
Mask of The Blind Witness

Ludwig looked at Hoyo and said, "Then wouldn't it be better for you to sign up there and study there, you never know we might get delayed or something unexpected could happen that might delay us."

"You're right, I was too absorbed, let's go," she said as she downed the mug.

Ludwig left one gold coin to the busboy who thanked him a dozen times over.

"That was a fat tip you gave him," Hoyo said as the three left.

"Oh, I have no idea what's the value of money here," Ludwig shrugged.

"You really did come from under a rock, or form a faraway mountain, the fact that you don't know many basic things," Hoyo shook his head.

The three kept weaving and moving through the bustling city streets until they reached an incredibly massive square that had a dozen or so stalls lined up next to the entrance, the stalls were all selling one item and one item only. Masks.

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