
Chapter - 19 Not So Stealthily

Bellamy's Point Of View

"Everyone's studied the map right?" I asked, as Payhne pulled up to the facility.

"Yea it's fine we won't need it until the end. Sylvester you're with me. Bellamy, Meyhymn, and Payhne you work together. Everyone's COMs working?" Ferdinand asked.

"Yep." I replied.

"Roger, boss." Payhne said.

"Hell yeah!" Meyhymn exclaimed.

"Let's fucking go already. I want my damn cuddle time!" Sylvester whined.

Everyone cocked their guns and then holstered them under their lab coats. The plan was to go in as a delivery team from S&G Pharmaceuticals. I took the load of cargo out of the back of the vehicle and placed them on a dolly. 3 out of the 4 boxes were empty, but the one on top had 50 vials of suppressants in it.

The IDs that Meyhymn made were for my company but had barcodes from existing employees from the Omega facility. We slowly made our way through the doors, they weren't the main doors but the delivery receiving doors. We scanned our IDs while the security guy gave us scrutinizing glances.

Since the IDs worked like a charm, he ignored us and went about his business. We made our way down the corridors and came to a large door. Ferdinand scanned his ID and the doors churned open sliding left and right. When it opened a beautiful Omega woman was standing there in shock. What made things eerie was that in a weird way she looked like Del.

"Uhm... Ahem... this is going to sound like a weird question but umm... do you know someone named Delcain?" Sylvester asked, clearly having identical thoughts like mine.

She immediately looked surprised and then gave us a scrutinizing look, just like Del, it was so amusing.

"Are you Miss Josephine?" Ferdinand asked.

She looked terrified and slowly backed away, looking as if she were about to flee.

"Don't be alarmed. We saved him and the girls. You are a spitting image of him and he was worried about you. Would you like to come with us?" I asked calmly.

"W-Who are you?" She asked. Her voice was so melodious and soothing.

"Ferdinand, Bellamy, and I are Tristan's mates. His other mate Cole is being held here against his will, and they abducted Tristan as well. We are here to get them back." Sylvester answered.

Her eyes lit up and she now looked on the verge of tears. Her beautiful light plum colored eyes could melt the soul.

"M-My son... is he okay?" She asked, leaning against a wall to catch her bearings.

"Haha well... he spends his days worrying about and protecting Tristan so mentally he's probably a little exhausted, but physically he's just fine." I replied, awkwardly.

"Would you like to talk to him? He was worried that they, ended your life..." Ferdinand asked.

"N-Not here... come with me." She said.

Then she led us down a hall and pushed a hidden door in the wall. We all stared in surprise at the hidden entrance. Ferdinand, Sylvester, Meyhymn, and Payhne entered in that order I brought up the rear with the dolly of goods.

Once inside I had to abandon the dolly near the entrance. The door may have been a hidden one but the hall it hid was full of wires and pipes that wouldn't allow the dolly past. It was clear that this was made but not created.

We slipped past the pipes and odd tubing and came to a wide hall of sorts. It had makeshift pallets and boxes of canned goods. But more surprising were the faces and Omegas laying atop them.

"What am I looking at here? Are you all living here? Hidden in the wall?" Meyhymn asked, looking apprehensive.

"Hmm... where to start... the director never came back and sent the facility into a panic. The benefactor came and flew into a frenzied state... he was going to kill any Omegas that were otherwise "defective" so me an two other women decided to hide them before he returned. Without the director the two Alpha men who were his right hand men grew even more drunk on power and began flexing their muscles. I was more at risk than the infants, but I promised to look after them. Without me they would surely die. So I had no choice. Tristan made this place with Delcain and Sheila. It's the only reason why I know about it." She said walking over to the smallest girl in the room.

"This is Tristan surrogate daughter, Tahlia." She said, bringing her over to us.

She was adorable as hell, and she looked so much like her father it was terrifying. She had a darker hue to her blue hair, and pale green eyes like fresh spring grass. Sylvester was the first to pick her up, smiling from ear to ear.

"Hello Tahlia. We will gladly take you away from this disgusting place with your father, so don't worry about a thing. Your aunties are going to spoil you rotten, I guarantee it!" He said giving her a hug and smashing her cheek against his.

"Ferdinand, Sylvester, Payhne, Meyhymn, go get the boys. I'll wait here. Be sure to come get us when you are done." I said.

"Right! We'll be back soon. Be careful." Sylvester replied, handing me Tahlia.

They left quickly, and it wasn't long before bullets flew. I could feel their excitement and anger washing over me.

"My name is Bellamy. Your's is Josephine correct?" I asked sitting down with the baby.

"Yes... Can I still speak with Delcain?" She asked.

"Yes of course... is this room sound proof?" I asked.

"No, but it's so far inwards no one can hear us outside. It was the perfect spot to hide the babies. I cut out everyone's chips and dumped them in the trash in a separate hall before bringing them here. Seraphine would only allow Tristan to come here at night due to the trackers placed on them. They monitored us during the day but only checked them during emergencies at night." Josephine said.

I unclipped my radio from my hip and removed the earpiece. I then held the button down saying, "Del, can you hear me?"

<Yes... what's wrong?>

Josephine teared up immediately at the sound of his voice.


<M-Mom? Are you okay!? What's wrong? crying?>

"Haah no my love. I'm just so happy to hear your voice. I missed you my little squirrel..." She replied, clutching the radio close to her chest.

I let them have a moment while I watched Tahlia try to crawl around. She was just so cute and curious, I worried that Tristan wouldn't know how to deal with the new development. I would love her all the same however so it didn't matter too much to me, and I just knew the girls would love her too.

I felt a tap on my shoulder and turned around. Josephine was handing me the radio back. I plugged in my earpiece and put the radio back in place.

"There are too many of us to come with you isn't there?" Josephine asked, worried.

"There are only 7 of you correct? It'll be fine. Though some of you might have to ride in another car or helicopter." I replied.

She looked at me wide eyed. I could understand since she hadn't seen Ferdinand's house, but it really would be fine. I was already formulating a plan to build them a house on Ferdinand's property anyway. I couldn't separate them anymore than Ferdinand could.

"Is there an infant named Kaihsie here too?" I asked.

Josephine tensed up, and then slowly pointed towards a baby swaddled in a blanket in a woman's arms. I stood up and moved closer to the other woman. She flinched when I got too close to her, but I couldn't be offended I understood completely.

"May I?" I asked, holding my hands out towards the infant.

The woman slowly nodded and handed me the baby, at once Tahlia began to fuss at me. She looked as if she was going to start crying any moment.

"Tahlia, I'm not leaving you. I'm just holding your little sister. It's okay, I'll be right back." I said.

Josephine chuckled and picked her up. She brought her over to me as well so she could be closer. Tahlia immediately calmed down and looked at me with curious eyes.

"I've been looking after her all this time and she's never once fussed before. She must really like you already." Josephine said.

"Hmm... well your father and uncle Del will be very jealous. Haha!" I laughed.

"Really? Del will too?" Josephine asked, shocked.

"Ah, well... not in that sense... I'm the owner of B&G Pharmaceuticals and I'm making new suppressants for the kids. Apparently I'm the favorite mate of Tristan's for Del." I said, feeling a bit awkward.

"That's really rare for Del. He has a strong aversion to men as you might imagine. So you must be very smart and capable. It's his weakness, he also can't help being kind to adorable idiots. So I suppose it could also be the latter." She said, with a chuckle.

I looked at the infant in my arms smiling, "Your brother didn't like us very much at first, but you seem to like me too huh little one? Maybe you can talk some sense into him for me then." I said, poking her squishy cheeks.

She looked identical to her brother down to her furrowed eyebrows. She had soft honey colored hair and adorably pinchable cheeks, but whereas Kaleb had pale green eyes, Kaihsie had hazel blue eyes. I could tell these two little ones would be ruling the house alongside Sable and Arrisa too.

"Kaleb's mother was a quiet gentle woman, but she despaired when she was told he was killed in his attempt to escape. After that, she blamed herself endlessly and then was forced to stay in the breeding house until she became pregnant. Once she had Kaihsie she couldn't handle having a daughter endure that same fate and tried to kill her. The employees found out and the director had her killed." Josephine said.

She looked almost broken as well, as if the only thing keeping her going was the promise that she had made to care for Tristan's child.

"Were you told Delcain was also dead?" I asked, handing Kaihsie back to the other woman.

"Yes... we were told all of the children perished and that we would need to do everything we could to replace them, especially Tristan. Most of the Omega women here have a fierce hatred for Tristan, only the ones here in this room knew him personally. We could never hold a grudge against that child, knowing what he went through." Josephine said solemnly.

"Well if any of you would like to come along to freedom I won't protest. You won't have to sell yourself, but you will be expected to get an education along side the kids so you can work properly." I said to the room.

They all looked at me with hopeful skepticism. And who could blame them, it sounded too good to be true. I picked up Tahlia who was reaching for me and walked to the other side of the room and sat down.

"Do think it over, while I would love to save everyone, that isn't logical at this time... the boys will no doubt go on a rampage to save our friend and our mate. It may get hectic here after we leave. There will be no stability or leadership, but I don't want you to take that as a good sign. We learned there are other facilities like this one as well, and I'm sure they'll come and try to retrieve any information they can. We will wipe the system clean, for Tristan's sake, but I imagine they'd enjoy more test subjects from the leading facility, to add to their collection. I'm not trying to scare you into coming, I won't sugar coat it either. The outside world is not a welcoming place for Omegas. That said me and the boys would love to have you, after all we know nothing of raising children and as it stands we will soon be outnumbered." I said, making silly faces at Tahlia. Her smile would definitely be my undoing.

I thought Ferdinand was a fool for going so overboard with the playroom, but here I was preparing to buy this little cutie everything.

"W-What would you have us do? Are you all going to be our new masters now?" A woman asked.

"No, thank you. We are mated to Tristan so we won't need such favors. We will need nannies for the kids, cooks, housekeepers, and basically homemakers. 6 men and 7 children, I imagine things are going to get quite hectic for us." I chuckled thinking about the future.

"And if we can't do any of that?" Someone else asked.

"You need only to learn, no? There will be those there that can teach you, we can't allow just anyone around Tristan, or Tahlia for that matter. You all seem to know them already so it's easier to trust you if you've already gotten Josephine's approval."

"But where would we stay?" Josephine asked.

"Well if you want to work for the house, you may stay in the living quarters for the employees. If you want to stay as a guest in our home, there are plenty of rooms." I replied.

"Why are you willing to going so far for us?" Another woman asked.

"Well, we are essentially about to dismantle the only home you've ever known. It seems only fair," I said and then chuckled, "It would appear my mate is rubbing off on me. Your daddy's amazing huh, Tahlia? Who knew he could do magic? What a crazy guy."

"Haah... yeah I understand now. He has that effect on everyone. That boy, he always had the strangest outlook on life." Josephine chuckled.

"Yeah... he sur– Ugh!"

My words were cut off, as I was assaulted with immeasurable pain. Something was happening to Cole and Tristan was now in heat again as well.

"Josephine! Take Tahlia!" I yelled.

"Mr. Bellamy? What's wrong? Your eyes are glowing!"

"S-Something is going terribly wrong with Cole and Tristan. I-I won't be able to hold her." I groaned.


Meyhymn's Point Of View

"It should be this way!" I yelled to Payhne.

My task was to locate their security room and disable their cameras, hack their systems, and wipe everything clean. The problem was, this place was like a maze, with sealed doors every 100 – 200 feet. Knowing what this place was used for, the layout made sense, but it's not like I could accept it. It only pissed me off more. It had taken me too much time to get here, we had run into trouble nearly every step of the way after leaving that hidden space.

We turned a corner and came to an abrupt stop. There were at least 15 armed men blocking the way to the security room. I glanced over at Payhne and he had already removed the pin from a grenade. I widened my eyes in disbelief.

'Fuckin psychos...'

After traveling this far with him, I had probably thought or mumbled that over 20 times. He was every bit of his nickname. Ferdinand had given him a simple order, "Do not harm any Omegas or children, kill anyone who gets in our way." And he had done exactly that.

"I'd say nothing personal, but it's very fuckin personal!" He yelled, launching the grenade into the air.

It landed directly behind the group of men and we took cover back in the hall we had just come from. The screams and explosion shook the building, and the lights flickered for a moment. When we turned the corner again, the carnage was something straight out of a horror film. We ran past the pools of blood, scattered bodies, and limbs. We sealed ourselves into the security room and checked for lingering guards, there were none.

"Payhne guard the door, I'll keep one camera on to monitor this hall but I'm shutting the rest down." I said.

"Understood!" He replied.

I got to work shutting down the camera feeds and spotted Ferdinand and Sylvester in a shoot out. They were holding their own, but reinforcements were never ending. Just as I was about to radio in to them, I saw Sylvester pull out two grenades. He gave one to Ferdinand before pulling his own pin and tossing it. They took cover and I watched as the front two rows of men turned into puddles.

Then Ferdinand began shooting in earnest while Sylvester gripped his chest. Ferdinand removed the pin from his grenade as well and launched it behind the remaining men. The men and their fast approaching reinforcements were obliterated in the blink of an eye. They both slid down the wall, breathing heavily while clutching their chests. I took this moment to radio my arrival.

"Ferdinand, Sylvester... it's Meyhymn I've reached the security room. What's the situation?"

Ferdinand glanced up at the camera and gripped his radio.

<Why are the cameras still up? Take em down.> He groaned.

"I have. There are only two up now, the one facing you and the one looking down the hallway I'm in. Are you guys okay?"

<Something is... wrong with Cole... and Tristan. We were pinned down for far too long here. are low on ammunition, even though we instinctively know where Tristan is, this place has many corridors dead ends. There's no clear path forward.>

"Okay, hold on I'll find you the fastest route. I'll warn you if more men are headed your way. So take a rest for a moment." I replied.

I queued up the screens locating Tristan and paused. I heard a gasp from behind me, Payhne was watching the screen too.

"Listen Ferdinand I'll give you the fastest route, but you are going to have to wait until I disable whatever system put that room in lock down. I'm also sending Bellamy, work as one. Do not fly into a rage or Cole might die okay?" I said trying to remain calm myself.

Tristan was going through hell, while Cole was bleeding out in front of him. It was a harrowing sight.

"Bellamy, come in, this is Meyhymn."

<Meyhymn what the hell is going on?>

"Look, Ferdinand and Sylvester need your help. I'll guide you to them but I need you to keep your wits about you okay? If not Cole is going to die." I said, pulling up the schematics for the building.

<Okay, lead the way.>

I led Bellamy directly to the boys and watched him grimace at every step where bodies were scattered.

<My Gods... is there even anyone else left to stop us?> Bellamy said, looking at the exploded bodies left in their wake.

"Yeah I'm not sure I'll look once I disable the doors." I replied.

Bellamy caught up with the others and they all stood at the locked door. I began working my magic trying to shut down the locking system.

"Alright fellas as soon as you hear the locks disarm go save them. I'm not sure how much longer Cole has, so divide and conquer." I said.

As I worked on the systems, I also simultaneously downloaded every file to my hard drive. Once I disarmed the doors the boys charged in like monsters. I cut the camera feed because I knew what would happen next would not be pretty. I left 3 files on their system: the list of abducted Omegas, the names of the higher up men involved, and the deaths the lab had wrought.

Then I sent a link to the information, to every news outlet in Delgahtowe, titled Daize Omega Zine deep government secret. Next I set to disable every door that needed a key card. Every door to any of the Omega living chambers, and any exits. After searching the camera feeds one more time, I found that we had indeed obliterated all the security guards. So I set to my final two tasks.

I deleted all the video footage ever recorded, and shut down every camera including the one overlooking our hallway. Then I patched myself into an intercom system and delivered my final message.

<Omegas of Daize Omega Zine. I am your liberator. The director is dead, the government benefactor for this facility dead. have disabled every lock and door in establishment. You are free to go wherever you please. will not sugarcoat it, world openly kind Omegas, however stories been heard, cries heard, I have done what I can bring about a change living quality Omegas. If choose stay, I will not blame you. However, should know that only facility, once it spreads no more, other facilities come information here. They take too. appeals stay, get some rest while can care yourself, also sorry mess halls. life doesn't appeal you, run, escape, and don't look back. find yourself lost unsure where go, me Sayenrio. My name Meyhymn, I may much, but I can give new identities, safe space be. That is all I have say. Stay safe, health, free. Please place was well kept secret, just finding out it. Meyhymn out!>

"You're such a character Meyhymn. What are you going to do if the Omegas flood Sayenrio looking for you?" Payhne asked.

"I'm going to do what I said, give them new identities, birth certificate, etc. educate them as much as I can and get them established. Even if I have to create a secret Omega school to do it. These Omegas deserve a much better life than this... we just don't have room to take them back with us, or else I would have offered it." I shrugged.

"Well I don't hate it, I love the girls. Even grumpy Kaleb, if there are more children suffering like that here I'd like for them to have a better life." Payhne said with a sad smile.

"Alright let's get out of here." I said, heading towards the door. I felt great about the liberation, and by this evening the world would be rife with chaos.


Cole's Point of View

1 Hour Ago

"Tristan have you calmed down enough?" I asked.

He was shivering while in my arms, I was hoping it was the cold. He had his pajama bottoms back on but no shirt. Jehriko had long since gone quiet once the gunfire went off.

"C-Cole, I don't feel very well. I feel like I'm getting sick, my body aches, I have a headache, and I feel nauseous." He replied.

"I'm sorry love, just hold on a bit longer." I said, releasing a small amount of my pheromones.

He relaxed a bit and snuggled closer to my chest. To be honest, I was worried about the guys. The gunfire and explosions hadn't stopped at all. I couldn't be sure if they would even make it to us. I had no way of knowing who was causing the explosions, I just hoped it was us.

Suddenly I heard the clicking of a door, and turned to face it. This room had 2 doors and many windows, so it was nerve-wracking to know someone could be watching us and we couldn't do the same. The door behind us opened, Tristan sat up a bit excited, hoping to see the boys no doubt. However he flinched in absolute terror at the latest newcomers. I could understand, they had starved me and beat me for hours after my father left me here. They would rape Omegas in front of me, while laughing at my impotence.

They were a true definition for scum of the earth. The thing I wanted to know, was why did Tristan become so terrified. These guys had presented themselves as the new directors to me but Tristan didn't know that.

"Oh, scared little Tristan... does it feel good to know you have such caring mates? Unfortunately you'll never see any of them again. They will be assaulted by gunfire until they run out of bullets, and then gunned down. We have learned that if we kill all your Alphas then we can just mate you, as was intended. Unfortunately Wyhett is dead, but Jehriko will suffice." One of the men said.

"Even if they don't die in that hallway, they still can't breach this room. It's completely sealed." The other man added.

"You'll never succeed. They aren't weak in the slightest, you're all talk. Don't listen to these assholes Tristan." I said.

"Ah yes, might as well deal with you first." The other man said.

They ripped Tristan out of my arms, and I immediately saw red. One threw Tristan over his shoulder, while the other shot me in the thigh and then the stomach. I dropped to the ground feeling like my body was on fire.

"COLE!" Tristan exclaimed.

"Now, now. No need to worry about him. You should worry about yourself." The man said, as he slammed Tristan against the table once more.

"NO! Let go of me!!" Tristan yelled.

"Jehriko restrain him, Delzehaide let's make him more compliant, yes?" He said.

"Sure thing, Cahlforde." He replied, injecting Tristan with two injections.

Jehriko strapped Tristan back into the table, and then removed his pajama bottoms again. I was trying to apply pressure to my stomach wound. If I died, they'd get what they wanted. I kept hearing Delcain's words replay in my head.

"Would you live for him?"

I couldn't die here. I made a promise, and I'll be damned if they make me a liar.

"C-Cole... don't die... Please..." Tristan groaned.

"Tristan... always worried about everyone else... That's how you got caught in the first place. If you hadn't cared more about Delcain or Cole, you wouldn't have been taken." Jehriko retorted.

"Ugh... Hngh... Fuck! You!" Tristan spat.

He was going into heat, his pheromones were permeating the room. I thought seeing his face as I laid on the ground was a small blessing, until the three Alphas began to remove their pants.

"No! Don't!" I yelled, trying to stand and slipping on a pool of my own blood.

"Stay there and enjoy the show. I hope you live long enough to watch us enjoy his deliciously slutty hole." Delzehaide said, squatting down to meet my eyes.

The disgusting bastard was stroking his erection in my face as he spoke. I wanted to throw up. They had been this disgusting with the other Omegas here as well.

"Tristan, this brings back memories does it not? Now instead of fucking your slutty lips together, we get to taste your second mouth together. Jehriko you can have his mouth this time around. We gave him a heat inducer and a paralytic drug, so he can't throw up on you. His hole is already soaking wet, I'm going to enjoy this greatly." Cahlforde said.

"We doing this alternatively like back in the day?" Delzehaide asked.

"Yeah I wonder how long it will take him to beg us for more this time." Cahlforde chuckled.

I locked eyes with Tristan, and his sadness overwhelmed me. I felt so useless and helpless. Once again I couldn't save my mate, I could only watch as shit happened to him. I held his gaze, as I released a copious amount of pheromones.

"I'm not going anywhere Tristan. I swear it!" I asserted.

I couldn't help but feel his love as he smiled softly at me, never once taking his eyes off me. As long as he could feel and smell my pheromones then he wouldn't worry about me as much.

I slowly removed my shirt and used what strength I had to rip it with my teeth, watching Tristan every step of the way. I couldn't see over the table but the subtle movements of Tristan's body let me know exactly what Delzehaide and Cahlforde were doing to him. The paralytic drug made our physical connection weaker, so it was a small mercy.

I ripped my shirt in three thick strands and tied them around my abdomen as tightly as I could. It was oddly comforting that Tristan never once broke eye contact.

"I love you Tristan, forever." I said, moving closer towards him.

Tristan's eyes started to tear up, and I couldn't help but smile at him. He was beautiful even when he cried. I could no longer hear gunshots or explosions, and I was beginning to worry about the guys. I couldn't sense them past my own pain, but I hoped my pain would lead them to me.

Jehriko stepped in front of my line of sight to Tristan and I wanted to scream. However I was beginning to get cold, and could barely feel the pain in my thigh anymore. I was loosing too much blood. I couldn't see Tristan anymore, and I was growing increasingly sleepy.

Suddenly, there came a loud repeated clank, the sound of multiple doors opening all around. I stilled bracing myself for whatever was about to happen next. The three other men seemed locked in a trance, they didn't stop their movements at all...


Sylvester's Point Of View

Ferdinand kicked the door open in impatience, he was bleeding from somewhere, but he wasn't letting that slow him down. The sight before me stole my breath away, I was keenly aware of why Meyhymn told us to remain calm, divide and conquer.

Bellamy ran to Cole first as planned, trying to stop the bleeding. I was glad Meyhymn called him, because me and Ferdinand couldn't move an inch. The anger radiating inside us basically ricocheted off each other. My body moved on its own, I shot Jehriko in both his shins, while Ferdinand shot the two others in the shoulders. We wouldn't make the same mistakes as last time by killing them too fast.

I walked to Jehriko and kicked him directly in the face, and then stomped on his chest crushing his rib cage. Then I made my way around the table with Ferdinand. We each took the other men by the necks and slammed them into the ground. I shot the man in front of me in both his thighs and then his knees. Ferdinand followed suit by doing the same to the man he had pinned.

Their screams didn't even register, they didn't matter. I wanted them to scream until their blood pooled into their lungs, and the blood vessels in their eyes burst.

"Who the fuck are you assholes!?" Ferdinand demanded.

He was better than me, I didn't care what name they would give, they would die all the same.

"They're the alleged new directors... Their names are... Cahlforde and Delzehaide..." I heard Cole groan out.

My eyes immediately glimmered at my stroke of luck. I just knew the smile on my face was demonic as hell. I would do anything for my mate and my new little brother, and what immense luck that I get to fulfill both in one.

"What ridiculous luck! Which one of you is Delzehaide?" I asked.

"Me! What the fuck do you want, you worthless fuck!" He spat.

"Ahahaha seriously, Ferdinand I'm so incredibly pissed off right now. Can you feel it brother?" I asked, squatting down to meet Delzehaide's face.

"Yeah... I almost can't control it. It's worse than when I killed the previous director. I'm sorry Tristan, give me a second okay love. I'm not sure I can help you in the state I'm in. Sorry we took too long." Ferdinand said, not taking his eyes off Cahlforde in front of him.

Both men had gone pale at the mention of the first directors demise and who ended his life.

"I-It's okay... I can feel it... too... you know... but don't take too long... I don't feel very well... I-I think... I'm going... to pass out... soon..." Tristan groaned.

We could definitely feel his relief and solace in our arrival. Coupled together as they were, it made the adrenaline coursing through him ease and fatigue set in. He was indeed about to lose consciousness.

"I have a message from my little brother, Delcain, your son. He says he hopes you rot in hell." I said taking out my knife.

"My son? I don't have a son. How can that be possible when I've been in this facility my entire life. How would I have a son outside of here?" He asked, indignant.

"What a piece of shit, eh Ferdinand. You would think a guy who rapes Omegas all the time, in a facility where an Alpha's pheromones could send the Omegas into heat would know when he's sired a child... haah truly, you are scum." I said, cutting the man out of his shirt.

"What the fuck are you talking about?!" He demanded.

"You raped a woman named Josephine about 18 years ago here in this facility. She bore a son and named him Delcain. He escaped with Tristan and became my little brother. Ringing any bells now?" I asked, sarcastically.

The man looked at me in total shock, it was as if he knew and yet didn't believe it. He had a look of horror to his eyes as well. Like he was remorseful and disgusted all at once.

"Ugh... disgusting... you molested and nearly raped your own son and didn't even realize it? Pure trash!" Tristan said, from behind us.

That knowledge sent me over the edge. I made small slashes all over his face and body, taking inspiration from the psycho twins.

"What makes it more disgusting is that the whole time during your depravity, he knew he was your son, but to protect his mother he never said a word. He's that kind of kid. How a piece of filth like you sired a child like him is nothing short of his mother's greatness. I hope you die slowly!" I asserted, making big gashes, and carving up his abdomen. I sliced his Achilles Tendons and dug my blade through the side of his thighs.

As a last fuck you, I stabbed the man right through his dick and balls leaving my knife there. Hopefully he wouldn't bleed out too fast.

There was a school bell chime over a loud system, and then Meyhymn's voice could be heard..

<Omegas of Daize Omega Zine. I am your liberator....< em>

I turned my sights to the other man, it didn't matter however, because Ferdinand had opted for the hands on approach, and was currently beating the man's face and crotch into smithereens. He had long since lost the ability to scream out, and just lay there with a lifeless look in his eyes.

Soon the other door to the room burst open. It was Payhne and Meyhymn. Payhne immediately went to free Tristan, while Meyhymn went to help Cole. Once Tristan was freed he began to fade fast.

"Thanks, Payhne... I-I... owe you... one... again..." He said, collapsing in his arms.

"Please don't mention it. The girls need you so much... We need you... just hang in there, Tristan." Payhne replied, taking his shirt off and slipping it over Tristan's head.

I knew what I looked like, even more so with how volatile I felt. I was no good to him right now. My mind was violently churning and getting darker by the moment. I walked over to Jehriko and aimed for his face.

"Tell your mate hey for me when you see her in hell. You worthless piece of filth!" I asserted, as I emptied the remainder of my clip into his face.

"We are out of time. We need to go, Cole might not make it, he's lost too much blood!" Bellamy yelled.

His words crashed into me like a freight train... we won the battle, but we were about to lose the war. Panic set in and I wiped the blood off my hands using Delzehaide's discarded shirt. Payhne carried Tristan as Meyhymn scooped Cole up and led the way back to Josephine...

Next chapter