
Chapter 12: Knowing Better The Characters

Date: January 7th, 2011 20:05

As night falls, inside the blimp, the chairman begins his speech in front of all of us, "It might be time to introduce myself to the remaining 45 contestants. My name is Netero, the chairman of the selection committee for this year's Hunter Exam."

"I am his secretary, Beans." Says the green bean-colored creature to his side.

"I was supposed to make my appearance in the final phase of the exam. But, as it seems, I was needed sooner than expected." Netero continues.

"I see you all have serious faces. I really enjoy this edgy atmosphere in the air. So, if you allow me, I will stay along with you for the remaining time of the exam."

The green bean-colored creature speaks up, "We should arrive at our destination tomorrow around 8:00 am. You are free to do whatever you want until we notify you."

Hearing that, Nicholas and I decide to finally let our guards down a little and take a rest. We head to the dining room to get dinner and get to know each other better.

Point of View Switch: Satotz and Examiners

Satotz, Menchi and Buhara are having dinner in a private room.

"How many do you think will make it this year?" Menchi asks.

"You mean those who will qualify, right?" Buhara responds.

"Yes. I think the applicants this time around are pretty good. It may sound weird coming from me, who disqualified most of them." Menchi states.

"Yes, but I think it depends on the contents of the next phase." Buhara adds.

Buhara thinks to himself, 'And if they get another examiner like Menchi, there won't be any chance they'll pass this Hunter Exam.'

Menchi continues, "Of course, that's something to take into account. But didn't you sense it? Some of them give off pretty particular auras. And you, Satotz, what do you think?"

"Well, if you're asking me, I believe this year's group is pretty good." Satotz replies stopping eating.

Menchi says excitedly, "Isn't it? I noticed that #15 and #187 seem to be a group. But I notice that #15 is the boss or the leader of that group. And even though he tries to hide it, he also seems to be able to control Nen."

"True, I've been keeping a close eye on that black-haired tanned man too. But what strikes me as odd is that he never really seemed surprised about anything happening during the exam. Even when chairman Netero made his appearence, his face didn't show any kind of surprise." Satotz notes.

"I mean, #15 is pretty particular. He always seems serious and focused in what he does at any moment, but he acted so nervous and embarrassed when he was in front of me. He was pretty cute in my opinion." Menchi comments.

"He must have really made a strong impression on you if you even gave him your personal phone number." Buhara says trying to tease Menchi.

"Well, there are very few men in the world who can satisfy my taste buds like that. I can't just pass up someone who can not only find rare ingredients like Phoenix Peppers, but also cook them into a nice dish." Menchi responds.

"What do you think about him, Buhara?" Satotz asks.

"I like him. He made the best dish among all the candidates. Catching the Phoenix Peppers was an interesting take on the exam. It really made the meat more savory." Buhara replies.

"But even though I like #15, I think #44 is the one with the best chance in my opinion. I believe you sensed it too, right? When #255 lost his temper, there was extreme tension, but the larger mass of negative energy came from #44." Buhara says.

"Of course I noticed it. It seemed he could barely hold from attacking us. Didn't you notice that he was like that since the beginning, from the moment we showed ourselves to the group of applicants?" Menchi adds.

"Really?" Buhara asks.

"I mean, yeah, I was edgy because of him. I felt like he was provoking me to attack him. It was so strong that I had trouble controlling myself at that moment." Menchi admits.

"I had a similar experience with that examinee. We probably better watch out for him. It's hard to admit, but he's at the same level as us. The only difference is that his affinity with darkness is far superior to ours." Satotz remarks.

Point of View Switch: Kai

Nicholas and I enjoy a nice chat while eating. He explains to me that he comes from an aristocratic family, and that is why his parents have always educated him under the belief that he has to be exceptional.

He also explains to me that the reason he wants to be a Blacklist Hunter is because keeping order and stopping criminals would bring a lot of fame and prestige not only to him, but also to his family.

His way of life made me feel sad for him, forced to bear the weight of ambitions and expectations placed upon him by a family whose vision of life is based on arrogance and elitism.

I also told him about my life, excluding the part about coming from an island that did not appear on maps.

After filling our stomachs, Nicholas says that he wants to lay down. I let him go to sleep and decide to walk around the blimp. I explore the giant airship, reviewing each of its components to orient myself properly.

After examining everything, I stop to gaze out the window, thinking about how I got to this position—to be able to meet characters I had only read about in storybooks. Now I'm living that exact life. Every moment feels like a dream, but every time I open my eyes, I know it's my new reality. I'm not going to act like I don't miss my old life, but this new life isn't so bad.

My dream was always to become a Hunter, to travel this world, to do new things I couldn't do before, and to explore all the wonders and oddities this new world has to offer.

Plus, I still have responsibilities to my clan. They never made their appearance in the show, or if they did, they stayed under the radar, never meeting the main cast. Still, they are my family now, and I want to do everything I can to make sure they thrive.

For now, I'm truly grateful to the god who sent me here, giving me this second chance.

As I am lost in these thoughts, I'm abruptly interrupted by a shout from my right.

"Hey, you're #15, right?" Asks an energetic Gon.

"I think you're right, he's definitely #15." Killua adds.

"Sorry to call out to you all weird like that, but I really wanted to talk to you since you passed the cooking test in the second phase and I haven't had a chance until now. I was wondering, how old are you?" Gon ask.

I am a little shocked. This is the first time I actually talk to Gon in person. I know a lot about him and who he will become in the future, but it is surreal to be speaking face to face with the famous protagonist of the original story. "Um, I'm 16." I state surprising both of them.

"Oh, really? You certainly look older." Gon says.

"Yeah, with your height it is easy to be fooled. I thought you were around 20 years old. My name is Killua, by the way, and this is Gon. What's your name?" Killua asks.

"My name is Kai." I reply.

"Well, it's nice to meet you. So, tell us a little about yourself. What brought you to the Hunter Exam?" Gon asks. 

This is an unexpected and grateful situation. I will be able to speak face to face with the protagonist of the story that I enjoyed so much in my previous life. I am so overjoyed to have been reincarnated in this world.

"The same reasons as anyone else, I guess. I want to become a Hunter, get my license, become stronger, and explore the world. Everything a Hunter is supposed to do, that's what I want to do. Why do you guys want to be Hunters?" I ask.

"Well, I'm actually trying to find my father. He's also a Hunter, and I'm hoping to find him by becoming a Hunter, getting a license, and looking him up if possible. What about you, Killua? Do you have any parents?" Gon asks.

 "Yeah, of course. I wouldn't be here if I didn't have parents." Killua replies sarcastically.

"Well, what do they do?" Gon asks. 

"They are assassins." Killua reveals.

Gon, surprised, asks, "Both of them?"

Killua can't hold back his laughter. "Is that how you react? This is the first time someone would listen to me seriously and ask me there afterwards."

"Well, to take Gon's side, you did look pretty serious when you said it. Is it true?" I ask, already knowing the answer.

"Yeah, is it true, Killua? Is your family really assassins?" Gon adds.

"Why do you guys say that?" Killua asks.

"It just seems that you were being truthful about what you were saying. I think I'm a good judge of character, you know." I say.

"I concur. You don't seem like the lying type." Gon adds.

"You know, you guys are really strange. People can never tell if I'm serious or joking. That's why people like me." Killua admits.

"Well, if I'm weird, aren't we all weird then?" Gon states.

"I guess you're all right. We were each born in different places, but we're all weird at some point," Killua agrees.

'I guess that means I'm weird too. It doesn't really bother me. Weird things tend to be more interesting.' I think at Killua statement.

"But to be honest, in my place, assassination is the main trade for everyone in my family. When I'm at home, everyone has big expectations for me. But like other people, I don't want others to decide what I can do with my life, you know?" Killua starts to explain.

"That's really why I'm here. I'm here to enjoy myself. The Hunter Exam is just a thing of pure coincidence. It was a whim. I mean, I couldn't stay in that household, you know?"

"When I told them I wanted to choose my own future, you know what they told me? 'Suck it up, you've the potencial to be the best assassin of the family. ' So you know what I did afterwards? I slashed my mom face, stabbed my older brother and ran away. I'm pretty sure they have not yet recovered."

"But you know, if I become a Hunter, the first thing I'll do is arrest all my family. I'll sure get a good reward for their heads, and then I'll be set for life!" Killua states happily, much to Gon's discomfort.

"Hey, if you want to become a Blacklist Hunter, you can contact me when I have gained some influence in the business." I say earning the attention of Gon and Killua.

"Kai, do you want to become a Blacklist Hunter?" Gon asks.

"Partly yes, because it will give me access to many connections and opportunities that I will need for the future. Although I am also open to pursuing other specialties at the same time." I answer.

"Like which ones?" Killua asks this time.

"Let's see..." I say starting to think about it.

Like I start to talk about my interests and objectives, we are soon interrupted by a very brief and sudden wave of killing intent. All three of us swiftly get into fighting stances. But when we look in the direction of the killing intent, someone speaks from behind us.

"What's happening here?" The chairman asks walking towards us.

Gon responds, "Netero-san, didn't you see anyone coming from that way?"

"No, I didn't, young man." Netero replies.

"You know, you're really fast for your age, old man." Killua comments.

"You think? I was just walking without haste." Netero says.

Hearing the chairman speak, I realize once again how far I am from achieving my goals. So I decide to make a little jab at him. "That wasn't a walking pace at all, chairman. Nor did I like the killing intent you sent our way. That wasn't very nice of you."

"Oh, I thought I was being pretty generous." Netero replies.

Killua interrupted, "What do you want? You have nothing to do until the last phase, right?"

"I am bored, so I was looking for someone to play with. All three of you are first-time examinees, right? What do you think of the exam so far?" Netero asks.

Gon is the first to respond, "It's been really fun. It's different than what I expected. There are no written tests, for instance, which is nice."

Killua continues, "I'm disappointed. I thought the trials would be way harder. It's really been boring."

"Well, for me the tests have been quite intriguing, especially in dealing with the other examinees." I add.

Gon continues, "I was wondering if we'd have fun through the next test?"

"Well, you see, I can't tell you about the next phase." Netero says.

Killua, hearing this, decides to turn around and escort me and Gon further away from the chairman.

"Wait." Netero says. "Don't you want to play a game? I'll make it enticing. If you win, I'll give you the title of Hunter." To be honest, I don't know how I got to this position. I was talking to Killua and Gon, and now I've met chairman Netero. And now? I'm joining them in the ball game event.

I hope you are enjoying this story.

Leave your comments if you want Menchi as a love interest.

David_Arenascreators' thoughts
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