
Chapter 9

"Lord Beerus, wait!"

The voice was unmistakable. I recognized it immediately, and my heart pounded, filled with a mixture of relief and hope. It was as familiar as my own breathing, a presence that all of us who were there knew all too well. Like me, the rest of the spectators looked up instantly.

In the sky, a figure descended swiftly, shrouded in a golden aura that glowed with the intensity of the sun. His tousled hair and confident posture left no room for doubt.

"Dad!" Gohan shouted, his voice charged with excitement and relief at seeing his father finally arrive.

Chi-Chi looked up as well, holding both hands to her chest as a tear rolled down her cheek.

"Goku!" She exclaimed with a cry that was equal parts reproach and relief.

"Goku!" Master Roshi shouted, dropping his sunglasses as he sketched a smile.

"Goku!!!" Puar and Oolong shouted in unison.

Goku's energy radiated a warmth that enveloped the atmosphere, dissipating the tension like a ray of sunshine after a storm. We all felt that change the instant he landed softly on the ground, placing himself between Beerus and me. His movements were calm, almost natural, but his eyes were fixed on the god of destruction. Though his expression was serene, there was an unmistakable spark of determination in his gaze, a gleam that promised he was willing to give it his all, no matter the odds.

Unexpectedly, however, Goku spun on his heel and looked directly at me. His face lit up with a genuine smile that took me completely by surprise.

"Hello, we meet again. Thank you for entertaining him for a while and for helping me earlier, thank you very much."

His words, so sincere and carefree, made me stumped for a moment. I didn't know exactly how to respond, but, finally, I smiled back just as warmly.

"You're welcome." I said with a slight nod.

Beerus, who until that moment had been watching the scene silently, narrowed his eyes with a mixture of curiosity and annoyance.

"You again, Saiyan?" he asked with a mocking tone as he crossed his arms- "Are you here for a rematch?"

Goku didn't lose his smile and calmly replied, "Let's say something along those lines."

That seemed to ignite curiosity in Beerus, who arched an eyebrow.

"Oh, and how exactly do you plan on defeating me? Because you should know by now that with your current level you wouldn't last more than two seconds."

"You're right, Beerus. In my current state I can't defeat you. However, if I transform into the Super Saiyan God, I'm sure I'll have a better chance against you."

My lips curved into a slight smile at his words. I knew what was coming, but Beerus looked at him with a slightly confused expression.

"I thought you said you couldn't transform into Super Saiyan God?"

"And I can't, actually," Goku said in his characteristic nonchalant tone. "However, on Earth we have the Dragon Balls, which if you put them together summon a Dragon named Shenron who grants you 3 wishes, so if I ask Shenron, he's sure to know a way to get that transformation. After all, he can grant almost any wish."

For a moment, Beerus seemed to think about it. His expression shifted between doubt and curiosity as he considered Goku's words. After a few tense moments of silence, he finally spoke.

"All right. Call that dragon here and make your wish to become the Super Saiyan God of my dreams," Beerus finally said with a half-smile.

Goku and I exchanged a look of relief, both of us letting out a slight sigh.

Just like in the movie, Bulma had already collected the Dragon Balls as a prize for whoever won her birthday bingo, so she had no problem giving them to Goku after he explained the situation. Once he had them, Goku placed them in the center of the garden, while the rest of us watched expectantly. Even Whis and Beerus seemed interested to see the outcome of the Saiyan's plan.

Meanwhile, my gaze strayed to an isolated side of the place. I saw Android 18 tending to Krillin's wounds, with her little daughter helping her as best she could, holding a handkerchief. The scene contrasted with the tension of the moment, and something in me relaxed at the sight of her.

"In the end this will end as it should, anyway," I thought.

With that thought in mind, I made up my mind to walk over to them. I wanted to know how they were doing, at least while we waited for Goku's plan to move forward.

With slow but determined steps, I approached them. The first to see me was Marron, 18's daughter. Her childish eyes widened as she met my figure, and for an instant she seemed to be startled. With a quick movement, she hid behind her mother, clinging to the hem of her clothes as if seeking protection.

18, noticing her daughter's reaction, turned to see who was disturbing her. Her face initially showed a gesture of alertness, but as soon as she recognized me, her expression changed drastically. Her eyes softened, and a slight smile appeared on her lips.

"Hey," she said in a calm voice, almost as if she was relieved to see me.

"Hey," I replied with a nod.

Her gaze, though serene, didn't lose that spark of concern as she remained attentive to Krillin's wounds. "Do you need anything, or are you just here to play hero again?"

"Na, you've got it all under control," I replied with a slight smile, pointing to the work she was doing as she tended to her husband's wounds.

18 arched an eyebrow, as if expecting something more from me. Finally, I asked, "Do you want to talk about...?"

"Not really," she interrupted in a more curt tone than I expected, without looking away from what she was doing.

The silence that followed was awkward, but before I could pull away, 18 sighed deeply. Her shoulders relaxed a little, and her voice took on a softer tone. "I'm sorry... I know you're just trying to help." She paused, pursing her lips as if she was fighting something.

Finally, she added, "It's just that I got really nervous about Krillin. When I saw him lying on the floor, unresponsive...for a moment I thought he was gone."

Her words hit me like a ton of bricks. I could feel the emotional weight behind them, and my mind couldn't help but be filled with questions. After all, I knew, like any fan, that Dragon Balls could revive anyone, even Krillin, and more so after Dende's update that removed the limitations on the number of times someone could be revived.

Doubt formed in my mind and I couldn't help but voice it. "But... don't they have on this planet the Dragon Balls? According to Goku, they can fulfill almost any wish. Reviving someone shouldn't be a problem, no?"

I tried to sound naive, as if I really didn't know the answer, but his next words completely threw me off.

"Yes, you are correct." She replied 18 while still concentrating on her task. "In fact, in the past, Krillin was already revived several times thanks to the Dragon Balls. But... coming back to life doesn't come without consequences. It has side effects, or at least I think so."

"Side effects?", I asked, blinking in disbelief.

'What, side effects?" I thought as I tried to process what I had just heard. As far as I knew, at no point in the original play was there any mention of anything like that. My mind raced as I tried to reconcile this information with what I knew. 'This isn't like the anime... This universe has differences, small but significant ones.'

18 seemed to debate for a moment, as if unsure if she should continue. Finally, after another sigh, she decided to speak, probably trusting me because of how I had helped her before.

"Krillin explained this to me once. It was after Piccolo mentioned it to him as a warning the last time he revived," she began. Her tone was serious, and for a moment I forgot she was an android. The weight of her words was all too human. "You see, Dragon Balls use magic to bring someone back to life. But that process is not natural. When a soul dies, it follows a cycle that belongs to the Afterlife. When Dragon Balls bring them back, they interrupt that cycle. It's like forcing something that shouldn't happen."

She paused, probably trying to find the right words to explain something so complex.

"Every time a soul is revived, a part of it is trapped in the Afterlife," she began, with a seriousness that made the atmosphere seem thicker. "It's as if a fragment of the soul is detached and cannot return. And even though the body and spirit return to this world, that emptiness is felt, even if it is not immediate. This can cause complications, such as loss of memory, loss of identity, or even corruption of the soul."

Her eyes hardened as she uttered the last words, and I couldn't help but feel a shiver run down my spine.

"If the soul becomes too corrupt," she continued, in a somber tone, "it ends up in purgatory. There it must be purified, and that means it can never return to this world. Once that happens, it's the final end. There are no Dragon Balls that can reverse it."

I froze, stunned by what I had just heard. This information was completely new to me, something that was never mentioned in the original play. I couldn't help but feel that the world I had awakened into was far more complex and dangerous than I had imagined.

'Ok... this complicates things,' I thought as I tried to process his words. Everything I knew seemed to be slowly crumbling apart, exposing the cracks in this parallel universe.

18, probably noticing my puzzled expression, continued in a softer tone, though his gaze remained serious. "From what Krillin told me..." She paused, as if what she was about to say was especially painful for her. "He can remember almost nothing of his childhood or adolescence anymore. It's as if he never lived through those things. All he knows is what his friends have told him about the past, but those memories aren't really his. They're empty."

She paused again, lowering her gaze to Krillin, who was still unconscious in front of her. A trembling hand stroked his head as she continued speaking. "Now do you understand why I was so worried? It's not just losing him physically. It's the idea that every time I come back, I'll make him less whole...until one day there's nothing left of him or he can never come back."

Her words hit me like a sledgehammer. There was something terribly sad about the idea of losing the memories of your own life, fragment by fragment, until you become a shadow of what you were.

I couldn't stand by and do nothing. I moved a little closer and knelt down in front of her. Her gaze, now laden with pain, met mine.

"18...I'm so sorry. I can't imagine how hard it must be for you to carry this," I said softly, trying to make my words as comforting as I could.

She watched me for a few seconds in silence. She seemed to be torn between accepting the comfort or maintaining the armor she usually displayed. Finally, she let out a shaky sigh, as if releasing that burden was inevitable.

"It's exhausting," she confessed, her tone broken. "He's always been a fighter, someone who gives his all to protect us... But to know that every time he does, he loses a part of himself, it tears me apart. It scares me to think how much longer he can hold on before..."

Placing a hand gently on her shoulder, I tried to calm her. "Listen, I know it's not easy, but Krillin is still here, with you. As long as you're by his side, as long as you fight with him, he's not alone. And neither are you."

Her eyes filled with a sparkle she hadn't expected. It wasn't crying, but there was pent-up emotion there, a mixture of gratitude and some relief. For a moment, she seemed to want to say something, but she merely nodded slightly.

"Thank you," she murmured, as she turned her attention back to healing Krillin's wounds.

"I mean it," I insisted, keeping my tone gentle but firm. "Even though I don't know him much from what you've told me so far, he's not just a fighter. He's someone who lives for his family, for you guys. Every sacrifice he makes has a purpose. As long as you guys are together, there is hope. And if you ever need help, I'll be here."

18 took a moment before responding. Finally, he let out a small sigh that, though laden with weariness, sounded more relieved.

"Thank you, Mira. It's strange to hear that from someone I met so recently... but I appreciate it."

"It's the least I can do." I replied, sketching a faint smile.

At that instant, Marron, who had been silent, shyly approached me. She tugged on my sleeve gently and, when I looked up at her, she murmured softly, "Thank you for helping my mommy."

I couldn't help but smile at her. "You're welcome. You have an amazing family. I'm sure everything will be fine." To which the little girl in response gave me a bright smile.

At that moment, however, the sky darkened. Even though I knew perfectly well what that meant, I had to ask anyway to disguise it.

"What is it?"

"It's Shenron," he answered simply 18, his tone casual but with a hint of curiosity in his eyes. "Every time he appears, the sky darkens."

"In that case, I'll go back with the others to see what's going on. Are you going to be all right by yourself?"

"Take it easy, hero. I'll be fine, I'm stronger than I look."

'I know,' I replied internally. I admired her more than I could express. Externally, I just nodded with a smile before walking away.

Once I returned to the group, the scene in front of me was breathtaking. At the center of it all, Goku was standing in front of the majestic Shenron. His scales glowed with a golden hue under the dark sky, and his presence filled the whole place with an imposing energy.

'Wow, Shenron... he looks a lot bigger than I thought he would,' I mused as I tried not to show too much awe.

From what I could hear from where I was standing, Shenron was explaining something that immediately caught my attention.

"It is a peculiar and very ancient transformation," the dragon was saying, his deep voice echoing like thunder in the sky. "It was first obtained by a Saiyan named Yamoshi. It was his pure heart that allowed him to reach the state of Super Saiyan God. However, this power can only be invoked through ritual."

"In what way can I transform into a Super Saiyan God?" asked Goku, his voice filled with a mixture of enthusiasm and seriousness.

"To transform into a Super Saiyan God," Shenron replied, "it is necessary to perform a ritual composed of five pure-hearted Saiyans. Four of them must transmit their energy to the fifth. Note that this ritual can only be performed once, and the person who receives the energy will be the only one of that group to obtain the transformation."

Goku nodded with determination.

"Understood. Thank you, Shenron. With the remaining wish, I want you to heal all the Saiyans who were injured fighting Beerus."

"That's easy enough. There, your wishes have been granted. I take my leave, and wish you luck."

With those words, Shenron glowed brightly before disappearing in a golden light show. The Dragon Balls ascended into the sky and then shot off in different directions, disappearing from sight.

'Impressive,' I thought as I tried to process what I had just witnessed. I had seen Shenron in the series many times, but seeing him in person was something completely different. 'However, come to think of it, it only takes five Saiyans for the ritual, not six. Funny... there are more and more changes.'

"Well, now, Bulma..." said Goku as he turned to her.


"Can you go get the kids?"

Bulma rolled her eyes, but her tone denoted slight amusement. "Okay, I will... just so you can beat up the guy who ruined my birthday."

It wasn't long before Goten and Trunks joined the group. Vegeta, now recovered, stood next to Gohan, and they all formed a circle around Goku. It was a solemn moment, charged with anticipation.

Just as Shenron had said, they all joined hands, forming an energy bond. They closed their eyes and began to transmit their energy toward Goku. The change was immediate.

Goku began to glow with a warm glow, faint at first, but gradually intensifying until the entire scene was bathed in a reddish light. The wind began to swirl around them, and the pressure of ki emanating from it was palpable.

Beerus and Whis watched intently, the former with a smirk, and the latter with his characteristic calm expression, as if everything was happening according to plan.

'Come on, transform,' I thought as I watched Goku, my gaze fixed on the spectacle. I could feel the energy of the ritual resonate in the air, something completely unlike any Saiyan transformation I had witnessed before.

The glow around Goku peaked, and then, in a blinding flash, his hair changed to a deep shade of red, his figure became sleeker, and a fiery aura enveloped him completely.

Everyone was silent for a moment, as if time itself had stopped to witness that instant. The reddish light that enveloped Goku moved like living flames, dancing around him with an almost hypnotic majesty. The wind, which was blowing furiously before, suddenly calmed down, leaving only an overwhelming tranquility in the atmosphere.

Then, Goku opened his eyes. His gaze, now charged with a heavenly glow, was completely different. There was something about it that conveyed serenity, as if he had reached a deep understanding of something beyond the human. And at the same time, it emanated an immense power, an aura that made it difficult to look away from him.

'He did it,' I thought, a smile forming on my face almost without realizing it. Excitement washed over me as I saw the result of all that effort. There was something inspiring about witnessing that kind of transformation: the leap from mortal to divine, living proof that it is always possible to overcome one's limits.


Hello there, soooo surprise chapter !! I bet you weren't expecting it haha. So like you can see I am doing several changes of the lore for this story, after all I always though it wasn't serious that the characters could revive without consequences or the ritual with a fetus, nono. Well I expect you all have enjoyed it and before I forget, those of you that have already saw the Chapter 8, I advise you tesee it again because I added something that i had forget to put initially. Now with that out of the way, it would be all for today, give me stones and review please.

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