
Chapter 14


Ray sat down for a minute and scrolled down further on his phone and thought about searching for the stranger's name and saw an attached picture. He froze as he took in the face of Brian Hoffman. Could this be right? He is a billionaire who is so freaking hot.

This man was so handsome, strong, and powerful looking in the pictures unlike Leon he took care of him gently . His dark gaze was intense and dominant, his face elegant, with a strong jaw, and cheekbones carved by the gods themselves. Why on earth would this alpha go to a bar when he could just snap Is finger and both betas and omegas will fall on their feets for a taste of him ? He had to have omegas lined up around the block to be with him.

As Ray studied the picture, he was assaulted by another mental image of this gorgeous alpha on top of him, pushing deep inside him as his elegant features morphed into a mix of concentration and pleasure. His dark gaze was an erotic promise, it spoke of decadent dominance and wicked midnight delights and had Ray squirming even from a single image. How was he supposed to be composed under this alpha's scrutiny if he ever met him again? Ray would probably make a huge fool of himself to even try. But he knew he had to try and look for him again.

Ray was already slightly wet just from the thought of being near this alpha again. He had to curb his thoughts, because the last thing he wanted was to walk through the bar smelling like slick. He closed the profile to get the image off the screen, but it didn't matter. His mind remembered every detail of Brian's handsome face, every line and curve and dip that made up the gorgeous man who he not only wanted to sleep with him again , but wanted to have a relationship with him. This had to be a dream Because he knew he was too broken for another relationship with an Alpha and Alpha's should not be trusted.

Ray would have slept with Brian Hoffman for free if he asked as long as it was a one night stand, honestly. He was so devastatingly attractive that he felt his inner omega half longing for his cock already

and they have only met once . It had been so long since he'd had an orgasm, and his body was now in revolt since the option was again on the table. Remi never masturbated in the deep winter months unless he was in heat. He didn't want to have to get out of his warm nest and venture into the cold to clean up the slick and cum from his body, and his shower didn't provide enough hot water to give him time for both washing and masturbating either. Like a bear, his sex drive hibernated during the cold months, and he was practically celibate in the winter.

Ray took deep breaths, trying to calm his racing heart and mounting arousal. This was not the time nor the place for it. He focused on breathing, trying to remember the recipe for the macarons he saw the chef's made during his shift at the cafe, the exact measurements of ingredients and precise processes.

I got a call from Mrs Williams about Tania right when my shift at at club is about to end and I had to go back to my apartment swiftly and I had to be at work the following morning, which was now out of the question atleast Not for a while until I got to see the eye doctor who would atleast give Tania kain reliever but none wouldn't be open until Monday. Why did tania's flareups always fucking happen on the weekend? I suppose I could go to the emergency clinic, but that shit was crazy expensive.

Even with her sunglasses on and under her covers to knock out all the light, the pain in her eyes always ached so much that she could barely see. Any sort of light sent stabbing pain right through her eyes and straight to her brain,I know she tries to keep all the pain and the whimpers in such a way that I wouldn't hear or know but there was little a little girl could hide from me. Iritis was the worst out of all her symptoms. And with eye inflammation, it was only a matter of time before her back would start to hurt. It was inevitable. All this meant I'd be out of work for at least a week to take care of her.

If I had some Advil or something, that would help with the eye inflammation, but we ran out of it, and I didn't want to go outside to get any, not unless I wanted my sister to be alone. Or I'd want it to, just to end the torture once and for all.

Shit, I hated her being not only in pain but helpless. Ricky the only person I can call for help was at work. So, that left just me all alone with no help but I knew I had to get her to a fucking hospital even if I was going to sell my self.

Ray, open the fucking door!"


What time was it? Was he off work already?

I eased out of bed as gently as possible, but the moment I tried to shift Tania,the pain brought tears to my eyes.

"Ray! Open the goddamn door!"

"I… can't. Give me a minute," I yelled as loud as I could, hoping he'd hear me.

It took about five minutes to reach the door as I literally inched my way through the apartment.

"Jesus… Ray. What the hell! Mrs Williams called and said you needed some help with Tania, so I stopped by, but I had no idea it was this bad."

He quickly shut the door behind him and pulled me into a hug and I cried like a baby .

Let's take her to the hospital,He said,

No! I can't afford it and don't want to delve into my meager savings."

Ricky sat on the couch with me and pulled me close to him as carefully as he could. "We're going. We'll worry about the money later, but this is bad. Tell me, how long eill it take for her to recover without any sort of treatment?"

Too fucking long.

"Ray," he prodded when I didn't answer.

"Her eyes take about two weeks to get better without drops, and her back… at least a few days to where she can walk semi-normally after living on a heating pad day and night, but she has to be careful the entire time until the flare-up has passed now and you will pay me back later.

I eventually agreed and he took us both to the hospital,I hope this doesn't cost me my job because am going to have to inform my boss and stay off work for a week to take care of Tania.

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