
Chapter 5


The Club he was in was way too busy for a Saturday night , Brian thought as he stood near the door of the big club and waited on his order. He needed to get back to work because he thought coming here for a quick f*ck was a bad idea and he was already running behind schedule. He should have been there an hour ago, which just meant he'd be staying an hour later tonight. He was leaning against the wall and looking at his phone, reading work emails and mentally drafting responses for when he got back to his computer, hating to type long work emails on the phone. It left too much leeway for typos and embarrassing errors but the noise in the club was too much for him to be able to concentrate on what he was doing.

Occasionally the door would open and a gust of cold winter wind would breeze over his side, but he ignored it in favor of reading his business correspondence. At least until a particular blast of air carried a lovely vanilla bean scent that made goosebumps erupt over his Brian felt his c*ck stir slightly at the perfect, sweet scent of an omega. He eyed the crowd, trying to spot who the scent belonged to, but he couldn't tell. There were too many people in the confined space, and too many scents of s*x clogging the air to be able to differentiate between them.

He took several deep breaths, trying to catch the scent again, but to no avail. Whoever it belonged to was lost in the crush of people. When his bottle of whiskey was finally in front of his table,he raised his head up just in time to see the prettiest omega he'd ever seen. Blond hair, lovely face with full lips and sultry eyes whose color he couldn't determine from this far Brian quickly grabbed his drink from the pretty Omega but as he turned back to see where the pretty boy was, he was already gone.

With that, I ran away. The scent got stuck on my tonsils. I swallowed and swallowed, but I couldn't get rid of it. The boy seemed so delicate, so young and innocent, yet his scent was so mature. He smelled like raw s*x. My mouth kept filling with saliva and my c*ck tingled as I sat on my table but I knew it is better for him to let him go since if may be a ploy to get my attention, Omegas are never innocent and they always want something. I had no business lusting after a boy that looks younger than me but I can't help but think about why he was here and why he looks so thin. Hell, he was so tiny, my knot would probably just tear him up inside. I caught a glimpse of my face in the mirror above the bar, and it was the wake-up slap I'd needed.,

Brian watched as the omega pushed out the door, and the winter air carried the vanilla bean scent to him again.

That was the boy whose scent he had noticed. Brian pushed his way toward the exit, wanting to talk to the omega, maybe try to get his number because this was the first time an Omega's scent has made him that hard after his last relationship… But as he reached the door, the blond already disappeared into God knows where.

Sighing, Brian headed for his car, damning his bad luck for losing the pretty boy. He unlocked the car and slid inside, wanting to head to his office. As he removed his coat and took his seat in his car, the usual heated shifting under his skin refused to calm down the way it normally did when he was focused. His mind kept playing the few moments that he'd seen the lovely blond omega over and over on an endless loop.

He pressed his knuckles into his closed eyes, trying to wipe the image from his visual memory. He was well aware that the blond had been hot, and he was also well aware of the fact that he was extremely sexually starved at the moment, but he had to go back to work or sort his erection out himself again. There was no time in his life for a relationship, even with a beautiful omega. He didn't want a boyfriend anyway, he just needed to get laid with a beta

Omegas were bad news.

The heater in his car was still on, making his car warmer than outside. Brian immediately felt uncomfortably hot. He should open the window and… The scent accosted him about ten feet away from the car. To his horror, Brian's mouth watered, his muscles tensed, and his nostrils flared. His c*ck grew hard in an instant, the base tingling with a familiar pressure. The delicious, entrancing scent filled his underbelly with molten desire and muddled his brain. The stranger was in heat. Sh*t. But he looked so young. He must be older than he seemed. "I'm sorry," the omega rasped. "It's not your fault," Brian gritted out, still frozen in the middle of the parking lot, fighting his body's primitive reaction to the potent scent. What was he supposed to do now? Go away? He couldn't just leave the boy in agony for hours, alone. A man. Not a boy. A young omega in heat, here in this dangerous place Well, this is a f*ck*ng disaster. Another groan, another whimper. The slim, wiry body convulsed under the his arms His fists clenched, muscles vibrating, Travis frantically rummaged in his mind for something, anything. There were devices. Engineered s*x toys for omegas so they could survive the ten days of torturous need without a partner. But Brian had nothing like that here. Birdsview was only a short ride away, but the store barely had toothpaste and shaving supplies, let alone advanced settings toys.

Brian carried him into him into his car and thought of dropping him off in an hotel but he decided against it when he saw some drunkards perceiving the air immediately he opened the door of his car.so he eventually decided to take him to his house.

When he got to his house,the omega's scent was already too strong even for him. so he carried him gently into his house,took him to his guest room laid him down on the bed and put a blanket on him then prepared to go out before he heard the omega saying ;


The young man's body bowed, and the blanket slid off. Brian immediately squeezed his eyes shut. He planted his feet firmly on the floor so he wouldn't go closer before he had a plan. He needed a plan.

"Help me!"

"I can't. There's nothing I can do. I have nothing."

His fists clenched, muscles vibrating, Brian frantically rummaged in his mind for something, anything.There were devices. Engineered s*x toys for omegas so they could survive the ten days of torturous need without a partner. But Brian had nothing like that here.

"Help! Please!"

The omega's teeth chattered, nails scraped over the sofa cushions, but Brian refused to look up. His muscles were coiled to pounce. I can't. I can't do this to him.

"You don't know me. I can't take advantage of you."

"Not…taking advantage. Just. No. Augh!"

Panting breaths, growls, pained whimpers.

Brian ground his teeth together. I can't leave him here. I can't go closer to him. I can't do anything. F*ck*ng sh*t! Think!

Another wail. Louder.

"Please! It hurts. F*ck, it hurts!"

A deep, guttural groan.

D*mn, the scent! Don't look. Don't look at him.

He could turn around and leave. Lock the door and wait outside. Brian had heard about omegas seriously injuring themselves, though, even killing themselves. He could tie him up. Hold him down if necessary. And then what? Wait until the heat wave went away? He might as well torture him.

What the f*ck was the man doing in the middle of the parking lot alone? During his heat?

After a few seconds of quiet panting, the shaky voice rose again. No words this time, just a few whimpers, and then a long scream of anguish. Brian's hands shook.

The scent grew stronger still. Then a thud sounded in the room.

Brian's eyes flew open against his will. His c*ck wept inside his underwear, his balls tightened to his body, and he moaned at the sight in front of him.

The slender young body writhed on the floor, twisting in agony. The omega rose to his knees and reached out to Brian, only to crumple again. Both hands on his groin, he kneaded his hard d*ck and balls. Fingers scrabbled into his crease, trying to push inside himself. His wiry muscles bulged and his skin glistened with a sheen of sweat. He was beautiful. And he was suffering. Every cell in Brian's body gravitated toward the delightful scent, every instinct screaming at him to touch and soothe.

"Don't leave me like this," the boy forced out.

"I can't. I can't use you."

"Mercy…please…have mercy."

He's begging for mercy.

The word broke something inside Brian. Help him. Don't think. Protect, soothe. F*ck him. It's the only way you can help him. F*ck him. As Brian gave in to his instincts, the tidal wave of energy surprised him. For a split second, he could have crushed boulders with his bare hands as raw strength streamed through his limbs. In three strides, he was by the boy's side, throwing his shirt away, undoing buttons, and pushing his jeans down his legs. He needs skin on skin.

"Shh. I got you."

"Touch me! Oh, please!"

He lifted the shaking boy to all fours and parted his *ss cheeks. Clear wetness trickled out of the open *ssh*l*, and the scent was driving Brianinsane with desire. So smooth and so young. Gorgeous. The tiny, rosy opening clenched rhythmically in front of Brian's eyes, and the omega wailed again.

"F*ck me!" He screamed the words, his voice breaking.

Just do it. Brian lined up his cockhead and pushed inside in one long stroke.

"Aaah!" The sound the young man made reverberated through the whole house. Relief, passion, gratitude. The slick *ssh*l* clenched around Brian's c*ck. Brian had to move. F*ck! It had been years since he'd felt this unique kind of craving. An omega's eager body sidling closer to him, the heated flesh, the wet, needy hole, the tremors and small spasms massaging the length of his c*ck… And the scent. D*mn, the scent. I will get to knot him.

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