
British Grand Prix

The gap gave structure to the leaderboard, the cars holding definite positions as they barreled across the circuit, tires spraying water high into the air. It was a challenging moment for Luca, who struggled to gauge the right time to activate DRS. His System still managed to provide a detailed description of the track but failed to give precise information about Kristensen's car ahead.

Relying on his instincts and the rumble strips curving ahead, Luca quickly braced himself for the approaching bend. He cast a quick glance at his mirrors, noting how the sheets of water kicked up by his tires obstructed Derstappen's view as well.

[8th Position closing in]

[Analyzing optimal entry speed based on current velocity, tire traction, and curvature of the bend...]

[Tire traction: 65%]

[Recommended speed for maneuver: 80 km/h]


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