the scroll, a small frown made its way to Iroh's face.


Imprisoned for suspicion on aiding and abetting a wanted criminal?

Iroh took another look at Luca's face. It was too young. The information on this scroll alone suggested a lot of wrong things that shouldn't be.

In response to his gaze, Luca lowered his posture to perform a slight theatrical bow.

"General Iroh, Ex-Captain Luca of the Fire Army, proclaimed rebel, recent slaughterer of a fifteen-man search party, at your custody. I am an admirer of your legendary deeds". (I'm an Iroh fan. Deal with it)

"Oh!" Iroh uttered. "What an ... Interesting introduction".

"Hmph!" Zuko snorted.

"Quite cocky for someone who's been captured".

"Au Contraire, Mon frere".


"Believe me when I tell you this. I'm only here ...". Luca lifted his metal cuffs and smiled. "... Because I want to be. Of course, I know I'm intruding on the old general's retirement vacation time, so I won't take long. I'll be out of this ship and out of your hair before you know it". Luca replied with a shrug. The novelty of seeing Zuko and Iroh in the flesh had faded, so his eyes began darting everywhere else.

A cold snort resounded as Zuko looked at him with narrowed eyebrows.

"Is that so?"

"Huh? Oh yeah, sure".

"Then I'd like to see just how you'll manage to escape the cells with guards right outside your door". The word "manage" carried a heavy emphasis.

"Take the rebel to the prison hold'.

"Yes my prince". And so, Luca was pushed forward as the Imperial Firebenders walked towards the stairs that led to the inner parts of the ship.

Descending the stairs, Luca, and the guards disappeared from sight. Leaving only two figures standing with one looking at the area which the into with a strange gleam in his eyes.

"What an interesting young man". Iroh uttered, not knowing where this boy got such confidence from. Then .....

"Prince Zuko .....". He turned his attention back to his beloved nephew. "What do you plan to do with him?"

Zuko who was about to reach the stairs that led upwards to the tower, paused. His brows furrowed and his face frowned as he pondered on that question.

"Father placed quite a heavy bounty on his head for anyone who could successfully capture him". His words made iroh's face change.

"I hope you are not thinking of using him in place of the Avatar to lift your banishment".

"What? No uncle. He doesn't have that much weight". Zuko refuted, his steps resuming.

"But our search for the Avatar is our primary goal. And in the long run ... We could use a large sum of money"



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