
Chapter 15: Confrontation With The Prisoners

"Well, the examinees have already arrived. Please remove my handcuffs." One of the hooded figures request stepping forward.

The cuffs come off with a loud sound, and the hooded figure removes his hood. He is a man in his forties with a scar over his left cheek, with brown hair down to the neck and a chin band. He is also muscular enough to be mistaken as a bodybuilder.

After revealing his appearance, he starts yelling. "Alright, listen up! We've been hired as taskmasters by the committee to test the applicants of the exam! In this phase you will have to challenge the three of us in a game of our choice, and you will only be able to advance to the bottom of the tower if you obtain the majority of victories in the three challenges!"

"The matches are one-on-one, and each person can only participate once! Everything is allowed, no matter the method or technique! There won't be draws, and for winning you must achieve the goal of the game or make your opponent admit defeat! Do you accept this trial or not? Press 'O' to accept or 'X' to refuse!" He ends his explanation.

"But aren't that three games then? I thought that we only had to pass one game." Ponzu asks confused.

<No, it is a single game where you have to beat three different contenders. Do get now?> Lippo's voice booms from the speakers on the wall.

"There is something else we should know about this phase?" Ponzu asks trying to collect as much information as possible.

<Okay, I will reveal a little more. Originally if you lost the majority of challenges, you'd be disqualified. But because guys take "The Path Of Luck", am giving chance to try again against another group prisioners.> Lippo says.

"And can I ask what will happen to us if we still lose to another group of prisoners?" Ponzu asks.

<Nice question girl. There are three groups of prisoners I personally arranged for this route. If you lose to all them, then will be immediately disqualified from the Hunter Exam. really hope don't have such bad luck. See later.> Lippo says cutting off communication.

"Then let's not waste our time and begin." I say pressing the circle button.

Nicholas and Ponzu press after me and the result appears on a monitor in the middle of the ring; O 3 /X 0.

"Good." Says the man at the other side of the gap. "I'm going first. Choose someone to face me in the arena."

We look at each other, thinking about who should try first.

"Let me ask you, what do you get for participating in this?" I ask at the man at the other side of the room.

He sighs in dismay before answering. "Since I believe you already have an idea of ​​what the answer is, there's no point in trying to hide it. We are criminals serving time in this tower. Agreeing to act as taskmasters for this exam is a way to shorten our sentence as prisoners. Every hour we manage to keep you in this tower shortens our sentences by a year. That's what we get."

"Ok. Then I'll go first to try and get a win. If I do it, I know the boss will be able to get us through. If not, we'll still have two more games to try." Nicholas says trying to move forward, but being stopped by Ponzu.

"I'd rather go. I don't want to feel pressured if any of you end up losing." Ponzu says.

"Are you sure you want to go first? That guy seems pretty dangerous in my opinion, and if you end up losing, you'll feel very anxious for us to win next." I ask.

"Are you suggesting that I have no chance of beating him because he's a man and I'm a woman?" Ponzu asks me looking a little annoyed.

"No, no, no! I wasn't suggesting that. I just wanted to confirm that you're sure about this." I try to clarify, waving my hands nervously in denial. 

"I am." She answers standing before us.

From our side and the prisoners's side, a narrow stone bridge emerges that connects both sides to the ring.

'I hope his challenge isn't dangerous.' I think as I watch Ponzu advance along the prisoner who explained the rules to us towards the squared arena illuminated by torches in each of its corners.

"Very good. I am Rendon. The game I pick is poker gamble!" Rendon says as he enters the stage and starts to play with a cards deck in his hands.

"But you are a prisoner, so you have no money. What shall we bet then?" Ponzu asks with an inquisitive look.

"Time." Rendon answers, making me frown as suddenly two 50's appear on the ring monitor. "Each player has 50 hours to bet. The gambles will be in increments of 10, and will end when one player has zero hours. If you lose all your hours, all three of you will have to wait 50 hours to continue advancing in the tower."

"ARE YOU INSANE?! A gamble like that is absurd! If our group loses this challenge, we will have 50 fewer hours to complete the stage! Don't you think it's a little bit abusive to force us to take such a risk without risking anything on your part?!" Ponzu screams very angrily, leaving me perplexed by this side of her that I was completely unaware of.

"You are wrong to assume that I have nothing at stake. While you risk losing 50 hours, we risk increasing our sentences by 50 years. We all have something to lose in this gamble." Rendon responds.

"Although, if you don't want to risk, you can resign and have a member of your group try their luck with the next taskmaster. The decision is yours." Rendon says with disdain.

Ponzu stands there, clenching her fists and teeth in frustration before letting out a sigh of defeat. "Alright. I accept the challenge." Ponzu responds and they both sit down to start playing on the floor of the ring.

'A beauty to play with.' Rendon thinks as he licks his lips with his tongue while showing a repulsive face.

In the monitor room of Trick Tower, Lippo is sitting in front of a big screen along the Hunter Togari and a third unknown bald examiner with big lips, long earlobes and dressed wit a light-yellow suit. Lippo is looking how match unfolds while eating some snaks.

"Rendon... Serving a 102-year sentence for multiple sexual assaults and illegal gambling. This match sounds like his kind of game." Lippo says biting a cookie.

Going back to the ring, two hours have already passed since the two started playing, and in the middle of the squared ring, Ponzu is grimacing as she couldn't believe that she was losing the game. The monitor is showing a 10:90 punctuation, and the 10 is the time Ponzu still has.

It wasn't just that she was losing, it was that Rendon had been dominating the game the whole time. It was clear that he could have ended it much sooner, but he preferred to prolong the challenge in order to psychologically torture Ponzu even further. And that was evident in the twisted smile on his face.

"I hope that you haven't forgotten baby that if you end up with zero hours, your team time limit will also be shortened by 50 hours." Rendon says as he keeps on squirming becoming aroused at Ponzu's dismay and her building-up anxiety.

"Shut up!" Ponzu shouts as she tries to think whether to bet or not.

I look at the situation with a grim expression, watching how the game unfolds silently. 'She became too complacent thinking she could win the first game. This is practically over.' I think as I continue to watch the game unfold.

And just like I expected, after waiting for a few minutes, Ponzu loses. She's lost the first game and 50 hours of our limited time in the tower. While Rendon returns triumphantly to his side putting on his cuffs once again, Ponzu comes back to our side with a grim aura and without lifting her head. "Sorry, because of me we have lost 50 hours. You were right, I shouldn't have gone first."

"Don't mind it. That guy is obviously a professional at the gambles. I don't think either of us could have beaten him." I say as I pat her back and she looks up to see me.

"Besides, it's not like we already lost. We just need to win the remaining games and we will have overcome this phase. So don't get down and lift your spirits, okay?" I say with an encouraging smile, making Ponzu start crying, moved by my attitude.

Ponzu then nods before moving aside and let Nicholas step forward. The pat served a purpose not only to calm down Ponzu, but also me. I don't know what kind of tests these prisoners would put us through, so I can't be confident that Nicholas or I will pass them. In canon, Ponzu had managed to pass the third phase, but now she has lost the first game, so I can't predict how this challenge will go anymore. Although Lippo called it a bonus game, it is by no means an easy test.

"I'll be the one to participate now. Relax, boss. I'll win this game and leave the glory of scoring the decisive point to you." Nicholas says confidently and gives me a thumbs up.

I give him a not-so-confident thumbs up as he starts to make his way towards the arena. At the same time, the next prisoner in a hood steps forward, taking out their hood when their cuffs are released.

She is a woman between twenty and thirty years old with a striking figure with pale skin, orange hair streaked with gray, and deep blue eyes. Her lean build and the question mark tattoo on her left hand, paired with a cryptic smile beneath it, makes her stand out.

She stood confidently in the arena, a smirk playing on her lips. "I am Grendel Veritas, also known in the underworld as 'The Trapper'. I live for the thrill of creating new traps and mental challenges that strain my enemies brain."

As she speaks, Grendel reaches behind her back and pulls out a puzzle like object that looks quite complex. "If you wish to pass my game, you must take out the coin that is inside this puzzle." Grendel says handing the puzzle to Nicholas.

Nicholas eyes gleam with conviction and determination. "This is my strong point. I'm the number one when it comes to intellectual things. I will win this game after 10 minutes."

At Nicholas's resolution, Grendel shows a sinister smile. 'Poor fool. His pathetic attempts to resolve it will earn me a generous reduction in my sentence.'

In the monitor room, Lippo continues to watch as the challenge unfolds, but this time without Togari or the bald examiner present.

"Grendel Veritas... Serving a 129-year sentence for arms smuggling and international espionage. A cunning woman capable of entangling any target with her traps. That boy has it tough if he doesn't think outside the box." Lippo says as he continues eating cookies.

Back in the ring, Nicholas is pulling, twisting and pressing the various elements of the puzzle. Through trial and error, he slowly makes progress towards his solution. However, at some point he is unable to make any further progress, with his face showing great frustration after an hour. No matter what configuration he tries, he always ends up stuck.

"Ah! This is impossible! There is no way to open the dawn thing!" Nicholas yells tired of his failed tries.

Grendel laughs at him while sitting relaxed on the floor. "It's a too complicated puzzle for you to solve. You'd be better off giving up and trying your luck with the next group. That way you wouldn't waste any more time unnecessarily." Grendel says full of confidence and completely sure that Nicholas will fail.

Nicholas begins to feel an atmosphere of despair and fear. The desperation of failing the Hunter Exam, the fear of not being up to par, the terror of disappointing those around him. All these negative emotions are taking a toll on his mental state. It's like what happened in the first phase, but worse because now he was afraid of disappointing the person who had helped him get so far.

Cold sweat runs down his face, his eyes are strained, and his hands are shaking as he continues to try to solve the puzzle. When his mind can no longer take it and he opens his mouth about to give up, a loud crash is heard throughout the room. Everybody turns at me, watching me crack a wall with my right fist while Ponzu looks at me very startled by what I have done.

"Don't you dare give up." I say looking at him very seriously. "Listen carefully, Nicholas. Despite what you may have been taught, this is a harsh and cruel world where desperate situations lurk around every corner. And the people you meet along the way are not as compassionate as I am. Most of them are cruel, unscrupulous, selfish and sometimes even psychopathic. This is not only applicable to the world of Hunters, but to society as a whole."

"If you really want to pass this exam and become a Blacklist Hunter with me, there are certain things you need to get. And one of them is the willpower to keep a cool head in desperate situations and never give in to your fear or your insecurities. So now calm your nerves, carefully analyze the problem you're currently facing and find the solution. I know you can do it if you manage to calm down and focus your mind on what's important."

Nicholas, who has listened attentively to my speech, wipes the sweat from his face and puts into practice what I have told him. Looking closely at the puzzle, he begins to go over the problem he is facing in an attempt to figure out the solution.

"Oh come on. Are you really buying all these flimsy and shallow statements? Do you really think it's that easy to put aside all your personal ailments to focus on a goal? Please don't make me laugh." Grendel says trying to demoralize Nicholas again, who doesn't even listen to her because he is totally focused on solving the challenge in front of him.

'Okay, take a deep breath, and calm your nerves. Breathe in and out.' Nicholas thinks as he controls his breathing. 'Now, analyze the problem: I need to get the coin out of this puzzle, but no matter what pattern I follow, it always gets stuck. I've been trying for over an hour, and I haven't found a way to open the puzzle. Open the puzzle... Wait!' Nicholas's eyes widen as he realizes the solution.

He picks up the puzzle and smashes it against the floor, stomping on it over and over again until it falls to pieces. Among the pieces, he picks up a large gold coin that does not fit with the currency of this world.

"I win." Nicholas says looking at Grendel with a triumphant smile.

Grendel's smile fades slightly, replaced by a look of respect. "You have solved the puzzle, Nicholas. You have bested me in this game of wits. I really didn't expect you to make it."

With that, Grendel returns to her side putting her cuffs back on.

Nicholas also returns to our side, with us starting to praise him impressed by the young boy's intellect and resolve. Nicholas feels a sense of warmth and fulfillment as he receives sincere praise from people who truly appreciate what he has done, not the snobby and superficial praise he has been receiving all his life.

'Looks like it's finally my turn. The responsibility of beating this game falls on my shoulders so that we don't have to repeat this challenge.' I think as I advance into the arena while Nicholas and Ponzu cheer me on, conveying their support and wishes for me to win. 'I have to win no matter what. Losing is no longer an option.' I think with conviction as I enter the ring at the same time as my opponent.

Point of View Switch: Reader

When the prisoner cuffs get off, he unhoods revealing the appearance of the last taskmaster. It's an elderly man of looming stature, taller than Kai. He has long gray hair reaching his chest paired with a long beard. His body is muscular and toned, and his skin is a whitish color. Seeing how he looks, anyone can already guess what kind of game he will pick.

"Looks like I'll be the one to finish this challenge. My name is Dith Corlen, and the game I choose is a very simple one: A death match!" Dith exclaims with an amused expression.

"A death match?!" Nicholas asks startled by the game revelation.

Back once again in the monitor room.

"Finally Dith Corlen makes his appearance... He was famous in the Lapet Republic as Dith The Bandit 30 years ago. He has a 250-year sentence for robbery and murder. Although he isn't as famous as Johness, he is still a capable hand to-hand fighter. Although taking into account the strength of the examine #15, I can't say who has the advantage."

This is what Lippo has been waiting for. For him, what brings more thrill and joy as a Hunter is the anticipation of finding out which team will take the victory in a challenge where they risk everything, and the burning ambition in the eyes of the competitors to get it, like what is happening right at this moment. He only lives as a Hunter just for moments like this.

On the ring, both contenders look at each other in an atmosphere full of intense and heavy. While Dith wears an amused expression, Kai takes a fighting stance, preparing to face the man in front of him. 'A chance for a civilian to legally kill someone. What a weird world!' Kai thinks looking at Dith.

"A fight until one dies, huh? So the forfeit rule will still apply?" Kai asks.

At Kai's question, Dith's smile widens before he starts laughing. "Sure, why not? If you feel too scared to face me, feel free to forfeit at any given moment." Dith answers also taking a stance.

'Hahaha. Poor fool. I'm not going to give you the chance to forfeit. After breaking your trachea, I'll trash you for several hours until I kill you when your team's time runs out. I'm going to give you a real hard time.' He thinks as he licks his lips and gives Kai a creepy smile that is even more unsettling than Hisoka's.

"Without further ado... Let's begin!" Ditch then charges towards Kai, and Kai prepares to face him without using Nen.

Remaining time: 59:57:34.

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