Point of view switch to Kai:
With a quick step, we headed to the hotel front desk with the aim of contacting the guest named Isaac Netero.
"Sorry, sir, we can't give out that information." The receptionist said.
"Come on, we're not asking for much. We just want to ask him for something." Nicholas says whimpering.
"Sorry, but I cannot do it. If you continue to ask, I'll have to call for getting you two escorted out." The receptionist responds more seriously.
As Nicholas begins to lose patience, I grab his shoulder and push him away to stand in front of the reception desk.
"Wouldn't this change your mind, miss receptionist?" I ask showing her my Hunter license.
Just as I predicted, the receptionist's demeanor changes immediately. "Oh, I'm sorry, sir. I didn't
know you were Hunters. I will give their room a call. Just give me one second." She says picking up the phone and typing a number.
After hearing the phone ringing for a few seconds, someone answers on the other end. "Hello? This is the front desk. I'm sorry to bother you sir, but we have two Hunters here wishing to speak with you. That's right. Do you want me to send them up? Okay, I'll do that." She says hanging up the phone.
"He said he'll send Beans down to escort you to his room. While you're waiting, you can have a seat in the waiting area."
We head to sit down on the sofas, and 10 minutes later, Beans finally got off the elevator.
"Hello Mr. Kai and Mr. Nicholas. Please follow me. I'll guide you to chairman Netero room." Says the small green humanoid dressed in a suit.
With that, we follow Beans through the hotel hallways until we reach Netero's room. Once we enter, we are met with Netero sitting on a cushion, much like in the interview part of the exam.
With a mix of wisdom and warmth in his eyes, Netero clears his throat, breaking the silent of the room as he starts to talk. "So, what brings you here all of a sudden, kids?"
"I want you to provide us teachers who instruct us in the use and study of Nen." I say without vacilation.
"Is that the reason? I think you already have a good understanding and practice of Nen." Chairman Netero retorts.
"You probably mean that because of my little fights against you and contestant Hisoka, right?" Netero remains silent and unfazed by my question, but I still understand that this is true.
"It's true that I have my aura nodes fully open, and that I have a certain level and experience in manipulating my life energy. However, that only applies to a limited range of techniques. The truth is that I haven't mastered either the four principles or other advanced techniques that I've seen displayed by other Nen users. Hell, I don't even know what my level is."
Netero shifts his gaze to a slightly more inquisitive look. "But it's obvious that you've been training your aura for some time, which means that you didn't awaken your Nen spontaneously or accidentally. That also means that someone trained you in its use, so you should know how to develop the 4 basic principles of Nen on your own, right?"
"No, I'm afraid that's not the case." I reply, preparing to explain my particular situation.
"In the place where I was born, the huntsman and warrior clans are taught Nen from an early age. We call it the Blessing of Zeraka, and unlike the rest of the world, we don't seem to have a good teaching program."
"From what I heard when I asked about its origins in my homeland, the knowledge on how to use the blessing has been passed down from our close predecessors, allowing us to learn Ten, and for those who show greater talent, Ren."
"Having experienced the world beyond the borders of my home, I can safely say that our teaching method is unstructured and inefficient, and that is why I am in need of an instructor to teach me how to apply the basics and guide me on how to properly use my aura."
Netero keeps his expression unchanged, but listens intently to my words. "Fine, I understand what you mean. But why do you come to me to ask for a teacher? Even if you decide to leave, the Hunter Association will send a Hunter to your location to begin your training. Or perhaps is that you want me to be your teacher?" Netero asks with a mischievous smile.
"No, no, that's not it at all. I'm well aware that you'll be very busy with your work as the chairman of the association. It's just that I'm very aware of how far we still are in Nen, and I want to start training as soon as possible. Especially my partner Nicholas, who hasn't even fully awakened the aura nodes in his body yet." I reply patting Nicholas shoulder.
"What do you mean fully awakened?" Nicholas asks pointing to himself with a confused face.
"Do you remember when you felt that sudden boost of power when you faced Pokkle in the tournament? Since then, I'm sure you must have been seeing streams of light coming out of some applicants and examiners, right?" I ask pointing at him.
"You mean the reason I'm seeing those things is because I've acquired Nen?" He asks trying to process my words.
"To be precise, what you have done is spontaneously awaken part of the nodes in your body, making you aware and sensitive to the aura of others. However, you are not yet a proper user. Not only have you not practiced controlling your aura, but you have not yet unlocked all the aura nodes in your body. If not, you would have already fainted from exhaustion from not being able to control your aura output." I answer, switching my attention back to Netero.
"Both Nicholas and I need teachers who teach us the steps necessary to become true Nen users. That is why we have come to ask for your cooperation in order to start as soon as possible with our training, Mr. Chairman."
Netero focuses his gaze for a moment at my words, and suddenly he starts to give off an oppressive aura wave. Thanks to my Ten training, I can withstand it without any problem at all, and Beans, who remains on the sidelines, doesn't seem bothered by it either.
Nicholas, on the other hand, feels the full pressure of the chairman's aura, visibly affecting his psychological state to the point that he seems to be on the verge of fainting.
"That's enough, chairman!" I yell with a firm voice and a certain level of annoyance at what Netero is putting my friend through.
Once hearing this, he stops exuding his aura, releasing a panting Nicholas from the strain while he maintains a calm demeanor all the time. "I apologize for that. I now fully understand what you were trying to convey. I'm going to call the examiners to see if any of them are available to teach you." Netero says digging into his pocket for his phone.
"If possible, I would like Satotz to be my teacher. After all, he was watching my performance in the fourth phase, so I'm sure he'll understand my strengths and weaknesses better than anyone else." I say to him before he starts dialing.
"So you discerned that it was him, huh? Alright, I'll try luck with him first." He replies calling and putting the cell phone next to his ear.
'Thank goodness, it got in without raising any suspicions. Using Satotz's reference has come in handy. If Menchi had been assigned to me as a teacher, I wouldn't have been able to stand her little games during the training without losing my mind.' I think, sighing internally knowing that I won't have to endure the psychological torture of the Gourmet Hunter.
We waited there for about 15 minutes after Netero calls, and when they finally knocked on the door, Beans went to let in our future Nen teachers: Satotz and Lippo.
"You wanted to see us, Mr. Chairman?" Satotz was the one to talk.
"Yeah. It seems that the young people here were aware of their need to learn Nen, and they have personally asked me to assign them teachers right now. So, what do you guys think? Would you mind teaching them?" Netero asks them aloud.
Satotz and Lippo look a little intrigued by the sudden request, and with a glance at each other, they decide to give their answer.
"It's not a problem. The young Kai has shown great potential during the Hunter Exam, so I think I'd like to take him under my wing." Satotz says, showing his interest in me.
"I think I'd also like to take the boy named Nicholas as a student. He may had his down moments, but I think I can teach him a few things about Nen and the Blacklist Hunter trade." Lippo says, gesturing his interest in Nicholas by placing his fingers on his chin.
Netero nods approvingly. "It seems we have a mutual agreement, then. Satotz, you'll mentor Kai, and Lippo, you'll guide Nicholas. I have high hopes for you."
At Netero statement, the Ruins Hunter and the Blacklist Hunter give a reassuring nod before we leave the hotel room with them. As we are get ready to leave, Nicholas looks up at me with a mixture of excitement and grief. "Boss, did you hear that? We get to learn about Nen. It's great." He says with a smile, but looking a little downcast.
'I understand how you feel. I'm going to miss my chubby companion too, but we have to do it this way. Relying too much on my company and help would end up making him dependent, and that would make him an unreliable ally. While I intend to maintain a partnership with him, Nicholas needs to do things on his own to develope the ability to act and think on his own, and starting off by trying to learn Nen alone is the perfect opportunity to do so.' I smile patting him on the back.
"Yes, Nicholas. We're both going to get the training we need to make us stronger and become the best Blacklist Hunters in the world." I say to Nicholas with a look full of conviction.
I feel a surge of determination coming from Nicholas as he shakes my hand with a smile full of confidence and determination.
For both of us, the Hunter journey has just begun, and there are a lot challenges laying ahead that we'll eventually have to face, but with our new sense of purpose and excitement about this uncertain future, we are ready to face whatever challenges come in our way.
Satotz stands up and motions for me to follow him. "Come with me, Kai. We'll start your training immediately after gathering the necessary supplies."
Lippo does the same, gesturing to Nicholas. "And you, Nicholas, follow me. We've got a lot to cover."
With this, both pairs of student and teacher go by separate ways out of the hotel, with me waving goodbye to Nicholas with the promise of seeing each other again shortly.
Satotz guides me to the town of Myjeeling, close to the hotel. We don't spend much time on sightseeing however— Satotz grabs some supplies from nearby stores and once he is finished, we exit the city to a forest area.
After more or less one hour of walking through vegetation and the uneven terrain, we find a cave, and as we enter deep into it, we are met with a sturdy looking steel door that is locked. Satotz then puts in some code and the door opens to a big empty white room that resembles the ones created by Knov Nen ability.
"Where is this place, master?" I ask in curiosity.
"An underground bunker. The association found it years ago from a criminal crime boss who used it as an operation hub for the illegal distribution of an unusual drug called Happy Time. But that's a story for another time. Let's start your official training in Nen."
Nodding at his words, I take a seat on the floor and focus my attention on Satotz.
"Let's begin with the basic explanation. Nen is the technique that allows an individual to use and manipulate their own life energy, which is also known as aura. Although this energy is produced by all the living beings, not many people can use and master it, and those who achieve this are considered to be geniuses, great masters, or superhumanly gifted in some kind of field."
"These titles are given because the public at large is unable to see the aura, and therefore lacks the knowledge to understand these abilities that fall within the parapsychology realm. Due to its infinite versatility, Nen is considered a very dangerous power that must be kept hidden in order to maintain the balance of society. So please refrain from spreading this information to untrustworthy people." Satotz tells me raising a finger.
"Now, in this instruction we will review and apply the different applications of Nen. It will last for 6 months, in which I will push you as hard as I can to make sure you master it completely."
"I'm sorry Mr. Satotz, but I won't do that." I say, interrupting Satotz. "I will only train in the use of Nen for 3 months. You can bring on whatever you want to do to make me stronger, but that's all the time I'm going to invest. It's non-negotiable."
Truth be told, I'd like to take the 6 month course to make sure I've mastered all the facets of Nen, but I don't have the luxury of time. Right now, the clock is ticking, and not only will I need strength, I'll also need connections and a certain reputation as a Blacklist Hunter if I want to get involved in canonical events and manipulate them to achieve the best possible outcome. To that end, 3 months is all I can afford to invest in training if I want to have any leeway.
Satotz stares at me, but his expression remains unchanged at my words. "Hmm, I see. I see you are quite an ambitious and confident man to want to finish the training in half the time. I want you to keep that spirit of yours high as it is now, but I know that smile will be met with frustration at the end. Well, with that cleared, let's explain the basic principles. The Four Major Principles, in order of study are: Ten, Zetsu, Ren, and Hatsu."
—Ten (Envelop/Shroud) is the process of having aura flowing through and around the body rather than it getting away from it. Once maintained, it creates a thin shroud around the user that not only increases the defensive power, but also maintains youthful vigor and reduces one's aging process, since the energy powering the body no longer leaks away.
—Zetsu (Suppress/Null) stops the flow of aura from the body altogether by closing all of their aura nodes, halting all outflow of their aura like water from a valve, making their presence much harder or even impossible to sense. It also makes the user more sensitive to the aura of others, and is a good means of relieving fatigue, since it forces the body's external layer of aura to be fully contained within. The drawback is that it leaves the body defenseless against any aura attack.
—Ren (Refine/Enhance) focuses on outputting a larger amount of aura than Ten, projecting it outwards explosively to amplify the user's physical strength and durability and provide a large pool of aura for any advanced techniques or individual skills they decide to use. As a show of power, it can also be used to intimidate other Nen users, and if tinged with hostility or malicious intent it can induce uncontrollable dread, paralysis, and if experienced without the protection of Ten, even death. The drawback of this technique is that it consumes a lot of aura, exhausting the user much faster during combat.
—Hatsu (Release/Act) is one's personal expression of Nen. Its qualities are influenced by, but not restricted to the Nen user's natural Nen category. There are the six available categories, but every living being is born belonging to only one (with one notable exception in universe). Hatsu is used to project one's aura, allowing to carry out a certain function, creating a special and unique paranormal ability that is colloquially referred to as a 'Nen Ability'. A simpler use of Hatsu is Water Divination, which allows a Nen user to determine which Nen category they belong to.
At Satotz's explanation, I simply listen and nod. Even if I already know about this, it's important to review and reinforce my knowledge from time to time. Plus, it's a good way to see if I forgot any details about the Nen from my previous life.
"I know you are aware that I was the one who followed you during the fourth phase of the exam. From what I can see, you know how to use some of these principles. Your Ten and Ren control was outstanding, being able to face head-on a fully trained Nen user like Hisoka and even applying advanced techniques like Ken and Shu. That proves you have been training your Nen for a long time and with great dedication."
"Excuse me. What do you refer with Ken and Shu?" I ask, feigning ignorance in order to continue playing the role of someone who is unaware of Nen.
"Those are advanced applications of the four basic principles. Ken allows you to take advantage of Ren's defensive qualities at a lower aura cost, and Shu allows you to infuse items with your aura to enhance their performance. The fact that you have developed these techniques without any prior training or explanation shows that you have great talent." Satotz says, making me feel a little self-conscious at his praise.
"Given that you have practice with Ten and Ren, we won't focus on that. We'll start by trying to turn off your Nen to use Zetsu. For this, I want you to follow my instructions."
"First, close your eyes and imagine yourself as a flame. Now, visualize the flame is your aura. I want you to increase it with Ren."
I follow his instructions to the letter, closing my eyes and amplifying the aura output surrounding my body.
"Now, I want you to slowly subside your Ren output and let the flame slowly die down until your surroundings are completely dark."
I breathed in and out, imagining the flame going out. But as I try to shut off my Ren, the opposite happens and it increases in volume again.
"That's wrong, Kai. You're trying to shut if off, not to reinforce it. Well, it's normal to not know how to extinguish it at first if you've practiced Ten and Ren before. After all, it directly clashes with what you're used to doing. Repeat the process until you get the hang of extinguishing the flame."
I nod in understanding, repeating the previous steps in the hope of executing the process correctly. After 15 minutes of failed attempts, I finally forced my Nen back into my body. My presence had faded, as if I were something that wasn't there, making me more sensitive to the presence of things around me. It's not that I see them with my eyes closed, but somehow I feel them more than before.
"Very good. This is Zetsu. Now that you've learned this feeling, you'll never forget. With that solved, we can move on to Hatsu."
Satotz takes a bottle of water and a glass out of his shopping bag, and placing the glass in front of me, he pours the water in and places a leaf on the surface.
"Now we will discover which category you belong to. The most popular way (and the only sure-fire way seen in the series) of determining one's aura type is through Water Divination. With the elements prepared, all you have to do is place your hands around this glass and perform Ren. Depending of your aura type, a different effect will occur in the glass. Please proceed."
"Yes, sir." I reply, doing as told and using Ren on the water. 'It's finally time. Which category will I belong to?' I think, excited as any Hunter x Hunter fan would be to discover their Nen category.
Almost instantly, the water changes to a dark red tint color, similar to wine, meaning that I'm an Emitter... but that isn't all. When the water finishes changing color, the leaf starts to move as well.
I can't help but be more than surprised by this. "Wait, why is it doing two things at once, master?"
Satotz, shows a stunned expression before answering. "I think you have a dual affinity. You see, the six categories of Nen are arranged in a hexagon shape, making some closer together than others, and sometimes Nen users may lean on one side of their spot on the Nen category chart towards another adjacent affinity. These Nen users can master that adjacent affinity more efficiently than normal because of this." He explains.
"Certain Nen users are directly in the middle between two affinities, giving them a dual affinity. This means that the Nen user is capable of mastering that second Nen affinity at the same speed they would their natural affinity. However, that Nen user would still have one Nen type as their primary affinity and the level and efficiency of the second affinity is still regulated by the rules of the Nen category chart."
"So it seems that you fall under Emission and Manipulation, with Emission being your main affinity."
"An affinity for Emission means that you have an easier time separating aura from your body. But it's really strange... Usually a person starts out with a predetermined category, and after some time training their Nen they end up developing a dual secondary affinity. The fact that you possess a dual affinity from the start shows that you have an amazing potential for Nen."
Satotz's words leave me staring at the glass in a daze. I remember reading that Killua possessed a dual affinity between Enhancement and Transmutation, but he didn't show this effect in Water Divination. Does it mean I'm more talented than Killua? Or do I just start out with better compatibility than him? Or is it because I've had two different lives? No matter how much I think about it, I can't discern the correct theory.
Satotz clears his throat, snapping me out of my trance as I refocus on him. "Anyway, I'll continue with my explanation. Hatsu is one's personal expression of Nen, and its qualities are influenced by, but not restricted to your natural Nen category. Hatsu is used to project your aura and will to carry out a certain function, creating a special and unique paranormal ability, and that is why it is considered the most relevant Nen principle of all."
"But before that, we're going to start your training by strengthening the principles and learning how to bring forth your category. For the next ten days, aside from physical practice with Zetsu, we will focus on you changing the water to different colors. The more colors you can make and the more versatile you can switch between them, the better your Hatsu will become."
I nod to Satotz, ready to begin the most difficult workout I can undertake.
Over the next ten days, the intensity with which I carried out the training shocked Satotz. For the Hatsu training, I would sit in front of the glass of water, hands around it, focusing my Nen through Ren to change the color of the water for at least two hour. At first, I could only manage to change the color slightly and slowly, but with each passing day, my control improved.
After this, I would do physical and combat training with Satotz. For this, I asked Satotz if he could ask for some super-heavy equipment to wear during training (like the one Gon and company used at the Zoldyck residence). Although he wasn't too sure about having me use something like that at first, I managed to convince him to buy the heaviest one available under the condition that I pay for it out of my own pocket.
Satotz was a good sparring partner, pushing me to my limits to ensure I mastered the Nen in combat. Though his stance might appear regal at first glance, he was surprisingly agile and flexible, dodging my attacks with superhuman fluidity and contortion. During this time, I practiced using Zetsu to suppress my aura and Ren to enhance it explosively, switching between one and the other according to the situation. Mastering the balance between these techniques was crucial for improving my combat capabilities.
He also had good instincts. When we were doing stealth and tracking training, he was good at finding me through the thick forest during the first few days. It helped me not only learn how and when to apply Zetsu, but also to cover even the tiniest of my marks. Between this and sparring, I invested three hours of the day.
Next was basic physical training: push-ups and squats while carrying giant rocks, walking for several kilometers while dragging several giant tree trunks, walking across ropes tied to trees while carrying trays loaded with glasses, breaking rocks and trees with my bare fists while in Zetsu state, etc.
After this six-hour training, I would take an hour break to study about this world and plan my future plans. I need to know as much as possible and make sure I don't make mistakes.
The next step was to train my body's aura control, smoothness, and flow for three hours. This was done either by meditating to train my spirit, or by using the Pip-Play challenge that Captain Bone taught me some time ago. Seeing this, Satotz was surprised that I knew the game and was encouraged to compete against me, motivating me even more.
The next hour would be spent going to the stream of a clearing for taking a bath to wash off the sweat and dirt that had accumulated during the entire day of training, and then I would return to the bunker to have dinner with Satotz.
Finally after dinner, I would set up a rock hanging above me by a rope that I would hold while sleeping, asking Satotz to also cut it from time to time to train myself to keep a part of my brain awake even when I sleep (the Biscuit Krueger training).
And so it went for the rest of the ten days, except for the breaks between exercises and trips to the town for necessary resources or goods:
—6:00: Breakfast and Hatsu training.
—8:00: Combat practice and training in using the environment of the battlefield.
—11:00: Basic physical training.
—17:00: General study and planning of future steps.
—18:00: Training my aura control and improvement of my emotional and mental balance.
—21:00: Go to the stream to bathe and return to have dinner.
—22:00: Sleeping holding the rope with a stone to train.
The first few days, Satotz seemed very worried when he saw me falling to the ground shaking from pain and exhaustion, or vomiting blood from excessive strain, constantly insisting that I slow down and go easy on myself, because otherwise I was going to end up breaking down. However, looking at him with bloodshot eyes, I shouted very seriously that I didn't plan to stop or reduce the load of effort in these 3 months, proceeding to get up and continue the training no matter what.
I know very well that this pace of work may seem exaggerated, and even insane. But I have to get as strong as I can to be able to face the threats that the future awaits; Hisoka, the Phantom Troupe, the Chimera Ants, the different factions of the Kakin Empire, etc. I decided to take it easy until the end of the Hunter Exam so I could enjoy the experience more, but that's over. Now I have to go all out.
In the evening of the tenth day, as we are eating while taking a break, Satotz sits down beside me. "Kai," He begins, "you've shown remarkable progress. You're a quick learner, you push yourself to an insane level, and your dual affinity for Emission and Manipulation is rare. This versatility will be a significant advantage for you in the future."
"Thank you, Mr. Satotz. I feel like I'm starting to understand Nen on a deeper level, and my ability to handle it in combat is also improving." I say with a smile full of satisfaction.
"Good. Then tomorrow we will start focusing on developing your Nen ability."
The name Myjeeling is a portmanteau of Mysore and Darjeeling, two indian cities. And I know that those with double affinity don't have this peculiarity in canon (Killua as an example), but it was part of the original fanfic and I wanted to keep it out of respect for the author. If you prefer that I remove it, leave a comment so I can do so.