
Chapter 11


I was in that state between dreaming and wakefulness to where I couldn't quite tell what was real or not. Electricity filled me and traveled along my skin, leaving goosebumps in its wake. The familiarity of it had me waking up further to tentative and explorative touches. I glanced at the clock on the wall, showing that it was past six in the morning,which means I only slept for 1 hour after my shift at the club and tania was still asleep.

Brian's face nuzzled into my chest, inhaling my skin and trailing fingers over my torso. His touches, warmth, and closeness made my dick quickly grow hard. I closed my eyes, willing the swelling to go away, but it refused as Brian hugged my smaller frame and nuzzled into me. I steadied my breathing and tried to calm my heart rate, so he didn't know I had woken up because I didn't want him to stop. Knowing him, he'd get flustered and shove me away.

Have you ever pretended to sleep with someone next to you? It was because your body knew you were awake, so it tried to force you to take deeper and faster breaths, despite your best efforts to calm them.

Then he pressed his lips to my sensitive, pierced nipple, and that was it. I was done for. That was my favorite on-switch. I bit the inside of my cheek to keep from groaning. I know this was probably a dream because I know that Brian wasn't up for anything remotely sexual especially with a broken orphan guy like me with a little girl to take care of, so I grabbed his arm, touching me, and wrapped it around my torso to my back to show him that he could hold me. But he seriously needed to stop playing with my nipples unless he wanted me to do naughty things to him. Instead of the expected withdrawal, he moved closer. There was no way he couldn't feel my rock-hard dick pressed right against his torso. It didn't matter that I was a prostitute. My face and ears burned then i came before I woke up.

I stretched to the early light streaming through the old mini blinds the following day. Tania was still sleeping, hugging her cheap stuffed monkey that I'd won her at the arcade using the claw machine. She was adorable and sweet, and I loved her, but I didn't love sharing a room with my little sister as a grown-ass man.

I yanked on my sweats and woke her up for breakfast. "Come on, munchkin. Time for breakfast and to take you to Mrs. William's."

Tania was easy. She just woke up, rubbed her eyes with her little fists, and then padded to the bathroom to go potty and brush her teeth as I made her some cereal.

I tapped on the counter with my drumsticks as she sat and ate her Fruit Loops. "Do you want to go to the park and learn some more skating on Saturday?" I asked. I'd been teaching her whenever I could.

She looked up with bright eyes and a big smile. "Yes! Can we bring the new friend you are working with?"

That was Tania. She liked everyone she met. I wished she could hold on to her innocence, but life was too hard for that. "I don't think so, munchkin, and I'm sure he's got other things to do."

"But you could ask."

"We'll see," I said to appease her. She'd forget by Saturday, anyway.

After eating breakfast and cleaning up, I carried her downstairs and knocked on Mrs. William's door. She opened it to the smell of cinnamon and coffee. My mouth watered from the scents of sugar and caffeine.

"Good morning, dears."

I set Tania on the ground and walked her inside the comfortable apartment. "Morning," I said.

Once I hugged my sister goodbye, she ran off to the living room, pulling out some coloring books and crayons from a bin. I handed her an envelope with two hundred bucks. It wasn't nearly enough for the week for the amount of time she spent watching Tania, but I wasn't about to complain.

"Thanks, Mrs. William."

"You're welcome, dear. Stay put before you run off."

She headed to the kitchen, then returned shortly after with a cinnamon roll in a paper towel. I took it from her and sunk my teeth into the soft, doughy goodness, groaning. "God, these are so good. Thank you."

At least there were a few people in the world who stayed kind and good.

After I left, I headed toward my first job of the day eventhough I have not recovered from the massive fucking I got the night before and I used the money he gave me to get my heat suppressant.

After I wrapped up to go work for the day, staying later than normal, I scrubbed my hands and arms of before entering the kitchen as much as I could, then I saw the chef's already working and the air smelled great.

The late November day was cold as hell. Tonight, the temperature would go down to freezing for the first time this fall. My jacket, scarf, and beanie did fine, keeping me warm, but my hands and face were cold as hell. My hands, especially after working all day. They were raw and chapped.

The place smelled of fresh bread and something cooking for those who preferred healthy, prepared meals.Then I started working for the day before I rested for awhile before going to the club for my night shift.

I know chapter 11 is not much guys,so I will apologize by uploading Chapter 12 now.

Gbolahan_Olaidecreators' thoughts
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